The best entertainment I've gotten out of NNN is watching gooners freak out about it.
You'd think they'd just shrug and move on, but apparently having self-discipline to not masturbate for a month or so will personally offend them to the point they need to name and shame.
If right wingers just owned up and admitted they hate porn
My guy, the one's using 'porn addiction' in arguments to target men aren't right-wing. Near exclusively, I've seen it as something women(ie, leftists) use to try and control, shame, and harass men.
At least in my experience. If that's what you're seeing, then it's a fairly universal argument, albeit for completely different reasons.
Still. I'm beginning to suspect that 'porn addiction' is less a cause and more of a symptom - people looking at down-stream results and refusing to acknowledge the source of the problem. They mumble something about porn giving 'unrealistic expectations' or 'encourages abuse toward women' or 'muh sexual slavery' as emotional arguments without ever acknowledging why men prefer to jerk it in the privacy of their own homes as opposed to engage with women to get their dick wet.
Joe Biden is a piece of shit and I hope in his more lucid moments that he's suffering in a way that words cannot conceptualize.
That said, the part that has always irked me is that people have been making excuses for this for years. They mumble something about 'it's just a stutter' while parroting 'the adults are back in charge'.
I honestly don't know what kind of bullshit they're going to try and pull out to explain all this, or who they could possibly get to replace him.
I'd like games 1 and 2 a lot more if they gave me a New Game+ to enjoy all the upgrades as opposed to the extra missions they threw out.
Never picked up 3 - was a little worried about it, and what little I heard justified that decision.
Don't threaten me with a good time.
That entire greentext was both sad and terrifying.
Ask them what percentage of black people make up the US population and you'll find out if they're living in reality or no.
I'd bet good money the people posting would startling rattling off the number of 30% or higher.
They can make the streets perfectly clean and safe for normal people at any time.
They just won't do it for you.
They hate beauty and want you to suffer. It's the only reasoning I can fathom.
So... the Japanese can be racist now in the progressive stack of oppression? Or are they arguing that the western alt-right is now racist because they believe Japan should only be for the Japanese, or... something?
NPCs must have gotten one hell of an update when I wasn't looking.
There's a video called The Shandification of Fallout that I will never not shill that goes into something like this.
It basically offers up the contrast between Fallout 3 and Fallout NV - Fallout 3 setups the DC Wasteland as what could basically be termed as an amusement park to experience, where Fallout NV goes into the simple question of 'What do they eat'? And then proceeds to show you.
Several quests even go into that, with serious choices to make that offer up real consequences.
In other words, realistically built worlds can offer organic ways to expand on the story and deepen the player's experience.
If they'll do it to thier kids, they'll do it to mine. (Or, worse, they don't have any kids and they still do it to mine.)
There is nothing worse than a righteous activist trying thier hardest to ruin other people, and we are not to the point where I can explicitly fedpost without running foul of all the power systems they've built up over time.
Assisted suicide is another issue. I'm a big beleiver of personal responsibility, and feel that if you want to check out, well... have fun.
Giving this sort of authority and power to government and doctors is the worst outcome possible, and opens up a horde of unintended consequences, and that's exactly how lefties will go about to allow for such things.
The last thing I want it to have an actual fucking doctor view the phrase 'kill yourself' as a valid medical procedure.
It's a political tactic. Always attack, never defend, because defending makes you look weak.
Early on in Trump's campaign, it was something that a lot of conservative pundits noticed about his rhetoric - he always, always, always moves on the attack when debating others, never apologizes, never backs down. It was very at-odds with the majority of the GOP, whom you can toss the word 'racist' at and they start stumbling over themselves to deny it.
And, like you said, it works.
I am drunk on seven different kinds of whiskey, and it is still not enough to handle the sheer amount of bullshit in this article.
Well, no. I can't say it's all bullshit. It's clearly a masks-off, interesting look behind the curtain to find that a bunch of mentally diseased, broken people are... a bunch of mentally diseased, broken people.
However, the part about the article that irks me the most is the long, long diatribe at the start that tries to establish and shield and bonafides to protect them from the self-same firing squad she(he?) goes in-depth in throughout the entire article. And yet, despite attempts to fend off the fucking leopard, her(his?) attempt to fend off off the lynch mods clearly weren't enough because they had to delete the article.
Stuff like;
For the purposes of this article, the category “credentials” also unfortunately needs to include the fact that I am a queer woman and a multiple-assault survivor.
Every time. Every fucking time. That stonetoss comic comes to mind, and it makes me wonder if the old rule of 'feminists think all men are rapist scum because they interact exclusive with leftist men' isn't spot fucking on.
But cancer and a few other things that have happened to me
I am a psychotherapist and social research scientist who has worked in maximum security prisons with violent offenders and with at-risk youth, I have interviewed, studied, and interacted with a very wide variety of multiple-felons close-up for years, and right now I am studying Dungeons and Dragons drama and what studying it tells me about people frightens me more than any of that work ever has.
I interact with high-testosterone men so I can get tingles in a safe environment and so I pretend this somehow gives me bonafides and authority.
Well, after several months studying incel culture online I decided I needed a break to do something less depressing, something with lower stakes — or at least a lower chance of being stalked and murdered in my bed.
Incels typically aren't niggers, so I doubt you had much to fear about.
That community became increasingly diverse and interconnected, brought in many more people who were not white straight men, and produced many other games which take cues from the D&D model but are all different in a thousand ways.
Clear a community made and for straight white men allowing others to intrude was a massive fucking mistake, but here we are.
I know why right-wingers want to hurt diverse groups of creative people,
Keep your sexual fantasies out of your scientific articles, thanks.
...and so on.
And so forth.
The rest in the article comes across like some sort of unholy combination between schioprenic rambling and drunk weaving between artillery strikes, never once getting hit with the truth or wanting to commit to something that would dare to really, truly hurt the tribe she belongs to.
There's a point when I wonder if these people really understand what it is that they're putting to paper. You don't really get the NPC meme until you see something like this - it's like watching some entity constantly ram thier face into something approaching self-awareness only to stumble mindlessly away and mumble some kind of brain-dead pablum that tries to conform to thier worldview and mindset. Over, and over, and over...
Fuck this. It's time to sleep.
Didn't someone involved in that entire fiasco basically end up dead in a field somewhere with everyone basically turning a blind eye to the matter?
Damn, it's been a long while since I looked into that fuck up.
Yeah. Which makes me confused as to why Biden and company made such a big fucking deal over it.
Unless they're so fucking stupid that they can't handle any challenge or affront to their authority, even in the slightest way possible.
While I seriously doubt things will escalate to a full on civil war, if it does, and over illegal immigration of all things, I think we're going to see a very quick and sudden preference cascade.
Maybe not on the federal level, but I can see state level law enforcement chomping at the bit to enforce 'Fuck off, we're full' as defacto policy.
Also, how would you force women to do anything?
Make men rich.
Single women are overwhelmingly liberal. Married women are overwhelmingly conservative. Women want men that make equal if not more that they do. Ergo, make it so men are flourishing in the job market over long-term and you get a bunch of married women.
Granted, this is the very definition of the phrase 'Easy to say, very hard to do...'
I'd be more worried about attempted honeypot operations getting out of hand and going completely off the rails.
The various three-letter-agencies are far, far too preoccupied with entrapment.
Slow escalation in a case like this is best, and I've been pleasantly surprised that Abbot has actually been, y'know, escalating.
Illegal immigration is stupidly unpopular to a degree many don't realize. Depending on what the Fed does, I could see this going in many different directions.
Women are unironically a hivemind. They act socially in unison to effectively collectivize bargaining power with men, and protect the higher-status women from lower.
Ergo, the moment other women step away from that hivemind, they proceed to loose their fucking minds.
It's why you only hear the phrase 'pickmes' from other women and feminist men looking from a crumb of pussy.
You're not watching the right streamers, then.
Seeing all the jank and server issues they run into is half the fun.
Even normal IvF isn't guaranteed to work.
I got to see this up close and personal with a friend of mine and his wife, and the hoops they had to go through after the first try failed...
Thankfully, things worked out in the end and they now have a kid, but too many people just view science as a magic wand that fixes all issues perfectly, and never realize that this stuff can, and does, fail, and fail more often than people would like.