May i remind you that we also got the "Pokemon is Satanic and DnD is Satanic" types as well
If it were up to me i would have preferred if anime had remained niche and stayed that way instead of going mainstream, then we wouldn't have to have this debate at all and we wouldn't have to deal with political hounds from either side coming after it and it would stay in the territory of nerds and nerds only.
You're not wrong, but it's important to remember how exaggerated it was, too. We were getting it filtered through legacy media that hated Christians.
I always heard much more about how crazy the Christians were, than actually saw any Christians being crazy.
It's also worth pointing out that things like the PMRC, the organizations with actual power that were censoring things and imposing their views, including going after things for having perceived aspects of the occult, were liberal wives of politicians, such as most famously Tipper Gore.
It wasn't "very conservative Christians" sticking their noses into music and other entertainment.
I went to Church 7 days a week as a youth between two different denominations in a very backwoods Southern town, as in the most cliche possible place for a "ah mah god its Satan's work!" reactions.
The only attack or ban on Pokemon anything my entire Parish saw was the banning of the cards because of gambling problems on the school grounds and the banning of Gameboys as a whole because of distractions. Completely reasonable reactions, I'd say.
My mother did question if Harry Potter was Satanic to me once, but dismissed it fast once she read it a little. And you know where she got that idea?
Well the MSM told her it. And we all know the MSM loves to just make up moral panics from basically one retard somewhere and then scare everyone into following through social pressures.
So once again, it was a completely fabricated piece of delusions that the media treated as a totally real and dangerous thing, which then willed it into reality by scaring ignorant older folks into following along. Which then everyone seemed to collectively forget the original source and blame those naive fools. It was literally "kids are eating tide pods" level.
I think the big problem is people believed at the time, and still now, that Fox News wasn't controlled opposition and was some actual fair/balanced channel representing the right wing of the country accurately and trying to inform them.
When I dare say it was the biggest fear mongers of all, and the Elites knew how to use it effectively.
May i remind you that we also got the "Pokemon is Satanic and DnD is Satanic" types as well
If it were up to me i would have preferred if anime had remained niche and stayed that way instead of going mainstream, then we wouldn't have to have this debate at all and we wouldn't have to deal with political hounds from either side coming after it and it would stay in the territory of nerds and nerds only.
You're not wrong, but it's important to remember how exaggerated it was, too. We were getting it filtered through legacy media that hated Christians.
I always heard much more about how crazy the Christians were, than actually saw any Christians being crazy.
It's also worth pointing out that things like the PMRC, the organizations with actual power that were censoring things and imposing their views, including going after things for having perceived aspects of the occult, were liberal wives of politicians, such as most famously Tipper Gore.
It wasn't "very conservative Christians" sticking their noses into music and other entertainment.
I went to Church 7 days a week as a youth between two different denominations in a very backwoods Southern town, as in the most cliche possible place for a "ah mah god its Satan's work!" reactions.
The only attack or ban on Pokemon anything my entire Parish saw was the banning of the cards because of gambling problems on the school grounds and the banning of Gameboys as a whole because of distractions. Completely reasonable reactions, I'd say.
My mother did question if Harry Potter was Satanic to me once, but dismissed it fast once she read it a little. And you know where she got that idea?
Well the MSM told her it. And we all know the MSM loves to just make up moral panics from basically one retard somewhere and then scare everyone into following through social pressures.
So once again, it was a completely fabricated piece of delusions that the media treated as a totally real and dangerous thing, which then willed it into reality by scaring ignorant older folks into following along. Which then everyone seemed to collectively forget the original source and blame those naive fools. It was literally "kids are eating tide pods" level.
I ran into one or two but, yeah, it was largely bullshit and, like you said, one or two retards that the media helped foster in the first place.
"Oh, you think X is satanic? I guess the media was right! What made you think it's satanic? Oh...the media...?"
I think the big problem is people believed at the time, and still now, that Fox News wasn't controlled opposition and was some actual fair/balanced channel representing the right wing of the country accurately and trying to inform them.
When I dare say it was the biggest fear mongers of all, and the Elites knew how to use it effectively.
I went to a Christian school that was pretty crazy and very strict and never saw anything anti-Pokemon either.
Have you seen the people playing it now? The art for it now? The things that company does?
They may have had a point. And if it wasn't then, it certainly is now. It's all so queer now, I struggle to think of a franchise more pozzed.
Not satanic, but demonic for sure. I doubt even Satan would put up with this crap. This is some Chaos energy.
No they didnt have a point , obviously DnD NOW is bad, but DnD in the past? There wasn't anything wrong with it .
The pope right now is bad and woke so does that mean all popes since the beginning are bad and woke?
Leftist media promoted the satanic panic in order to discredit the right.
Correct. Some fringe "Christian groups" get LOTS of Media attention don't they? When it serves the leftist purposes.
"Nerd shit (anime) is too mainstream! It needs to go back to the fringes!"
"Remember when nerd shit (D&D) wasn't mainstream and it got ridiculed? Those mean old mainstreamers!"
Pick a lane.