Especially as all he does is post about Frieren, the biggest mainstream anime of last year, and then lists off three of the most mainstream shows possible.
Its literally a newfag calling a slightly newer fag a newfag.
Wierd is too easy, you will just end up with gag series that everyone watched. Pop Team Epic or Lucky Star types.
You need to vet using extremely mid shows that you not only would not have heard of when they were actually airing, but you might be the only person that still remembers their existence.
Buso Renkin is my choice. Jiken Jaken is my manga choice (which contains the meme worthy line of "How do you make a boy notice you?" "By having white skin.")
I wouldn't call Buso Renkin mid - it was pretty cool. It played around usual shounen tropes rather intricately, making it actually interesting to watch - much better than something like, I dunno, Kaiba from that same era, which was just a shorter naruto or whatever. Papillon and Bravo were also some of the greatest side characters ever.
Literally the most popular show among trannies who talk about it constantly. Its not niche or cult anymore in the slightest, to the point that "I can hear the powerlines buzzing!" become such a common line that its now a meme used to mock zoomers larping as 90s kids.
Far enough away from mainstream to pass inspection I'd say. Still haven't seen that one myself, so I'm unsure of how far into "weird" territory it actually is. My own barometer for weird is still set by stuff like Angel's Egg, Akikan, Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro(in which a parrot headed demon devours mysteries) and Kamen no Maid Guy.
I've been reading/watching anime/manga since 20 years ago. Which is probably longer than you have. And i listed off the other anime because he wanted to know what anime would work for right wingers specifically. if i listed off the more weirder anime, , right wing normies wouldn't like them.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream, most people haven't seen it.
Well considering I got my first start with Toonami, which is nearly 30 years old now, it seems like you are wrong there. And I was watching some of my buddy's older brother's bootleg imports before that but I can't remember what they were so we can not count it. But good try, my nigger.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream
Its one of the most commonly named anime out there. Its entirely mainstream, despite nobody having seen it, because its super popular for people to name it for weeb cred to seem more deep and smart than they are.
He's never suffered through the agony that was trying to download episodes of Trigun over dial up with other people in the house who keep using the phone line and interrupting your download.
boy, you are no less deranged than the people you claim to oppose.
P.S. i would not call on God for anything when you hate Christians this much.
Especially as all he does is post about Frieren, the biggest mainstream anime of last year, and then lists off three of the most mainstream shows possible.
Its literally a newfag calling a slightly newer fag a newfag.
I think we should vet anime fans by making them rattle off the weirdest shows they've watched to completion.
Wierd is too easy, you will just end up with gag series that everyone watched. Pop Team Epic or Lucky Star types.
You need to vet using extremely mid shows that you not only would not have heard of when they were actually airing, but you might be the only person that still remembers their existence.
Buso Renkin is my choice. Jiken Jaken is my manga choice (which contains the meme worthy line of "How do you make a boy notice you?" "By having white skin.")
I wouldn't call Buso Renkin mid - it was pretty cool. It played around usual shounen tropes rather intricately, making it actually interesting to watch - much better than something like, I dunno, Kaiba from that same era, which was just a shorter naruto or whatever. Papillon and Bravo were also some of the greatest side characters ever.
You may be right, or I may be biased because I remember Buso Renkin.
Nah. Still going with Akikan! because, "which soda can is the best waifu," is still a special kind of special.
I've read the Buso Renkin manga whilst you've watched the anime, which makes me more "Otaku elite" than you, newfag.
How much does Serial Experiments Lain rate these days?
Literally the most popular show among trannies who talk about it constantly. Its not niche or cult anymore in the slightest, to the point that "I can hear the powerlines buzzing!" become such a common line that its now a meme used to mock zoomers larping as 90s kids.
Far enough away from mainstream to pass inspection I'd say. Still haven't seen that one myself, so I'm unsure of how far into "weird" territory it actually is. My own barometer for weird is still set by stuff like Angel's Egg, Akikan, Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro(in which a parrot headed demon devours mysteries) and Kamen no Maid Guy.
Hugely! It really holds up over time.
Also: of course.
Or require that Kodomo no Jikan get at least an 8 on their MAL...
I've been reading/watching anime/manga since 20 years ago. Which is probably longer than you have. And i listed off the other anime because he wanted to know what anime would work for right wingers specifically. if i listed off the more weirder anime, , right wing normies wouldn't like them.
And LOTGH is highly rated but not mainstream, most people haven't seen it.
Well considering I got my first start with Toonami, which is nearly 30 years old now, it seems like you are wrong there. And I was watching some of my buddy's older brother's bootleg imports before that but I can't remember what they were so we can not count it. But good try, my nigger.
Its one of the most commonly named anime out there. Its entirely mainstream, despite nobody having seen it, because its super popular for people to name it for weeb cred to seem more deep and smart than they are.
He's never suffered through the agony that was trying to download episodes of Trigun over dial up with other people in the house who keep using the phone line and interrupting your download.
He did use the GD expletive but he probably only meant it in the common way not literally "God, damn them!"