I'd say Anime, manga and to some extent Manwha is putting up much better resistance than Western media ever did.
I think a combination of nuisance streamers, card companies censoring and the big example of Assassin's Creed Shadows has collectively pissed off the Japanese enough that they can even not follow the same self destruction the west did, especially with US government money being shut off.
These 'conservative' types though are saboteurs as rather than just going 'this show is for me, this isn't but this other one is' they do MASSIVE generalisations like your Matt Walsh types so piss off people that might be inlined to the right. Thank god they're nowadays overshadowed by your MAGA types.
I think a combination of nuisance streamers, card companies censoring and the big example of Assassin's Creed Shadows has collectively pissed off the Japanese enough that they can even not follow the same self destruction the west did, especially with US government money being shut off.
Did not the west tried to stop this in their own? How certain are you that this has become a entrenched position in the normies of japs?
If you read manga, you would notice that even in it, they showcase how far the some of the rot as spread, I would argue that the seeds in their society has already been planted, and with the overt push of the banking merely being the thing to ensure it's growth.
Did you know that Japan was among the first to try the new sa-mRNA stuff?
And that the old repo for all the old manga, was shutdown due to the banks and no alternative was found? They are the West in 90's glorious days hiding what is in the works, haha
Be optimistic as you wish, but do not declare victory due to the USA no longer can use the Official US gov money.
I didn't declare victory, only that they had a better chance to avoid the same path the West walked down in terms of culture.
Also using Covid was a bad move as they didn't enforce or coerce vaccines, they labelled side affects broadly in fact I think they were the first to ban one if the risker ones that was developed in Europe and didn't lockdown instead blocked all foreigners from entry instead.
Also using Covid was a bad move as they didn't enforce or coerce vaccines, they labelled side affects broadly in fact I think they were the first to ban one if the risker ones that was developed in Europe and didn't lockdown instead blocked all foreigners from entry instead.
You don't see the moves happening cause you are blind, In a jap culture you don't need to enforce through mandate, you do through social rules and company fiat. (A social death is a lot more worse then in the USA) It also make it so idiots like you will praise them without understanding anything.
And still they vaccinated alot of people, all lined up for that is how such culture works (70 %, third dose), they only got some major pushback in regards to this latest experimental vaccine, but that was cleared and also administrated, All they need is a spark and I do not see the japs not lining up for it.
So do enlighten me on how that is any different? Cause your Amercian thinking don't seem to get japanese culture.
only that they had a better chance to avoid the same path the West walked down in terms of culture.
You base this on weird data, you think these push backs did not happen in the west?
The card companies and banking has worked a long time and their consolidation in regards to japan is in progress. Their cooperation with japanese government is working.
Do you see the japs working on alternative economies?
Do you see the normies actually seeing what is behind curtain or just a internet outrage, in which they bash something but then continue on with their life?
(thus ever inching towards the goal)
It is funny you attack what you think you know, but you don't know anything do you?
Ignorance is bliss, but beware what is after the dream. Or don't a skeleton with a headset on makes for nice decor at the end, haha
Israel had the highest vaccination rate out of ANY Western country, yet we're not seeing such adverse health affects compared to high vaccination areas like blue cities leading me to think some were way worse and more experimental than others. Them willing to ban certain ones that showed more a history of more adverse effects along with their elderly population contributing to high jab rates.
The push backs in the west was met with institutional crackdown, at least there is no sign of that in Japan.
Israel had the highest vaccination rate out of ANY Western country
Which, if you're a conspiratorial type, could have been a lie. They could have been given a saline placebo. How do their excess death numbers look post-jab compared to the rest of the world?
I'm not saying this is true because I really haven't looked into it, but I don't believe anything any mainstream source says about Israel or medicine in general any more.
And this would be a pretty easy lie to push; we already know that there were "good" batches of the jab and "bad" ones. Would have been very easy to just send "good" ones over to Israel.
And that the old repo for all the old manga, was shutdown due to the banks and no alternative was found?
What do you all use these days? Mangadex is okay, but certainly not as good as the older sites were.
It's so frustrating that the 'legitimate' options are so god awful. Even if you actually do find one that has the content you want for a reasonable price, the user interface is just fundamentally worse (every time I've seen it) than some kid's free site that just displays an image with nothing else. Not to mention that sometimes the translators completely bastardize the content (Zolo).
they do MASSIVE generalisations like your Matt Walsh types
Careful. Mention Matt Walsh and a few days later someone will be a bitch and comment how you've got it all wrong, he was just being sarcastic...the numerous times he's gone on about games and anime.
I mean this guy (the author of this article) might not be the same as Matt Walsh, since he seemed to have been simply avoiding anime before he got harassed in to watching Frieren(his own words) and unlike Walsh who has not said one good thing about anime even when being recommended great stuff like FMA brotherhood (so Walsh is just a troll really) whilst this guy happens to like Frieren. Im just hoping that after Frieren, he sticks to avoiding anime and doesn't try to get involved with it cause i know he might end up like another Walsh if he did get too involved in it.
Well unlike Walsh he's not beholden to a controlled opposition subversive zionist at least and is an actual good Catholic who isn't a zionist so he's got that going for him.
I'd say Anime, manga and to some extent Manwha is putting up much better resistance than Western media ever did.
I hope you're right, but to be fair they've barely been challenged until now. The true test is coming, and we'll see if they're prepared. Personally, I fear they have no idea at all what's coming down the pipeline, and won't be prepared.
I think just like Trump winning in 2016 led to them pushing their plan without the groundwork in 2020 so they failed being accepted at large, him winning in 2024 and subsequently cutting off their slush funds has fucked a lot of those plans again.
I have no doubt that Japan was next to be subverted and their culture ruined but with the fireworks happening daily at home, they don't have the resources to push into Japan AND fight Trump. Hell they're stuck using lawfare only and that's still a losing move.
And I'm not saying it's hopeless or anything; I never do. But we call these people and forces "subversive" for a reason. It's hard to fight subversion, it worms its way in and does its nasty work. Yeah, the apparatus got a major wrench thrown in the system, but my point is, for all their basedness, I don't think the Japanese, or other groups that hadn't been hit as hard, really understand the scope of the woke plague. They can't fight it if they don't understand the methods and dangers, and it doesn't take much to get the foot in the door and corrupt everything.
Hopefully Trump being Trump slows them down enough to make them ineffective, but we'll see.
Anime might be challenged, but manga/manwha is pretty safe because its got basically a bottom bin bar of entry.
Some of the most popular manga of the last few years started as Twitter posts, basically our version of webcomics, and only got picked up based off pure popularity there. But plenty of them did full runs as just Twitter comics to completion and were no less for it.
So while webcomics never got "mainstream" enough in the West to be really considered anything but novelties, manga outside the magazine industry is already grown to be a huge market and they literally cannot control it short of full Censorship on all social media sites (possible but a huge endeavor).
If the Woke were smart (they aren't) they'd start cracking down on scanlators instead, to try and stifle the flow of non-mainstream manga into the West. But they don't even realize that's the true threat to their control, and god love those autists for it.
It's always dangerous for things to get popular, and it's doubly dangerous when the woke mob is at their peak, government and private sector are pushing DEI stuff, and the like.
Correct. Why is anyone surprised that a great show is being well received by people who are not nerds? Even normies can tell greatness if it's great enough.
I used to only watch subtitled then anime got boring and I stopped watching for years. Now I only do dubbed because it's usually a wind down doing other things thing. I know the translations are off but since I have experience I can infer the correct meanings. And most people aren't going to read while tv. I'm really glad they are doing so much simulcast now
I looked up the author of this article and found his twitter and he's one of those very conservative Christian types and he wasn't even an anime fan and he thought watching anime was cringe but he just got pestered in to watching Frieren and then decided he liked it and then he said something stupid like "Until Frieren I did not know that the Japanese had produced anything for the right wing, and here I am still looking." As if he's never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family and Fullmetal Alchemist.
But you can already tell he would be the type to start bitching about certain other common tropes in anime that he might not like if he gets more in to it.
God damn i hate tourists . Especially political tourists.
You can put down those "very conservative Christian types" all you want, but they stood against the Hellmouth when it started to infiltrate society, and look where we are now.
I was there, in the 1990s, when 1992 Republican VP Candidate Dan Quale chided the TV show Murphy Brown for showing a single white women having a child as a single mother. He was roundly condemned for doing that, then.
Where are we now?
Are there any tv shows on now that show a normal, well adjusted white family where the father is in the home, engaged, and not made the butt of all the jokes because he's an idiot or a spaz?
May i remind you that we also got the "Pokemon is Satanic and DnD is Satanic" types as well
If it were up to me i would have preferred if anime had remained niche and stayed that way instead of going mainstream, then we wouldn't have to have this debate at all and we wouldn't have to deal with political hounds from either side coming after it and it would stay in the territory of nerds and nerds only.
You're not wrong, but it's important to remember how exaggerated it was, too. We were getting it filtered through legacy media that hated Christians.
I always heard much more about how crazy the Christians were, than actually saw any Christians being crazy.
It's also worth pointing out that things like the PMRC, the organizations with actual power that were censoring things and imposing their views, including going after things for having perceived aspects of the occult, were liberal wives of politicians, such as most famously Tipper Gore.
It wasn't "very conservative Christians" sticking their noses into music and other entertainment.
I went to Church 7 days a week as a youth between two different denominations in a very backwoods Southern town, as in the most cliche possible place for a "ah mah god its Satan's work!" reactions.
The only attack or ban on Pokemon anything my entire Parish saw was the banning of the cards because of gambling problems on the school grounds and the banning of Gameboys as a whole because of distractions. Completely reasonable reactions, I'd say.
My mother did question if Harry Potter was Satanic to me once, but dismissed it fast once she read it a little. And you know where she got that idea?
Well the MSM told her it. And we all know the MSM loves to just make up moral panics from basically one retard somewhere and then scare everyone into following through social pressures.
So once again, it was a completely fabricated piece of delusions that the media treated as a totally real and dangerous thing, which then willed it into reality by scaring ignorant older folks into following along. Which then everyone seemed to collectively forget the original source and blame those naive fools. It was literally "kids are eating tide pods" level.
I think the big problem is people believed at the time, and still now, that Fox News wasn't controlled opposition and was some actual fair/balanced channel representing the right wing of the country accurately and trying to inform them.
When I dare say it was the biggest fear mongers of all, and the Elites knew how to use it effectively.
Especially as all he does is post about Frieren, the biggest mainstream anime of last year, and then lists off three of the most mainstream shows possible.
Its literally a newfag calling a slightly newer fag a newfag.
Wierd is too easy, you will just end up with gag series that everyone watched. Pop Team Epic or Lucky Star types.
You need to vet using extremely mid shows that you not only would not have heard of when they were actually airing, but you might be the only person that still remembers their existence.
Buso Renkin is my choice. Jiken Jaken is my manga choice (which contains the meme worthy line of "How do you make a boy notice you?" "By having white skin.")
I wouldn't call Buso Renkin mid - it was pretty cool. It played around usual shounen tropes rather intricately, making it actually interesting to watch - much better than something like, I dunno, Kaiba from that same era, which was just a shorter naruto or whatever. Papillon and Bravo were also some of the greatest side characters ever.
I call it mid because while its got a lot of strong elements, its not amazing enough to be gushed about and recommended heavily. Its got a lot of great characters and some really solid moments, but its background lore is boring and its final arc is fucking terrible. And for a single season show, losing a solid like 20% of your runtime to an arc that bad is a huge deal.
I still remember how annoyed I was that our main girl, who was a tough, serious character for most of the run time, spent a solid like two episodes just crying Kazuki over and over at the end like a sobbing wreck. All while the stupidest plots are happening around us every few seconds.
Its a real 7/10 series, with some 10/10 moments and bits but then some 3-5/10 parts too. I think it deserves to be recommended more, but not before some actual masterpieces out there.
Buso Renkin is one of the few shows that took the effeminate faggy character type and made him not only a good character, but an actual top tier one in general.
However, the ending sucked complete ass and dragged down the last few episodes of the show, probably because it was original as the manga was axed before getting that far.
It's a proper weeb litmus test. Anyone who's watched it is definitely all the way down the rabbit hole because they not only discovered its existence, they then went out of their way to watch it and are also willing to admit that.
The manga that got cancelled for being boring and lackluster and thereby doesn't even finish the story? Sure showed me bruh, that's some elite cred you got.
Literally the most popular show among trannies who talk about it constantly. Its not niche or cult anymore in the slightest, to the point that "I can hear the powerlines buzzing!" become such a common line that its now a meme used to mock zoomers larping as 90s kids.
I'm also almost entirely a reader. The three series I watched this winter to spend time with my wife was the first anime I've seen since Soul Eater was airing, whenever that was.
I don't know about Apartment for Rent, so I can't speak to it. Lain is just a special case because of how adopted it got by trannies and spammed until everyone turned on it.
Far enough away from mainstream to pass inspection I'd say. Still haven't seen that one myself, so I'm unsure of how far into "weird" territory it actually is. My own barometer for weird is still set by stuff like Angel's Egg, Akikan, Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro(in which a parrot headed demon devours mysteries) and Kamen no Maid Guy.
I've been reading/watching anime/manga since 20 years ago. Which is probably longer than you have. And i listed off the other anime because he wanted to know what anime would work for right wingers specifically. if i listed off the more weirder anime, , right wing normies wouldn't like them.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream, most people haven't seen it.
Well considering I got my first start with Toonami, which is nearly 30 years old now, it seems like you are wrong there. And I was watching some of my buddy's older brother's bootleg imports before that but I can't remember what they were so we can not count it. But good try, my nigger.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream
Its one of the most commonly named anime out there. Its entirely mainstream, despite nobody having seen it, because its super popular for people to name it for weeb cred to seem more deep and smart than they are.
He's never suffered through the agony that was trying to download episodes of Trigun over dial up with other people in the house who keep using the phone line and interrupting your download.
Or trading VHS tapes with smelly losers that were somehow less shifty than drug dealers hoping that it was actually the anime they said it was and not a video of themselves masturbating.
"Until Frieren I did not know that the Japanese had produced anything for the right wing, and here I am still looking." As if he's never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family and Fullmetal Alchemist."
I've watched a few anime shows including full metal alchemist. I wouldn't call myself a fanatic, but I've pretty much loved all of the anime I watched. That said, I've never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family, or even Frieren before now
I agree, that's entirely fair. Weakest part is probably the halo of isekai worldbuilding hanging over a non-isekai story. Strongest part is the skillfully crafted thoughtful moments with the characters, which are rare enough these days that it's proclaimed as a masterpiece.
Fumetsu no Anata e (To Your Eternity) beats Frieren easily on both of those points. Go watch it and you'll understand.
"skillfully crafted thoughtful moments with the characters, which are rare..."
No. that might be the case for normies who don't watch anime, but that statement is completely false for those who do actually watch more anime than just frieren.
The amount of skillful attention given to character development and interactions in anime, the general attention given to the everything in their shows, is much higher than western tv shows. It's not rare. Happens all the time in anime which is part of why anime is so popular now, and continues to rise in popularity.
I've watched many anime, still stand by my statement. I'm not going to say Frieren is the best of the best in that department though, just pretty good.
It has not much rewatchability if you already know the story and you need action to not get bored. But when there is action its certainly one of the best.
Gatekeeping is the most retarded concept ever and is one of the reasons why we're in this shit today.
First, gatekeeping is a defeatist attitude. You must educate normies and try to uplift them, thus proliferating the proper culture. Wanking alone in the corner is not the answer.
Second, you can't really gatekeep IPs you don't own. Duh.
Third, the only thing that keeping "normies" out achieved was making the fandoms stagnant and vulnerable to woke totalitarian sect. Whereas nerds are mostly asocial, mostly hate each other and so can't pose any kind of seriously organized front, sect by definition is organized and very, very effective. Which is why they stomped all your efforts easily.
Third kinda contradicts the first, ofc - it's hard for nerds and geeks to beat anyone at organized effort. But just conceding without even trying certainly didn't help.
I'd say Anime, manga and to some extent Manwha is putting up much better resistance than Western media ever did.
I think a combination of nuisance streamers, card companies censoring and the big example of Assassin's Creed Shadows has collectively pissed off the Japanese enough that they can even not follow the same self destruction the west did, especially with US government money being shut off.
These 'conservative' types though are saboteurs as rather than just going 'this show is for me, this isn't but this other one is' they do MASSIVE generalisations like your Matt Walsh types so piss off people that might be inlined to the right. Thank god they're nowadays overshadowed by your MAGA types.
Did not the west tried to stop this in their own? How certain are you that this has become a entrenched position in the normies of japs? If you read manga, you would notice that even in it, they showcase how far the some of the rot as spread, I would argue that the seeds in their society has already been planted, and with the overt push of the banking merely being the thing to ensure it's growth.
Did you know that Japan was among the first to try the new sa-mRNA stuff? And that the old repo for all the old manga, was shutdown due to the banks and no alternative was found? They are the West in 90's glorious days hiding what is in the works, haha
Be optimistic as you wish, but do not declare victory due to the USA no longer can use the Official US gov money.
I didn't declare victory, only that they had a better chance to avoid the same path the West walked down in terms of culture.
Also using Covid was a bad move as they didn't enforce or coerce vaccines, they labelled side affects broadly in fact I think they were the first to ban one if the risker ones that was developed in Europe and didn't lockdown instead blocked all foreigners from entry instead.
You don't see the moves happening cause you are blind, In a jap culture you don't need to enforce through mandate, you do through social rules and company fiat. (A social death is a lot more worse then in the USA) It also make it so idiots like you will praise them without understanding anything.
And still they vaccinated alot of people, all lined up for that is how such culture works (70 %, third dose), they only got some major pushback in regards to this latest experimental vaccine, but that was cleared and also administrated, All they need is a spark and I do not see the japs not lining up for it.
So do enlighten me on how that is any different? Cause your Amercian thinking don't seem to get japanese culture.
You base this on weird data, you think these push backs did not happen in the west? The card companies and banking has worked a long time and their consolidation in regards to japan is in progress. Their cooperation with japanese government is working.
Do you see the japs working on alternative economies? Do you see the normies actually seeing what is behind curtain or just a internet outrage, in which they bash something but then continue on with their life? (thus ever inching towards the goal)
It is funny you attack what you think you know, but you don't know anything do you?
Ignorance is bliss, but beware what is after the dream. Or don't a skeleton with a headset on makes for nice decor at the end, haha
Israel had the highest vaccination rate out of ANY Western country, yet we're not seeing such adverse health affects compared to high vaccination areas like blue cities leading me to think some were way worse and more experimental than others. Them willing to ban certain ones that showed more a history of more adverse effects along with their elderly population contributing to high jab rates.
The push backs in the west was met with institutional crackdown, at least there is no sign of that in Japan.
Which, if you're a conspiratorial type, could have been a lie. They could have been given a saline placebo. How do their excess death numbers look post-jab compared to the rest of the world?
I'm not saying this is true because I really haven't looked into it, but I don't believe anything any mainstream source says about Israel or medicine in general any more.
And this would be a pretty easy lie to push; we already know that there were "good" batches of the jab and "bad" ones. Would have been very easy to just send "good" ones over to Israel.
“The vaccines are bullshit”
“Right on!”
“Also, they gave some areas totally safe placebos.”
“Nice tinfoil hat, weirdo lol”
What do you all use these days? Mangadex is okay, but certainly not as good as the older sites were.
It's so frustrating that the 'legitimate' options are so god awful. Even if you actually do find one that has the content you want for a reasonable price, the user interface is just fundamentally worse (every time I've seen it) than some kid's free site that just displays an image with nothing else. Not to mention that sometimes the translators completely bastardize the content (Zolo).
I just jump around from sites, don't have any good stable one to recommend.
MangaPark works well for me.
Dynasty Scans is great, but all-Yuri & occasional gender-bender.
I miss the old catalog. Suncoast and there was another (it was a big thick black book, got Guyver and NGE dubbed from them in the very early 00s)
Careful. Mention Matt Walsh and a few days later someone will be a bitch and comment how you've got it all wrong, he was just being sarcastic...the numerous times he's gone on about games and anime.
Meh, at this point like most of Daily Wire, I don't care about them as they're mostly irrelevant.
Something shared by a lot of former viewers according to recent news..
I mean this guy (the author of this article) might not be the same as Matt Walsh, since he seemed to have been simply avoiding anime before he got harassed in to watching Frieren(his own words) and unlike Walsh who has not said one good thing about anime even when being recommended great stuff like FMA brotherhood (so Walsh is just a troll really) whilst this guy happens to like Frieren. Im just hoping that after Frieren, he sticks to avoiding anime and doesn't try to get involved with it cause i know he might end up like another Walsh if he did get too involved in it.
Well unlike Walsh he's not beholden to a controlled opposition subversive zionist at least and is an actual good Catholic who isn't a zionist so he's got that going for him.
I hope you're right, but to be fair they've barely been challenged until now. The true test is coming, and we'll see if they're prepared. Personally, I fear they have no idea at all what's coming down the pipeline, and won't be prepared.
I think just like Trump winning in 2016 led to them pushing their plan without the groundwork in 2020 so they failed being accepted at large, him winning in 2024 and subsequently cutting off their slush funds has fucked a lot of those plans again.
I have no doubt that Japan was next to be subverted and their culture ruined but with the fireworks happening daily at home, they don't have the resources to push into Japan AND fight Trump. Hell they're stuck using lawfare only and that's still a losing move.
Like I said, hope you're right.
And I'm not saying it's hopeless or anything; I never do. But we call these people and forces "subversive" for a reason. It's hard to fight subversion, it worms its way in and does its nasty work. Yeah, the apparatus got a major wrench thrown in the system, but my point is, for all their basedness, I don't think the Japanese, or other groups that hadn't been hit as hard, really understand the scope of the woke plague. They can't fight it if they don't understand the methods and dangers, and it doesn't take much to get the foot in the door and corrupt everything.
Hopefully Trump being Trump slows them down enough to make them ineffective, but we'll see.
Anime might be challenged, but manga/manwha is pretty safe because its got basically a bottom bin bar of entry.
Some of the most popular manga of the last few years started as Twitter posts, basically our version of webcomics, and only got picked up based off pure popularity there. But plenty of them did full runs as just Twitter comics to completion and were no less for it.
So while webcomics never got "mainstream" enough in the West to be really considered anything but novelties, manga outside the magazine industry is already grown to be a huge market and they literally cannot control it short of full Censorship on all social media sites (possible but a huge endeavor).
If the Woke were smart (they aren't) they'd start cracking down on scanlators instead, to try and stifle the flow of non-mainstream manga into the West. But they don't even realize that's the true threat to their control, and god love those autists for it.
Guy decides to go against his prejudices. Gives a fair review. And now you're complaining?
This is why I hate cynics. They can't NOT be cynical. They MUST be cynical.
They can never see the positive side of ANYTHING.
And that's why they're so ugly later in life.
Yes. Video games went mainstream and they're suffering for it.
Anime went mainstream and it too is suffering in quality.
Hollywood went mainstream and then insane and the quality is so bad people are looking 20+ years into the past for movies that don't suck.
Nerd hobbies in general.
It's always dangerous for things to get popular, and it's doubly dangerous when the woke mob is at their peak, government and private sector are pushing DEI stuff, and the like.
I absolutely treasure Neon Genesis Evangelion, but if it ever leaves cult status and goes fully mainstream...it could be in trouble.
Good thing Hideaki Anno still controls it.
Frieren is just badass. Anyone like a good story.
Correct. Why is anyone surprised that a great show is being well received by people who are not nerds? Even normies can tell greatness if it's great enough.
And it really is great. I randomly clicked on it when they first simulcast and made all of my frens watch it who made all their friends watch it
The English dub is excellent. A terrific "entry level anime" for newcomers.
I used to only watch subtitled then anime got boring and I stopped watching for years. Now I only do dubbed because it's usually a wind down doing other things thing. I know the translations are off but since I have experience I can infer the correct meanings. And most people aren't going to read while tv. I'm really glad they are doing so much simulcast now
I looked up the author of this article and found his twitter and he's one of those very conservative Christian types and he wasn't even an anime fan and he thought watching anime was cringe but he just got pestered in to watching Frieren and then decided he liked it and then he said something stupid like "Until Frieren I did not know that the Japanese had produced anything for the right wing, and here I am still looking." As if he's never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family and Fullmetal Alchemist.
But you can already tell he would be the type to start bitching about certain other common tropes in anime that he might not like if he gets more in to it.
God damn i hate tourists . Especially political tourists.
You can put down those "very conservative Christian types" all you want, but they stood against the Hellmouth when it started to infiltrate society, and look where we are now.
I was there, in the 1990s, when 1992 Republican VP Candidate Dan Quale chided the TV show Murphy Brown for showing a single white women having a child as a single mother. He was roundly condemned for doing that, then.
Where are we now?
Are there any tv shows on now that show a normal, well adjusted white family where the father is in the home, engaged, and not made the butt of all the jokes because he's an idiot or a spaz?
No, there isn't.
May i remind you that we also got the "Pokemon is Satanic and DnD is Satanic" types as well
If it were up to me i would have preferred if anime had remained niche and stayed that way instead of going mainstream, then we wouldn't have to have this debate at all and we wouldn't have to deal with political hounds from either side coming after it and it would stay in the territory of nerds and nerds only.
You're not wrong, but it's important to remember how exaggerated it was, too. We were getting it filtered through legacy media that hated Christians.
I always heard much more about how crazy the Christians were, than actually saw any Christians being crazy.
It's also worth pointing out that things like the PMRC, the organizations with actual power that were censoring things and imposing their views, including going after things for having perceived aspects of the occult, were liberal wives of politicians, such as most famously Tipper Gore.
It wasn't "very conservative Christians" sticking their noses into music and other entertainment.
I went to Church 7 days a week as a youth between two different denominations in a very backwoods Southern town, as in the most cliche possible place for a "ah mah god its Satan's work!" reactions.
The only attack or ban on Pokemon anything my entire Parish saw was the banning of the cards because of gambling problems on the school grounds and the banning of Gameboys as a whole because of distractions. Completely reasonable reactions, I'd say.
My mother did question if Harry Potter was Satanic to me once, but dismissed it fast once she read it a little. And you know where she got that idea?
Well the MSM told her it. And we all know the MSM loves to just make up moral panics from basically one retard somewhere and then scare everyone into following through social pressures.
So once again, it was a completely fabricated piece of delusions that the media treated as a totally real and dangerous thing, which then willed it into reality by scaring ignorant older folks into following along. Which then everyone seemed to collectively forget the original source and blame those naive fools. It was literally "kids are eating tide pods" level.
I ran into one or two but, yeah, it was largely bullshit and, like you said, one or two retards that the media helped foster in the first place.
"Oh, you think X is satanic? I guess the media was right! What made you think it's satanic? Oh...the media...?"
I think the big problem is people believed at the time, and still now, that Fox News wasn't controlled opposition and was some actual fair/balanced channel representing the right wing of the country accurately and trying to inform them.
When I dare say it was the biggest fear mongers of all, and the Elites knew how to use it effectively.
Fox news didn't exist during the "panic". It didn't start until 1996.
I went to a Christian school that was pretty crazy and very strict and never saw anything anti-Pokemon either.
Have you seen the people playing it now? The art for it now? The things that company does?
They may have had a point. And if it wasn't then, it certainly is now. It's all so queer now, I struggle to think of a franchise more pozzed.
Not satanic, but demonic for sure. I doubt even Satan would put up with this crap. This is some Chaos energy.
No they didnt have a point , obviously DnD NOW is bad, but DnD in the past? There wasn't anything wrong with it .
The pope right now is bad and woke so does that mean all popes since the beginning are bad and woke?
Leftist media promoted the satanic panic in order to discredit the right.
Correct. Some fringe "Christian groups" get LOTS of Media attention don't they? When it serves the leftist purposes.
"Nerd shit (anime) is too mainstream! It needs to go back to the fringes!"
"Remember when nerd shit (D&D) wasn't mainstream and it got ridiculed? Those mean old mainstreamers!"
Pick a lane.
boy, you are no less deranged than the people you claim to oppose.
P.S. i would not call on God for anything when you hate Christians this much.
Especially as all he does is post about Frieren, the biggest mainstream anime of last year, and then lists off three of the most mainstream shows possible.
Its literally a newfag calling a slightly newer fag a newfag.
I think we should vet anime fans by making them rattle off the weirdest shows they've watched to completion.
Wierd is too easy, you will just end up with gag series that everyone watched. Pop Team Epic or Lucky Star types.
You need to vet using extremely mid shows that you not only would not have heard of when they were actually airing, but you might be the only person that still remembers their existence.
Buso Renkin is my choice. Jiken Jaken is my manga choice (which contains the meme worthy line of "How do you make a boy notice you?" "By having white skin.")
I wouldn't call Buso Renkin mid - it was pretty cool. It played around usual shounen tropes rather intricately, making it actually interesting to watch - much better than something like, I dunno, Kaiba from that same era, which was just a shorter naruto or whatever. Papillon and Bravo were also some of the greatest side characters ever.
I call it mid because while its got a lot of strong elements, its not amazing enough to be gushed about and recommended heavily. Its got a lot of great characters and some really solid moments, but its background lore is boring and its final arc is fucking terrible. And for a single season show, losing a solid like 20% of your runtime to an arc that bad is a huge deal.
I still remember how annoyed I was that our main girl, who was a tough, serious character for most of the run time, spent a solid like two episodes just crying Kazuki over and over at the end like a sobbing wreck. All while the stupidest plots are happening around us every few seconds.
Its a real 7/10 series, with some 10/10 moments and bits but then some 3-5/10 parts too. I think it deserves to be recommended more, but not before some actual masterpieces out there.
You may be right, or I may be biased because I remember Buso Renkin.
Buso Renkin is one of the few shows that took the effeminate faggy character type and made him not only a good character, but an actual top tier one in general.
Also Captain Bravo would get cancelled if it came out today, I loved that bastard.
However, the ending sucked complete ass and dragged down the last few episodes of the show, probably because it was original as the manga was axed before getting that far.
Nah. Still going with Akikan! because, "which soda can is the best waifu," is still a special kind of special.
It's a proper weeb litmus test. Anyone who's watched it is definitely all the way down the rabbit hole because they not only discovered its existence, they then went out of their way to watch it and are also willing to admit that.
I've read the Buso Renkin manga whilst you've watched the anime, which makes me more "Otaku elite" than you, newfag.
The manga that got cancelled for being boring and lackluster and thereby doesn't even finish the story? Sure showed me bruh, that's some elite cred you got.
How much does Serial Experiments Lain rate these days?
Literally the most popular show among trannies who talk about it constantly. Its not niche or cult anymore in the slightest, to the point that "I can hear the powerlines buzzing!" become such a common line that its now a meme used to mock zoomers larping as 90s kids.
Damn, then I'm screwed, I tend to read more than watch, Is Apartment for rent also consider mainstream?
I'm also almost entirely a reader. The three series I watched this winter to spend time with my wife was the first anime I've seen since Soul Eater was airing, whenever that was.
I don't know about Apartment for Rent, so I can't speak to it. Lain is just a special case because of how adopted it got by trannies and spammed until everyone turned on it.
Far enough away from mainstream to pass inspection I'd say. Still haven't seen that one myself, so I'm unsure of how far into "weird" territory it actually is. My own barometer for weird is still set by stuff like Angel's Egg, Akikan, Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro(in which a parrot headed demon devours mysteries) and Kamen no Maid Guy.
Any series with the girl as the slapstick loser constantly getting fucked with is a white whale and the most hilarious thing possible.
I need to get back to this one. I read like 7 volumes way back in the day and then fell out of weebery entirely.
Hugely! It really holds up over time.
Also: https://myanimelist.net/anime/387/Haibane_Renmei of course.
Not seen this before, seems interesting, will look into it.
Or require that Kodomo no Jikan get at least an 8 on their MAL...
I've been reading/watching anime/manga since 20 years ago. Which is probably longer than you have. And i listed off the other anime because he wanted to know what anime would work for right wingers specifically. if i listed off the more weirder anime, , right wing normies wouldn't like them.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream, most people haven't seen it.
Well considering I got my first start with Toonami, which is nearly 30 years old now, it seems like you are wrong there. And I was watching some of my buddy's older brother's bootleg imports before that but I can't remember what they were so we can not count it. But good try, my nigger.
Its one of the most commonly named anime out there. Its entirely mainstream, despite nobody having seen it, because its super popular for people to name it for weeb cred to seem more deep and smart than they are.
He's never suffered through the agony that was trying to download episodes of Trigun over dial up with other people in the house who keep using the phone line and interrupting your download.
Or trading VHS tapes with smelly losers that were somehow less shifty than drug dealers hoping that it was actually the anime they said it was and not a video of themselves masturbating.
He did use the GD expletive but he probably only meant it in the common way not literally "God, damn them!"
"Until Frieren I did not know that the Japanese had produced anything for the right wing, and here I am still looking." As if he's never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family and Fullmetal Alchemist."
I've watched a few anime shows including full metal alchemist. I wouldn't call myself a fanatic, but I've pretty much loved all of the anime I watched. That said, I've never heard of LOTGH, Spy X family, or even Frieren before now
Or basically any sports anime.
Frieren is overrated. Way too overrated. It's a 7 to 8 out of 10 at best. Anything above that, and it is overrated.
I agree, that's entirely fair. Weakest part is probably the halo of isekai worldbuilding hanging over a non-isekai story. Strongest part is the skillfully crafted thoughtful moments with the characters, which are rare enough these days that it's proclaimed as a masterpiece.
Fumetsu no Anata e (To Your Eternity) beats Frieren easily on both of those points. Go watch it and you'll understand.
"skillfully crafted thoughtful moments with the characters, which are rare..."
No. that might be the case for normies who don't watch anime, but that statement is completely false for those who do actually watch more anime than just frieren.
The amount of skillful attention given to character development and interactions in anime, the general attention given to the everything in their shows, is much higher than western tv shows. It's not rare. Happens all the time in anime which is part of why anime is so popular now, and continues to rise in popularity.
I've watched many anime, still stand by my statement. I'm not going to say Frieren is the best of the best in that department though, just pretty good.
Haven't watched To Your Eternity yet.
It has not much rewatchability if you already know the story and you need action to not get bored. But when there is action its certainly one of the best.
This right wing dude will call for censorship of anime in a year or two.. or probably does so already.
Gatekeeping is the most retarded concept ever and is one of the reasons why we're in this shit today.
First, gatekeeping is a defeatist attitude. You must educate normies and try to uplift them, thus proliferating the proper culture. Wanking alone in the corner is not the answer.
Second, you can't really gatekeep IPs you don't own. Duh.
Third, the only thing that keeping "normies" out achieved was making the fandoms stagnant and vulnerable to woke totalitarian sect. Whereas nerds are mostly asocial, mostly hate each other and so can't pose any kind of seriously organized front, sect by definition is organized and very, very effective. Which is why they stomped all your efforts easily.
Third kinda contradicts the first, ofc - it's hard for nerds and geeks to beat anyone at organized effort. But just conceding without even trying certainly didn't help.
People who complain about gatekeeping belong outside the gates.
As target practice for the archers