They opened their home to risk by engaging with someone that they certainly knew was insane and violent, and seemingly insulted them by doing so, and in doing so put naive altruism ahead of protecting their own child. That is pure foolishness.
Otherwise you are just sperging nonsensically about a bunch of things I didn't say because I victim blamed and that offended you somehow. You should get a grip yourself before you comment on these things and we might have a productive conversation about it.
Though you did illuminate a misreading on my part. I must have missed the bit where the husband survived initially, I thought he and the wife died and the grandfather lived. Doesn't change anything I said though.
I don't think Dunst is really that attractive in anything I've seen her in, so I agree with you on that.
But I felt in the first film she had this vulnerable but still fun personality that made her seem right for the role. I could absolutely see her as the "stunner" of a school, and especially for Peter. Its just a vibe she brought that worked to make her okay physical appearance come across as way better.
Though in the interest of shallow opinions, I never found MJ of the comics to be this 10/10 either. I'm not much for redheads or bimbos (the fetish, not the insult) so it never vibed for me. But that's just my personal position.
She has a criminal record spanning at least two decades and had 25 active warrants at the time of her arrest
Thank god they put out all those warrants, went and took her child away to give it to foster care, and then proceeded to not fucking arrest her in doing so. What a useless legal maneuver that seems to exist entirely to let judges/cops say "we did something!" instead of actually helping.
Unless all 25 of those were issued after the child was taken, in which case this family should have been in protective custody for obvious fucking reasons.
Either way, failure on every institution involved in this situation.
A plot so fucking heinous and awful that only a nigger could possibly think it up.
But also a grim reminder that you are not Jesus and cannot save everyone through sheer goodness of intentions. These people tried to save a little nog baby and managed to get themselves killed and ruined their own child's life by doing so. They reached a hand into the mud to help and pulled their entire bloodline into hell by doing so.
The other game in that category now is Sekiro, funny enough, despite all the cliched claims about its lack of replay value.
Sekiro has pretty weak replay value immediately other than just dabbing on bosses with your mastered skills.
But going back every few years and watching yourself clear the rust off and get the "groove" back is an irreplaceable feeling. Its impossible to really quantify, but eventually everything just slides into place and you begin playing a rhythm game instead of an action one and it feels amazing.
My only complaint is that of all the From games it has the worst early game that teeters into "unfair" simply because of your lack of healing and crucial skills (like Mikiri) and the need to go out and grind out a few mini-bosses and trash mobs before you are really prepared to tackle most challenges. It flows pretty decently your first time through because you are expected to die and rekill a lot of mobs, as well as explore every nook, but on replay its noticeable.
Though I imagine the boss gauntlet solves most of that, but I've not interacted with it anytime I've gone back.
I like that now its considered of utmost importance that someone have allegiance to their home country above any foreign interest. This of course doesn't apply when it comes to Ukraine, Israel, India or China of course.
We know why its that way, its just so blatant its hard to imagine them saying it with a straight face.
most truthers seem to belong in the stupid category
They do, that's why to most people that's the entire definition of truther. Its a specific set of extremist beliefs about the event that necessitated a unique word for itself.
The same way that colloquially most things stop being "conspiracy theories" once they reach a certain level of reasonability and proof, even if by strict definition they still might be.
It did the best overall job, but it also added a lot of unasked for parameters and details to the point where its entirely themed around them. If not for the Horns it would literally just be a dark fairy in every possible way.
That's not inherently the worst thing that will ruin something everytime, but its also a huge mark against it in a completely different way.
No exceptions. Lowering the bar for "obvious exceptions of course" is just opening a floodgate that will chip away at it little by little until we are right back where we are now, where the bar is on the floor.
Women lie, for attention and victimhood. Any exception will become the norm if allowed. Its how "abortions" #1 talked about reason is incest/rape despite being a fraction of 1%, even if we know those things do in fact happen. Its why every Western woman has PTSD from "abuse."
We tried giving them justice and morality, they showed a happy willingness to drag it into the mud for the most pathetic of reasons. So now they get the same unflinching neutrality a man would, including getting laughed out of the building if they show up with weak shit.
That's a spectrum so wide that its literally useless as a metric.
Just as soon list "people who believe the JFK assassination wasn't exactly as told" under the same insulting umbrella label as "believes that JFK shot himself due to quantum mechanics."
Basically if a dude makes you orgasm, you submit to him.
That is the way pair bonding works literally. Those happy chemicals your brain gets flooded with during orgasm also make you attached to the one who gave them to you, and this is much more prevalent of an effect with women. Likely, as an evolutionary trait to make them love their rapist/conqueror back in the more tribal days, as fucked as that is morally.
This is at the heart of a love of the reasons why women love their abusers to an illogical level, and why whores are so broken.
"These results suggest that women's orgasms do function — at least in part — as a masculinity achievement for men
Or maybe men just aren't as self-centered and evil as you imagine they are, and legitimately enjoy making sure their women also enjoyed themselves. And that orgasm is a far more reliable metric than taking her at her word that "yeah I totes loved it babe!"
and truly view them for what they are: tiny little pleasure explosions that should be enjoyed — frequently — by female partners
Women aren't immune to the overstimulating effects of too much masturbation/sex. Having incredibly frequent orgasms diminish both the high you get from them and the ability for you to easily achieve them. We know this because it comes up constantly in all the "porn is bad for you" studies, but those only focus on men for political reasons.
Women might be under less pressure to fake orgasms if they could achieve them through a normal amount of effort that could happen during normal sex. But instead they'll run 500 miles of dick through themselves and buy ultra vibrators to make sure they can't feel anything on a reasonable level and they need a 20 minute post script after sex to achieve it.
Console Skyrim is pretty lackluster. Anything it was once impressive for has been done better (its a very old game) and you lack the full modding capability to make up for it.
Especially as its a super buggy game that will lock you out of a shit ton of content if you don't use Console Commands to fix it, and I don't think you can access those on a console.
Sonic Adventure 2 since the Gamecube era. I'm thankful Steam lets me have some reliability that my shit won't get corrupted as happened a few times on console memory card and erased a lot of Chao hours.
Any Pikmin except 2.
Jade Cocoon 1 or 2.
Digimon World 2, especially now that modding allows randomizers to give some difference to the early game.
Yugioh Falsebound Kingdom, same as DW2 with the increased modding community to change things up.
And any of the handful of Picross games I have I will erase my data and do dozens a night.
Most problems with Western media is attempting to appeal to women who will never interact with that property.
It wasn't men who demanded every other Xmen Comic be about who Cyclops is banging this week, that Iceman be gay, and Wolverine slowly get taller and hotter. That was entirely meant for women who love soap operas and other nonsense.
If half the paragraph is true about the amount of stuff they have done for her in the past monetarily, then this is the most unbelievable case in a while.
This is 200% a woman trying to milk more money out of her family because she thinks they exist to provide for her.
Remember, a woman is always lying about abuse until proven otherwise. The ramifications for it to be true are too high for anything but that high bar of clearing. And they have made that the case through their wolf crying.
I'm glad we get a reminder why these heroes were once popular.
Too many years its been words, relationships, and overarching plots that nobody but women like for so many of them.
When their best use is looking hot/awesome while having powers that kick people's ass.
Legitimate quality doesn't mean she isn't being astroturfed. She went from a literal nobody to the face of a franchise (of which her character was once a small part) and is now talked about endlessly as if she is the most famous girl in the world and we need to know her every move.
Its even more notable because unlike Zendaya she was in a Netflix series instead of one of the biggest franchises in the world (at the time), which makes the obsession with treating her like an icon even more notable.
These can be outside of their hands or they could be leaning into it, but its still happening.
A considerable portion of the "MAGA Machine" are revealing themselves to be both grifters out to outrage bait you for clicks and perfectly willing to sell America for parts to do so.
They are happy to destroy everything just to keep that train going.
The hydrants are literally empty and the fire departments weren't aware of that until they tried to use them.
This goes well above and beyond simple environmentalist idiocy.