most liberals attempt to live by one common moral philosophy: "be kind to others".
This is just the lie these commies use to get idiots to support them. They will say or do anything, so long as they think it benefits them or harms their enemies. "No bad tactics, only bad targets" is one of the few times one of them was really truthful about how leftoids behave.
I've worked in manufacturing and we joked about that a few times. The line was that all you needed was the PPE and a clipboard. With those things you just had to look like you knew what you were doing and you could go where ever you wanted.
Even here we have rule 15 and rule 16. Why the fuck do we have rule 15 and rule 16?
I can answer to this one specifically. Dom is such a colossal faggot that he's still on reddit. I deleted my account many years ago now. Dom just can't let go of that shithole, so he still has a very reddit tier attitude too.
pure subversion
Leftoids have made localization synonymous subversion, and it's been that way for many years now.
I've noticed this site has been getting flooded with handshake accounts recently and virtually all of them are just retarded trolls. This one appears to be a bot with a massive malfunction.
They say "she looks like a child", but it's really "she looks like she's capable of having a child". Coddling women that hit the wall or who are getting close is part of why they do this. They also hate attractive women in games, because the hideous ones are made to pander to troons. That and they just hate beauty in general.
Surely you must realize that leftoid concern trolls like yourself are just wasting time here. Why don't you fuck off back to reddit or try finding a better hobby than being a retarded faggot?
They definitely left out that bit of context, but I can't tell if it was on purpose or if they're too stupid to realize. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they used the "bearded woman" as some kind of proof for trans acceptance next.
I doubt they have a codified list.
They definitely have a list of some kind. It's just that we'll never see it unless someone on the inside is willing to leak it.
Sounds like the NGO and its employees need to be deported alongside the gaijin they're using for his bullshit.
I'm thinking of Jane Goodall right now, but I'm struggling to accurately articulate exactly what I'm thinking about this.
I don't care what that abomination is, I wouldn't fuck it for all the gold in the Vatican and the Federal Reserve combined.
Thankfully tall guys can still say no or just completely avoid engaging with these ham-planets. At least for the time being, that is.
They want equity, not equality and those are absolutely not the same thing. They want everyone stuck at the same level. Their ideal world is everyone poor and enslaved to the government. They don't need people to be happy. What they need are the masses reliant on them to survive and for them to be in just good enough shape to produce what the globalists need them to.
Do you really think you're fooling anyone here, when you obfuscate like this? This kind of playing dumb is "leftoid/commie concern troll 101" and it is painfully obvious for anyone who's aware of it.
I think this one is the same retard's third account now. It's the third such account I've seen with a variant of "funni" in the name. Every time spouting retarded bullshit, desperate for anyone to bite.
it just means that the feminists can’t achieve that standard.
Which is only exacerbated by the fact they refuse to put in even the tiniest bit of effort.
Lefties who used to be among us before they chose to abandon their principles
More like before they couldn't continue pretending to have principles. Leftoids have no morals or principles. They will do or say whatever they think will benefit them or harm whoever they think is their enemy. "No bad tactics, only bad targets" is how they live.
wouldn't be surprised if maintenance teams is one of those they are in short supply on.
Diversity hires are only good for padding out the numbers. In terms of actually getting shit done, they're 100% dead weight. They seem to finally be realizing that they need competent recruits to get anything real done, but they've been spending too much time chasing them away instead.
I lost interest when I saw the character creator had "body type 1 and 2" instead of male or female. It's not that I was hugely interested to begin with, but I've developed zero tolerance for that sort of bullshit.
he now has the new baggage of J6
Only NPCs get worked up about the guided tours of January sixth and they were never going to vote for Trump before that.
Operation WarpSpeed and lockdowns.
Warpspeed is one of his fuck ups, but the lockdowns were a state thing. It doesn't matter though, because there's no way his DNC opponent isn't worse on those issues.
I'm amazed anyone fell for this. This reddit tier NPC noise isn't even good enough to be called trolling. You're the kid who would do anything for attention, even occasionally shitting his own pants.
It's a good start. Have to wonder how many people are really aware of this anti-White BS, but either stay silent out of fear or just get censored before too many others notice.
I don't like attributing racism when there is no concrete evidence for it. There are many lunatics in the world, and racism is not the only explanation for a random attack.
Are you going to offer a better alternative? For many years blacks have been raised being taught that Whites are responsible for all the problems in their lives. Knowing that, is it not reasonable to assume that race was the motive?
You're just being pedantic now. The people calling themselves "liberals" now are communists, whether you like it or not.