96 LMAO. she actually was jewish. And she changed her name and is trying to pretend to be Ukrainian and Japanese at the same time (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 352 days ago by ger111 352 days ago by ger111 +103 / -7 93 comments download share 93 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
First generation immigrant is attempting to integrate.
I mean, if your complaint is that Ms. Japan should not be a 1st gen immigrant, okay; but that doesn't seem like your hyperventilating argument.
Look at her. A beauty contest. An ugly foreign blood won top beauty of native peoples. DEI won here.
Beauty contests are normally retarded. It's like being surprised a racist rant won at a debate tournament.
So your latest tact is that it doesn’t matter if a Jew clearly and stereotypically subverted another cultural institution because it was inevitable/typical? What even is this logic? You’re getting lazy.
What institution are you talking about? Ms. Japan is an institution?