I can tell you exactly where it started. It was when “women” entered the space. You have to remember the majority women think in terms of relationships not in the relationship itself. If a man isn’t completely honest and doesn’t scream “I’m Spider-Man and this is my girlfriend” it’s a betrayal to women because it doesn’t place them as Spider-Man’s girlfriend and superior to other relationships.
Almost any space of value is a hierarchy, explicit or otherwise. Women automatically and necessarily invalidate male hierarchies simply by participating in them. Because competing directly with women is lose/lose for men. When you win - and men almost always win on fair competition - then you will be accused of having some nebulous unfair advantage. You will then be handicapped. If you lose, then you’re a losing loser who deserved to lose - even after you were literally handicapped for no reason other than your gender. Men recognize this dynamic instinctively. We have evolved to avoid and abandon co-ed spaces.
Whatever is it is comes from the kind of person who thinks their own personal feelings should be considered above the situation. "I wasn't special enough for this special thing to be shared, I think I should have been special enough, this drives a wedge between us because you don't think I'm as special as I do and that makes me insecure."
I believe that was the last thing that went through Gwen Stacey's mind. No wait, it was the concrete as she hit the floor in Amazing Spider-Man 2 after her relationship led to her capture and then death 🙃
I know this is that new shitty Spider-Man cartoon because people posted the horrible artwork here, but I didn't know that anybody was actually watching it.
Invincible’s black woke tv girlfriend might be the single best example of terrible modern female character writing. She’s entirely and irredeemably awful. Everyone hated her. There are a ton of hilarious hate videos on YouTube.
A similar thing happened with CW Flash and his <checks notes> black woke girlfriend. She was so terrible that people were calling for the Flash to end up with a throwaway early season romantic interest instead of Barry’s canon girlfriend.
Weirdly, that early season throwaway love interest was Wally West’s wife in the comics. It was really strange to have them date. Or even be near the same age. (And yet, it was somehow still not as bad as the romance on Arrow).
Linda Park, Wally West's wife, was just one example of that, Patty Spivot was another and she was far more liked by the audiences at the time.
it was somehow still not as bad as the romance on Arrow
Olicity was so fucking retarded. Felicity asking Ray if she could borrow his private plane so she and Oliver could fly to Nanda Parbat when Malcolm would have had his own jet that could have been used was just next level cuckoldry fantasies being written.
Olicity was a surefire sign common sense was going out the window in an episode. Felicity regaining the use of her legs and then immediately walking out the room because Oliver hadn't told her about his son was bad enough. The fact he acted that way because he was given the ultimatum of keeping the secret or never being a part of his son's life by the mother just made it worse because it wasn't ever something Felicity had a say in to begin with.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that Patty even showed up. I only remembered Linda, because of how strange it was, so I misunderstood who current_horror was talking about. The whole Arrowverse was such a weird mix of really great stuff and really awful stuff.
Linda also ended up being Earth 2 Dr Light for reasons and Patty was one of the few characters in the show who actually used her brain to theorise someone with light based powers could possibly turn invisible. Which is exactly what happened and why Dr Light escaped 🙄 Most of the brain trust characters in the Arrowverse shows were extremely stupid which tends to happen when dumb people try to write smart people.
The show suffered losing Patty, and Barry deserved better than the Iris he got both before and after the various flashpoints which was also done stupidly.
Ironically Barry ending up with someone other than Iris would have gone down well, whereas Arrow would have been infinitely better had they stuck to the canon romance rather than the walking, formerly unable to walk because she got shot and was paralysed and totally not an Oracle ripoff, disaster that was Felicity and her constant crying and hypocrisy.
"You didn't tell me literally everything about you all of the time, even if it puts me in mortal danger, and now I'm mad at you because I don't feel like I'm in control."
I really liked how Irredeemable did it. In it, their expy for Superman had a secret identity where he works at a radio show, and the expy for Lois Lane walks in on him when he's changing into his superhero costume. Does she argue with him "oh my god, you kept this secret from me blah blah"? No, she runs into the office and tells everyone that whats-his-face is the Plutonian, because all she cared about was her career. Then, since they were on air, the host immediately starts with "breaking news, the secret identity of the Plutonian is-" and as this is happening the Plutonian destroys the broadcasting equipment before more of the message can get out. The crew are terrified by this, pleading to not hurt them. To which he replies "Hurt you? How can I SAVE you? You just announced to the world you know who I am. Every villain I ever faced will hunt you and your families down to torture them for any possible information you might have on me!"
The comic really went off the rails, but it was an interesting concept that did the 'evil Superman' thing better than most. He just wanted to be loved, but after fucking up so badly he got an entire town's population of children killed, he had a nervous breakdown and everything snowballed into him full chaotic retard.
No, she runs into the office and tells everyone that whats-his-face is the Plutonian, because all she cared about was her career. Then, since they were on air, the host immediately starts with "breaking news, the secret identity of the Plutonian is-" and as this is happening the Plutonian destroys the broadcasting equipment before more of the message can get out. The crew are terrified by this, pleading to not hurt them. To which he replies "Hurt you? How can I SAVE you? You just announced to the world you know who I am. Every villain I ever faced will hunt you and your families down to torture them for any possible information you might have on me!"
Which is why Tony snaps in the end, people being shitty and his powers meaning he can hear EVERY-FUCKING-THING ever said on the planet. It would be like having not only the worst parts of social media beamed directly into your head, but specifically the parts whining about you never being good enough. Do that to someone with beyond Superman levels of power and it's no fucking surprise he loses it.
I really hate how hard that series tries to paint him as well irredeemable and that we should cheer for everything awful that happens to him in the end.
Because his background was horrible, his existence was misery, and it had no end. And the people he was giving his everything to were ungrateful and trying to ruin him constantly, as shown by my favorite line:
Is that how this works? I made one stupid mistake, and now I have nothing?
The story treats him as if his mistakes as irredeemably bad marks against his character, while everyone else gets to have redemption arcs where they are barely repentant or make excuses for the evil they do. Shit the one guy literally condemned countless planets to destruction for a promise evil aliens might help kill him one day.
Its very showing how the writer's, and a lot of other peoples, morality works. Its all relative based on how you want to frame it, how much you like them, and if it satisfies your justice boner.
People in general were just really fucking stupid in Irredeemable, like the guy who just murders one of the other superpowered siblings because he didn't like him and had been told the siblings shared power. Except it turned out the one he murdered was the source so now the world is even more fucked because it was one of the few people left alive who could still give the Plutonian a fight.
Its really telling how good the Plutonian and a few others are as a character, and a few really good moments, that anyone cares about the story because it is filled with the most retarded, unlikeable characters possible otherwise.
Though I think Invincible is miles worse in that regard so its baffling to me that that is the one they chose to adapt and managed to get super popular.
Invincible is miles worse in that regard so its baffling to me that that is the one they chose to adapt and managed to get super popular.
Probably because it's written by Robert Kirkman who also wrote the comic for The Walking Dead, so execs were looking to jump on another of his projects and at least Invincible was finished. If they try to do the same again with Fire Power then at least comic readers will know it won't end up being done well in part because of how badly Invincible has been mismanaged but also because despite a good start Fire Power doesn't end anywhere near as well as it could have.
And no loving family that took in a baby that fell from the sky in a spcaeship. He was bestowed upon a woman with severe depression who tried again and again to murder him as a baby, when she died he went through several foster homes where he accidentally hurt people because he couldn't control his powers, and then spent the rest of his adolescence in a feral state in the wild.
One of the Supreme Power comics had their Superman expy Hyperion try to suggest wearing glasses as a disguise and he just gets looked at like he's retarded.
I'm even more tired of "Secret Identity" being 50% of all fucking drama in superhero stories, and being a huge chunk of plots too.
Its already taking a lot of suspension of disbelief that most people can't make the connection because they ruffle some hair and change outfits, but putting the spotlight on it just makes it even more painful to listen to.
Not even just women, Foggy's reaction to his friend Matt being Daredevil almost ruins season 1. Not only is he incredibly weepy, but his acting is awful.
GG on being retarded enough yourself that your "complaint" only works if you then claim men can't be retarded therefore making the term an actual one of sexism. But then you're a long established retard so retarded takes if your standard MO.
I can tell you exactly where it started. It was when “women” entered the space. You have to remember the majority women think in terms of relationships not in the relationship itself. If a man isn’t completely honest and doesn’t scream “I’m Spider-Man and this is my girlfriend” it’s a betrayal to women because it doesn’t place them as Spider-Man’s girlfriend and superior to other relationships.
Almost any space of value is a hierarchy, explicit or otherwise. Women automatically and necessarily invalidate male hierarchies simply by participating in them. Because competing directly with women is lose/lose for men. When you win - and men almost always win on fair competition - then you will be accused of having some nebulous unfair advantage. You will then be handicapped. If you lose, then you’re a losing loser who deserved to lose - even after you were literally handicapped for no reason other than your gender. Men recognize this dynamic instinctively. We have evolved to avoid and abandon co-ed spaces.
"Wanna know my secret identity?" -Batman
Whatever is it is comes from the kind of person who thinks their own personal feelings should be considered above the situation. "I wasn't special enough for this special thing to be shared, I think I should have been special enough, this drives a wedge between us because you don't think I'm as special as I do and that makes me insecure."
I believe that was the last thing that went through Gwen Stacey's mind. No wait, it was the concrete as she hit the floor in Amazing Spider-Man 2 after her relationship led to her capture and then death 🙃
[Yes I know whiplash kills her in the comic]
I know this is that new shitty Spider-Man cartoon because people posted the horrible artwork here, but I didn't know that anybody was actually watching it.
Invincible did the same shit. Was the worst part of season 1. I never went back for season 2
Invincible’s black woke tv girlfriend might be the single best example of terrible modern female character writing. She’s entirely and irredeemably awful. Everyone hated her. There are a ton of hilarious hate videos on YouTube.
A similar thing happened with CW Flash and his <checks notes> black woke girlfriend. She was so terrible that people were calling for the Flash to end up with a throwaway early season romantic interest instead of Barry’s canon girlfriend.
Booty Spivot had appeal 🍑👀
Weirdly, that early season throwaway love interest was Wally West’s wife in the comics. It was really strange to have them date. Or even be near the same age. (And yet, it was somehow still not as bad as the romance on Arrow).
Linda Park, Wally West's wife, was just one example of that, Patty Spivot was another and she was far more liked by the audiences at the time.
Olicity was so fucking retarded. Felicity asking Ray if she could borrow his private plane so she and Oliver could fly to Nanda Parbat when Malcolm would have had his own jet that could have been used was just next level cuckoldry fantasies being written.
Olicity was a surefire sign common sense was going out the window in an episode. Felicity regaining the use of her legs and then immediately walking out the room because Oliver hadn't told her about his son was bad enough. The fact he acted that way because he was given the ultimatum of keeping the secret or never being a part of his son's life by the mother just made it worse because it wasn't ever something Felicity had a say in to begin with.
Oh, yeah, I forgot that Patty even showed up. I only remembered Linda, because of how strange it was, so I misunderstood who current_horror was talking about. The whole Arrowverse was such a weird mix of really great stuff and really awful stuff.
Linda also ended up being Earth 2 Dr Light for reasons and Patty was one of the few characters in the show who actually used her brain to theorise someone with light based powers could possibly turn invisible. Which is exactly what happened and why Dr Light escaped 🙄 Most of the brain trust characters in the Arrowverse shows were extremely stupid which tends to happen when dumb people try to write smart people.
The show suffered losing Patty, and Barry deserved better than the Iris he got both before and after the various flashpoints which was also done stupidly.
Ironically Barry ending up with someone other than Iris would have gone down well, whereas Arrow would have been infinitely better had they stuck to the canon romance rather than the walking, formerly unable to walk because she got shot and was paralysed and totally not an Oracle ripoff, disaster that was Felicity and her constant crying and hypocrisy.
Feminists are useless screen writers. Production companies should get financial incentives to hire less of those dime-a-dozen Tumblerinas.
Bonus points, invincible’s gf somehow already knew anyway.
Moderns writers can't write so they inject faux drama in its place.
Cluster B personality disorders:
"You didn't tell me literally everything about you all of the time, even if it puts me in mortal danger, and now I'm mad at you because I don't feel like I'm in control."
I really liked how Irredeemable did it. In it, their expy for Superman had a secret identity where he works at a radio show, and the expy for Lois Lane walks in on him when he's changing into his superhero costume. Does she argue with him "oh my god, you kept this secret from me blah blah"? No, she runs into the office and tells everyone that whats-his-face is the Plutonian, because all she cared about was her career. Then, since they were on air, the host immediately starts with "breaking news, the secret identity of the Plutonian is-" and as this is happening the Plutonian destroys the broadcasting equipment before more of the message can get out. The crew are terrified by this, pleading to not hurt them. To which he replies "Hurt you? How can I SAVE you? You just announced to the world you know who I am. Every villain I ever faced will hunt you and your families down to torture them for any possible information you might have on me!"
The comic really went off the rails, but it was an interesting concept that did the 'evil Superman' thing better than most. He just wanted to be loved, but after fucking up so badly he got an entire town's population of children killed, he had a nervous breakdown and everything snowballed into him full chaotic retard.
Which is why Tony snaps in the end, people being shitty and his powers meaning he can hear EVERY-FUCKING-THING ever said on the planet. It would be like having not only the worst parts of social media beamed directly into your head, but specifically the parts whining about you never being good enough. Do that to someone with beyond Superman levels of power and it's no fucking surprise he loses it.
I really hate how hard that series tries to paint him as well irredeemable and that we should cheer for everything awful that happens to him in the end.
Because his background was horrible, his existence was misery, and it had no end. And the people he was giving his everything to were ungrateful and trying to ruin him constantly, as shown by my favorite line:
The story treats him as if his mistakes as irredeemably bad marks against his character, while everyone else gets to have redemption arcs where they are barely repentant or make excuses for the evil they do. Shit the one guy literally condemned countless planets to destruction for a promise evil aliens might help kill him one day.
Its very showing how the writer's, and a lot of other peoples, morality works. Its all relative based on how you want to frame it, how much you like them, and if it satisfies your justice boner.
People in general were just really fucking stupid in Irredeemable, like the guy who just murders one of the other superpowered siblings because he didn't like him and had been told the siblings shared power. Except it turned out the one he murdered was the source so now the world is even more fucked because it was one of the few people left alive who could still give the Plutonian a fight.
Its really telling how good the Plutonian and a few others are as a character, and a few really good moments, that anyone cares about the story because it is filled with the most retarded, unlikeable characters possible otherwise.
Though I think Invincible is miles worse in that regard so its baffling to me that that is the one they chose to adapt and managed to get super popular.
Probably because it's written by Robert Kirkman who also wrote the comic for The Walking Dead, so execs were looking to jump on another of his projects and at least Invincible was finished. If they try to do the same again with Fire Power then at least comic readers will know it won't end up being done well in part because of how badly Invincible has been mismanaged but also because despite a good start Fire Power doesn't end anywhere near as well as it could have.
And no loving family that took in a baby that fell from the sky in a spcaeship. He was bestowed upon a woman with severe depression who tried again and again to murder him as a baby, when she died he went through several foster homes where he accidentally hurt people because he couldn't control his powers, and then spent the rest of his adolescence in a feral state in the wild.
One of the Supreme Power comics had their Superman expy Hyperion try to suggest wearing glasses as a disguise and he just gets looked at like he's retarded.
I have the Irredeemable omnibus.
Mark Waid was a fantastic writer...before he lost his mind.
I'm even more tired of "Secret Identity" being 50% of all fucking drama in superhero stories, and being a huge chunk of plots too.
Its already taking a lot of suspension of disbelief that most people can't make the connection because they ruffle some hair and change outfits, but putting the spotlight on it just makes it even more painful to listen to.
Why is he referring to Spiderman as the MC? Thai ladyboy MJ is the main character.
It's just shitty writers and DEI money.
That will dry up soon and hopefully a whole bunch of indie comics will finally get the sunlight they deserve.
Nothing too meta or subversive, just something new.
"You lied to me!"
You would be in incredible danger as people who want to hurt me will go after you.
"But... you lied to me!!!"
Not even just women, Foggy's reaction to his friend Matt being Daredevil almost ruins season 1. Not only is he incredibly weepy, but his acting is awful.
At least in that case, Daredevil had been accused of killing cops. But it was still stupidly out of character.
“We’re the Flash.”
“No we’re not, Iris, you stupid cunt!”
Comic books are ghay
lovely sexism...
I was going to point out the redundancy as well
I think he is just a troll
I think he is just retarded.
GG on being retarded enough yourself that your "complaint" only works if you then claim men can't be retarded therefore making the term an actual one of sexism. But then you're a long established retard so retarded takes if your standard MO.
usaids is gone why are you still posting
Oh hey, you're back!