While in power in organisations, allowing and promoting dei despite having the most power to end and block it. It's not boomers not being hired because of dei stuff, it's millennials and zoomers. At 2x the rate, to make up for it not being any boomers being replaced. It's easy to promote or just accept dei when it's not your job on the line, but that of 2 zoomers you don't know.
Voting for house price increases and local housing restrictions, and perpetual increases in pensions, despite not having kids to support it, and their life expectancy being far higher than when the pension came in.
For the few that did have kids, spending their inheritance
Putting their kids in school and day-care instead of raising them properly...
Buying a house near their work at 3x their annual income, and then telling younger people to suck it up, work hard, and just walk in with a handshake and your resume to be able to do the same, as though it was their hard work and anyone can just do the same now.
Even religion. Look at the boomer guitar masses which drive people away. The traditional stuff was rejected, thrown out, and suppressed by boomers.
Is every boomer like that? No. But it's an annoying pattern. And now everyone is collectively stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare while unable to afford their own homes, because the boomers did not build the next generation, while relying on the next gen's support when they can ill-afford it. And then being mocked by boomers for their hardship which they refuse to see or acknowledge.
I listed that one first, because it may well be the worst.
If they were just ignorant of how hard and different things were compared to what they were given and pissed inheritances down the wall, that would be one thing
But by not having kids but making others pay for their shit while not being a large block to resist that, they've fucked everything.
Boomers did start a trend of unending selfishness that’s never been seen in recorded history. Pretty much all major decisions made as a demographic were about them and their own self interest. They had less kids because it was more convenient and fun for them. Religion wasn’t fun all the time so they abandoned that and didn’t want their kids to have it. Kids were sent away to X, Y, and Z, they didn’t let or want them to stay. There was relatively less community and communal living within families in the West during that time that as far as I can tell wasn’t present before. The more egregious part is the condescension because ‘graph go up’ says things are better than ever despite it costing so much to buy a home now even in places people wouldn’t want to live that I know a lot of people going to school that just sleep in their cars. A lot of class conflict at this point is just intergenerational conflict with boomers.
I know plenty of good boomers. As a demographic, a lot of bad decisions were made.
Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
To add to Vicious_snek6's post, the general point about boomers is that they are too complacent and incurious to understand the effects of their actions.
To take one example, under their watch politicians let in millions of illegals and outsourced the economy through free trade and H-1Bs, destroying the earning potential of the average American worker, but a lot of boomers genuinely don't understand this has happened and will tell you that "kids just don't want to work nowadays."
They have a similar "fk it" attitude about the effects of second wave feminism essentially doubling the workforce (therefore halving wages) and no-fault divorce dismantling marriage.
Also, boomers talked massive trash about millennials for years, and yet they are the parents of all millennials so they were actually pointing the finger at themselves. Why didn't they realize this obvious implication? Because they bought the ahistorical, idiotic idea that you're a completely autonomous person as soon as you turn 18.
Boomers are what happens if you have a generation that completely buys into the lies of Jews and financiers (yes, yes, I repeat myself).
Regulation. The generation that coined "get a job with a firm handshake" is the same generation that sicced cops on lemonade stands. They benefited from there being no rules and the regulated everything to death.
The pivotal moment was when they allowed Nixon to close the gold window in 1971. That really was the gunshot wound to the head for the economy. Because that is the start of runaway inflation that doomed the economy. As costs began to rise, (((they))) did several things to try to hide the effects of inflation, such as offshoring most jobs to China, adding women to the workforce, and flooding the country with third worlders. All of these things were done to keep the cost of consumer goods lower to prevent the boomers from rioting in the streets. That only worked for so long and now it's catching up to us. Now jobs are offshored, women are in the workforce, and the country is flooded with shitskins, and the cost of consumer goods is still rising, so is housing and food.
The only way to fix all of this is to fix the money. Return to a hard money standard like a gold or bitcoin standard. Once we have hard money again everything else will sort itself out. A lot of people don't know this, but one of the first things Constantine did when he took power was restore the gold standard in the Eastern Roman Empire, ensuring the coinage was varifiable and backed by gold, not debased, and the result was a second golden age which lasted for several hundred years.
The boomers' attitude is "go along to get along" and that screwed over society and their kids. The reality is they had no control over it and no say in it. They could go to college and get indoctrinated in marxism or be drafted to Vietnam. The government was infested from top to bottom with outright communists and still is today. They didn't have the internet. Whatever the TV and newspapers said was regarded as fact. Even today, my boomer father doesn't believe anything until it trickles down to Fox News.
That was the federal reserve, compound interest, and money printing. Not the boomers.
Don't let them redirect your ire. It's the banks that are the problem, not the people living under the rules that have been forced upon them by the banks.
You can’t blame this all on the banks. 2nd/3rd wave feminism- Boomers, H-1Bs- Boomers, Anti-redlining bill causing the stock market crash- Boomers, DEI and “Anti-racism”- Boomers, Dual income household- Boomers, declining birth rate-Boomers, killing nuclear power- Boomers, Hippies- Boomers. People like to pretend millennials were the “me” generation, but it was boomers, they were the most libtarded generation the ones who implemented mass immigration to replace having a birthrate and are to this day the financial rugpullers on every later generation. Inflation can’t explain why a mechanical engineer starting salary today is making almost half of one in 1990 when you adjust for inflation. Banks didn’t do that, government policy and a generation of unrepentant narcissists did.
It's monopolies. Boomers got 401k's then got stars in their eyes. They didn't care about long term impact they went for short term increase of their "retirement" fund and cheered for every bullshit law the benefited it. Which is all actually just going to become a "medical care" and "pharmaceutical" fund in the low rent wasteland their easily manipulated greed has created.
While the economy and all that is well documented to be fucked, its hard to feel as bad as I should for them because of just how fucking retarded with money they are.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
Like, absolutely given a raw hand by their parents/grandparents in terms of a country and financial ability, but then turned that raw hand into an even worse one out of sheer hedonism and impulsivity.
There might be a chicken and egg element to this, where young people are more likely to be completely checked out of society because they feel like they have no hope of a decent future, so they indulge in hedonism.
But you also can't sit around crying "woe is me" your entire life just because of circumstances beyond your control. You can only play with the cards you are dealt and try to make the best hand of them.
If you want to just waste away consuming porn, beer, and pot because you don't see the point in trying when its this bad, well you aren't really wrong. But you also don't get to ask for sympathy either.
Zoomers have straight up told me that easy porn is one of the worst things about growing up when they did. But what are you going to do as a pubescent kid, not watch HD porn available in a few clicks?
Porn especially is a difficult problem, because people's desire for it is older than civilization and they will always seek it out in some form. Its basic instinct and no amount of moralizing will ever truly curb it.
So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
You must be a carpenter you hit the nail on the head so perfectly.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
Most people don't even get to talk to their kids about moderating food intake. It's often not that they don't want to, it's just that it's not a topic the kids want to engage in. It's boring. It involves responsibility, being future-conscious, etc. But it's worth the discomfort on both ends, at least that's what I've found.
Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
And how much of that was engineered? We all know how mobile games are predatory with microtransactions. Just scale that up and introduce it to individuals who don't remember a time before that was how everything was done. This isn't entirely Gen Z's failing, but ours for failing to properly arm them against such things.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Society is geared towards women slutting around and needing 20 abortions, but we still hold them accountable for being a slut. Same with illegals jumping the border and niggers selling crack.
No matter what temptations society tries to hit you with, you have to be the one who says no to them. Even if that's the hardest fucking thing in the world to do.
I do agree we have failed them considerably and that's why we still fight for the future to maybe be better.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Yeah, I don't buy that. You're responsible for pulling yourself out of it, but only after you become aware that you're stuck in the trap. I'd wager a large portion of them don't even realize half of the traps they've fallen into are traps. Step 0 is to realize a problem even exists and until they get there you can't really berate them for failing to correct course.
but we still hold them accountable for being a slut.
You don't need to see the entire web to know you shouldn't get involved. Those of us who are older had just as many pitfalls of cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention pot, that we had to navigate around not becoming addicted to the the detriment of our life and finances.
It doesn't take a redpill awakening to recognize that having 10 streaming services cuts into your budget. You shouldn't need to be taught that even.
Populations of people can only behave deterministically. Meaning that it's a simple matter of incentives and disincentives. An individual can decide to do more with less, not a population.
Every population is made of individuals however. We all got choices to make, and if most people chose to be better, the population would end up doing so.
Most people are not going to spontaneously choose to be better. That's impossible. It's always the path of least resistance. It's up to the culture to pressure the population in a good direction.
But, I also cannot sit around preening about how niggers are pathetic losers for choosing the culture presented to them while also making excuses for my own people doing the same.
Broadly speaking yes, they're made up of individuals.
Non-functional individuals. Average Iqs and all that, most individuals are farrrrrrrr too stupid to preserve their own resources for the winter without being forced.
We used to have multiple mechanisms for doing that, and for punishing you early for not behaving, but those got condemned for being unfair "you don't know their history!" "Everyone deserves a second chance!" "Oh so you never made any mistakes?"
The legal mechanisms got stripped away by fiat, usury, and fractional reserve banking.
The cultural ones got stomped by being called racist, sexist, etc. Meanwhile cultural identity is under constant attack, youre evil for success, evil for being white, evil for being a man, evil for thinking fatties and fags are gross.
Evil for behaving like every human being for 98% of human history.
Just because your dad didn't teach you how to fix a car doesn't mean you have to pay 1000$+ to let someone else do it your entire life.
Funny that I found myself in to this category. Everyone had cheat cods because their dads would teach them stuff but I started doing stuff on my own as an adult, I was very bad at it but eventually got decent enough and I'm proud of what I accomplish even if it is not exactly best quality. But I still feel that I'm lagging behind other dudes.
Saved a ton of money on car maintenance, plumbing, electrical, woodwork.
I feel that. My dad knew how to do most of that stuff like the back of his hand, but was usually too fucked up to really teach you anything.
My adulthood has been a long line of learning basic shit from scratch just so my wife and kids can have something resembling a put together home and some savings for when shit goes wrong.
My dad would tell me to fix things around the house or at the family business because he's too cheap to hire a professional. It was on me to look up how to fix whatever shit broke down that day. I got really good at changing out fill valves in toilets.
I guess in a way the lessons learned still helps me out as an adult, even if he contributed nothing to the learning process.
Yes, you do need to do this shit yourself. In fact, that's part of the real problem. The boomers didn't do it themselves, their parents set-up a society that would institutionally support them through their entire lives. Zoomers have no choice but to support themselves because the institutions are against them.
The raise actually isn't the point. Working at companies for more than a few years actually tends to prevent your ability to get increased wages. You have to move from company to company for better wages. Companies almost never reward loyalty. The bigger they are, the worse they are with loyalty.
Strangely enough, if you want to stick with a company, you should actually stick with a small business that has a high growth rate. That's actually a business that will reward loyalty, promote merit, give responsibility, and give raises when times are good. The problem is you can only find it at those businesses, and it means taking a huge risk to get a job with small employers.
Yes, you do need to do this shit yourself. In fact, that's part of the real problem.
The problem is that kids can't be expected to prepare for problems they don't know exist. Schools and parents should be teaching financial literacy, but I think we both know that public institutions are training young people to be Consoomers and their parents are too busy being wage slaves to teach their kids any better. It's a vicious cycle, which is why I like Andrew Tate and (for the most part) "hustle culture" that at least gets Zoomers thinking about money and financial independence. Regardless, it's absurd that financial literacy isn't a part of American culture, seeing as we pride ourselves on our alleged, purported, rumored, so-called "Capitalist" economy.
The problem is that "Hustle Culture" is actually still operating in the system and not rejecting it outright and building something independent.
It's like working to get a higher wage, rather than starting a business. More good (and potentially more money) can be done by the later, but if you keep focusing on the former you'll still end up a wage slave.
You're right, they can't be expected to prepare for problems they don't know exist, and that's really the level of revolution they need to take. You have to abandon all current ways of knowing and traditions and start from scratch, assuming all known opinion is wrong. That's pretty fucking crazy, especially coming from the political right (since it's an inherently anti-conservative & anti-traditional argument), but it is what they have to do. Oddly enough, because the technically conservative stance would be to follow along with the guidance given by the leftist institutions, the kids would end up as Paleo-Cons.
The Gen X guy in my office is the one who is determined to not leave his kids a single solitary cent, so I don't think your generation is off the hook either.
No, there are plenty of assholes in Gen X, too. But not as many as in the boomer generation or the millennials and beyond. And our generation was a lot smaller overall, which limited our impact (good and bad) on the culture overall.
Boomers are the greediest generation possibly ever. Never seen a group pull the ladder up so hard.
I have heard this a lot but no one has ever explained how that generation screwed over those that came after.
Not having kids and so dooming their societies.
Promoting degeneracy
While in power in organisations, allowing and promoting dei despite having the most power to end and block it. It's not boomers not being hired because of dei stuff, it's millennials and zoomers. At 2x the rate, to make up for it not being any boomers being replaced. It's easy to promote or just accept dei when it's not your job on the line, but that of 2 zoomers you don't know.
Voting for house price increases and local housing restrictions, and perpetual increases in pensions, despite not having kids to support it, and their life expectancy being far higher than when the pension came in.
For the few that did have kids, spending their inheritance
Putting their kids in school and day-care instead of raising them properly...
Buying a house near their work at 3x their annual income, and then telling younger people to suck it up, work hard, and just walk in with a handshake and your resume to be able to do the same, as though it was their hard work and anyone can just do the same now.
Even religion. Look at the boomer guitar masses which drive people away. The traditional stuff was rejected, thrown out, and suppressed by boomers.
Is every boomer like that? No. But it's an annoying pattern. And now everyone is collectively stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare while unable to afford their own homes, because the boomers did not build the next generation, while relying on the next gen's support when they can ill-afford it. And then being mocked by boomers for their hardship which they refuse to see or acknowledge.
Going from "youngest of seven" to "two kids is enough" in one generation is increasingly insane to me the older I get.
I listed that one first, because it may well be the worst.
If they were just ignorant of how hard and different things were compared to what they were given and pissed inheritances down the wall, that would be one thing
But by not having kids but making others pay for their shit while not being a large block to resist that, they've fucked everything.
Boomers did start a trend of unending selfishness that’s never been seen in recorded history. Pretty much all major decisions made as a demographic were about them and their own self interest. They had less kids because it was more convenient and fun for them. Religion wasn’t fun all the time so they abandoned that and didn’t want their kids to have it. Kids were sent away to X, Y, and Z, they didn’t let or want them to stay. There was relatively less community and communal living within families in the West during that time that as far as I can tell wasn’t present before. The more egregious part is the condescension because ‘graph go up’ says things are better than ever despite it costing so much to buy a home now even in places people wouldn’t want to live that I know a lot of people going to school that just sleep in their cars. A lot of class conflict at this point is just intergenerational conflict with boomers.
I know plenty of good boomers. As a demographic, a lot of bad decisions were made.
The good Boomers died in 'Nam. All that's left are the college-educated draft-dodgers and political instigators.
Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
Kick your kid out at 18 and then wonder why the "family" is no longer close.
To add to Vicious_snek6's post, the general point about boomers is that they are too complacent and incurious to understand the effects of their actions.
To take one example, under their watch politicians let in millions of illegals and outsourced the economy through free trade and H-1Bs, destroying the earning potential of the average American worker, but a lot of boomers genuinely don't understand this has happened and will tell you that "kids just don't want to work nowadays."
They have a similar "fk it" attitude about the effects of second wave feminism essentially doubling the workforce (therefore halving wages) and no-fault divorce dismantling marriage.
Also, boomers talked massive trash about millennials for years, and yet they are the parents of all millennials so they were actually pointing the finger at themselves. Why didn't they realize this obvious implication? Because they bought the ahistorical, idiotic idea that you're a completely autonomous person as soon as you turn 18.
Boomers are what happens if you have a generation that completely buys into the lies of Jews and financiers (yes, yes, I repeat myself).
Leftists refuse to accept this as the real cause of the "rich poor divide".
Another good example of too complacent and incurious: the 1986 vaccine injury act. Cue the skyrocket of autism and autoimmune disorders.
Regulation. The generation that coined "get a job with a firm handshake" is the same generation that sicced cops on lemonade stands. They benefited from there being no rules and the regulated everything to death.
The pivotal moment was when they allowed Nixon to close the gold window in 1971. That really was the gunshot wound to the head for the economy. Because that is the start of runaway inflation that doomed the economy. As costs began to rise, (((they))) did several things to try to hide the effects of inflation, such as offshoring most jobs to China, adding women to the workforce, and flooding the country with third worlders. All of these things were done to keep the cost of consumer goods lower to prevent the boomers from rioting in the streets. That only worked for so long and now it's catching up to us. Now jobs are offshored, women are in the workforce, and the country is flooded with shitskins, and the cost of consumer goods is still rising, so is housing and food.
The only way to fix all of this is to fix the money. Return to a hard money standard like a gold or bitcoin standard. Once we have hard money again everything else will sort itself out. A lot of people don't know this, but one of the first things Constantine did when he took power was restore the gold standard in the Eastern Roman Empire, ensuring the coinage was varifiable and backed by gold, not debased, and the result was a second golden age which lasted for several hundred years.
The boomers' attitude is "go along to get along" and that screwed over society and their kids. The reality is they had no control over it and no say in it. They could go to college and get indoctrinated in marxism or be drafted to Vietnam. The government was infested from top to bottom with outright communists and still is today. They didn't have the internet. Whatever the TV and newspapers said was regarded as fact. Even today, my boomer father doesn't believe anything until it trickles down to Fox News.
That was the federal reserve, compound interest, and money printing. Not the boomers.
Don't let them redirect your ire. It's the banks that are the problem, not the people living under the rules that have been forced upon them by the banks.
You can’t blame this all on the banks. 2nd/3rd wave feminism- Boomers, H-1Bs- Boomers, Anti-redlining bill causing the stock market crash- Boomers, DEI and “Anti-racism”- Boomers, Dual income household- Boomers, declining birth rate-Boomers, killing nuclear power- Boomers, Hippies- Boomers. People like to pretend millennials were the “me” generation, but it was boomers, they were the most libtarded generation the ones who implemented mass immigration to replace having a birthrate and are to this day the financial rugpullers on every later generation. Inflation can’t explain why a mechanical engineer starting salary today is making almost half of one in 1990 when you adjust for inflation. Banks didn’t do that, government policy and a generation of unrepentant narcissists did.
It's monopolies. Boomers got 401k's then got stars in their eyes. They didn't care about long term impact they went for short term increase of their "retirement" fund and cheered for every bullshit law the benefited it. Which is all actually just going to become a "medical care" and "pharmaceutical" fund in the low rent wasteland their easily manipulated greed has created.
It's the government flooding the pool with Poos for kids to drown in shit, which caused housing to be unaffordable.
...How many generations have you seen Lestat?
Go into detail for us with poor economic understanding please
While the economy and all that is well documented to be fucked, its hard to feel as bad as I should for them because of just how fucking retarded with money they are.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
Like, absolutely given a raw hand by their parents/grandparents in terms of a country and financial ability, but then turned that raw hand into an even worse one out of sheer hedonism and impulsivity.
There might be a chicken and egg element to this, where young people are more likely to be completely checked out of society because they feel like they have no hope of a decent future, so they indulge in hedonism.
I don't doubt that has some part to do with it.
But you also can't sit around crying "woe is me" your entire life just because of circumstances beyond your control. You can only play with the cards you are dealt and try to make the best hand of them.
If you want to just waste away consuming porn, beer, and pot because you don't see the point in trying when its this bad, well you aren't really wrong. But you also don't get to ask for sympathy either.
Zoomers have straight up told me that easy porn is one of the worst things about growing up when they did. But what are you going to do as a pubescent kid, not watch HD porn available in a few clicks?
Porn especially is a difficult problem, because people's desire for it is older than civilization and they will always seek it out in some form. Its basic instinct and no amount of moralizing will ever truly curb it.
So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
Literally hardwired into us. Our whole reason for existing (apparently) is to have kids and further the species.
I agree, making it taboo and not talking about it is part of the problem.
People get so weird over a naked body.
It could be curbed pretty sharply by dealing with the companies that give it away for free, like mindgeek.
You must be a carpenter you hit the nail on the head so perfectly.
Most people don't even get to talk to their kids about moderating food intake. It's often not that they don't want to, it's just that it's not a topic the kids want to engage in. It's boring. It involves responsibility, being future-conscious, etc. But it's worth the discomfort on both ends, at least that's what I've found.
I was poisoned with freon at work, denied help, likely ended up with kidney damage. No one would take the case because "it wasnt enough money".
Now ive been suffering from low phosphorous and high parathryoid hormone for at least the last 5 years, likely from the kidney damage.
You dont know what its like broseph, when you just have no energy to get out of bed or even care anymore.
About all I can do is feel sorry for myself and I hate it.
Im ready for death.
From my experience anyway, nothing ever goes the way I planned it, Guess im just a loser like that.
I dont need fancy cars and a big house to be happy, i just wanted a little piece of property to call my own and to live my life peacefully.
I wasnt even allowed to have that. And at this point, I have to be realistic and assume its never going to happen.
A reality that is almost guaranteed for the younger generations and again all by design.
How do you think well get a world where "we have no property and no privacy".
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
Spoken like a true boomer I guess.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.
By design, but ill also point out.
In the 1960's, one person could work.
Afford a house, a car, vacation, education, medical, go out on the weekends, have hobbys, and STLL have money to put in the bank.
No one can do that now, even if your some engineer graduate making 100k a year, you still having to cut one or two things out of that list.
When the fuck are we gonna stand up and say enough is enough.
And how much of that was engineered? We all know how mobile games are predatory with microtransactions. Just scale that up and introduce it to individuals who don't remember a time before that was how everything was done. This isn't entirely Gen Z's failing, but ours for failing to properly arm them against such things.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Society is geared towards women slutting around and needing 20 abortions, but we still hold them accountable for being a slut. Same with illegals jumping the border and niggers selling crack.
No matter what temptations society tries to hit you with, you have to be the one who says no to them. Even if that's the hardest fucking thing in the world to do.
I do agree we have failed them considerably and that's why we still fight for the future to maybe be better.
Yeah, I don't buy that. You're responsible for pulling yourself out of it, but only after you become aware that you're stuck in the trap. I'd wager a large portion of them don't even realize half of the traps they've fallen into are traps. Step 0 is to realize a problem even exists and until they get there you can't really berate them for failing to correct course.
I'd argue this isn't true at all.
You don't need to see the entire web to know you shouldn't get involved. Those of us who are older had just as many pitfalls of cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention pot, that we had to navigate around not becoming addicted to the the detriment of our life and finances.
It doesn't take a redpill awakening to recognize that having 10 streaming services cuts into your budget. You shouldn't need to be taught that even.
And who's fault is that? Who failed them? C'mon, man. 🙄
I was raised by a ghetto rat and a junkie and I still managed to figure out "if I don't spend my penny today I can buy something better tomorrow."
You are responsible for you, even if the deck is stacked against you horribly, you have to make the best of it.
Just because your dad didn't teach you how to fix a car doesn't mean you have to pay 1000$+ to let someone else do it your entire life.
Populations of people can only behave deterministically. Meaning that it's a simple matter of incentives and disincentives. An individual can decide to do more with less, not a population.
Every population is made of individuals however. We all got choices to make, and if most people chose to be better, the population would end up doing so.
Most people are not going to spontaneously choose to be better. That's impossible. It's always the path of least resistance. It's up to the culture to pressure the population in a good direction.
I agree wholeheartedly.
But, I also cannot sit around preening about how niggers are pathetic losers for choosing the culture presented to them while also making excuses for my own people doing the same.
You give humanity too much credit. The NPC meme a few years back was shut down hard because it was too accurate.
Broadly speaking yes, they're made up of individuals.
Non-functional individuals. Average Iqs and all that, most individuals are farrrrrrrr too stupid to preserve their own resources for the winter without being forced.
We used to have multiple mechanisms for doing that, and for punishing you early for not behaving, but those got condemned for being unfair "you don't know their history!" "Everyone deserves a second chance!" "Oh so you never made any mistakes?"
The legal mechanisms got stripped away by fiat, usury, and fractional reserve banking.
The cultural ones got stomped by being called racist, sexist, etc. Meanwhile cultural identity is under constant attack, youre evil for success, evil for being white, evil for being a man, evil for thinking fatties and fags are gross.
Evil for behaving like every human being for 98% of human history.
It's not really any surprise how that turns out
Funny that I found myself in to this category. Everyone had cheat cods because their dads would teach them stuff but I started doing stuff on my own as an adult, I was very bad at it but eventually got decent enough and I'm proud of what I accomplish even if it is not exactly best quality. But I still feel that I'm lagging behind other dudes.
Saved a ton of money on car maintenance, plumbing, electrical, woodwork.
I feel that. My dad knew how to do most of that stuff like the back of his hand, but was usually too fucked up to really teach you anything.
My adulthood has been a long line of learning basic shit from scratch just so my wife and kids can have something resembling a put together home and some savings for when shit goes wrong.
My dad would tell me to fix things around the house or at the family business because he's too cheap to hire a professional. It was on me to look up how to fix whatever shit broke down that day. I got really good at changing out fill valves in toilets.
I guess in a way the lessons learned still helps me out as an adult, even if he contributed nothing to the learning process.
You can blame others for not teaching you. You can only blame yourself for remaining uneducated.
"You keep on pull'n on them bootstraps, working hard for the man, and one soon you'll get that raise. Maybe."
It's right and wrong at the same time.
Yes, you do need to do this shit yourself. In fact, that's part of the real problem. The boomers didn't do it themselves, their parents set-up a society that would institutionally support them through their entire lives. Zoomers have no choice but to support themselves because the institutions are against them.
The raise actually isn't the point. Working at companies for more than a few years actually tends to prevent your ability to get increased wages. You have to move from company to company for better wages. Companies almost never reward loyalty. The bigger they are, the worse they are with loyalty.
Strangely enough, if you want to stick with a company, you should actually stick with a small business that has a high growth rate. That's actually a business that will reward loyalty, promote merit, give responsibility, and give raises when times are good. The problem is you can only find it at those businesses, and it means taking a huge risk to get a job with small employers.
The problem is that kids can't be expected to prepare for problems they don't know exist. Schools and parents should be teaching financial literacy, but I think we both know that public institutions are training young people to be Consoomers and their parents are too busy being wage slaves to teach their kids any better. It's a vicious cycle, which is why I like Andrew Tate and (for the most part) "hustle culture" that at least gets Zoomers thinking about money and financial independence. Regardless, it's absurd that financial literacy isn't a part of American culture, seeing as we pride ourselves on our alleged, purported, rumored, so-called "Capitalist" economy.
The problem is that "Hustle Culture" is actually still operating in the system and not rejecting it outright and building something independent.
It's like working to get a higher wage, rather than starting a business. More good (and potentially more money) can be done by the later, but if you keep focusing on the former you'll still end up a wage slave.
You're right, they can't be expected to prepare for problems they don't know exist, and that's really the level of revolution they need to take. You have to abandon all current ways of knowing and traditions and start from scratch, assuming all known opinion is wrong. That's pretty fucking crazy, especially coming from the political right (since it's an inherently anti-conservative & anti-traditional argument), but it is what they have to do. Oddly enough, because the technically conservative stance would be to follow along with the guidance given by the leftist institutions, the kids would end up as Paleo-Cons.
A small price to pay for being able to rail your boyfriend in the women's washroom without anyone being allowed to call you gross to your face.
As usual, Gen X doesn’t exist. Just remember we think you’re all a bunch of bitches.
Actually 90% of Gen X is bitches, too
"Fuck dude, yeah they ignore us but... who cares man. None of this shit matters. In the end, it doesn't even matter." - t. Gen Xer
The Gen X guy in my office is the one who is determined to not leave his kids a single solitary cent, so I don't think your generation is off the hook either.
No, there are plenty of assholes in Gen X, too. But not as many as in the boomer generation or the millennials and beyond. And our generation was a lot smaller overall, which limited our impact (good and bad) on the culture overall.
You're upset that Gen X wasn't shafted? You came in close enough to Boomers to benefit from their economy.
So be grateful, bitch. 🤣
We were shafted, too. It’s just that no one cared enough to mention us in that article.
But believe me, all the retarded boomer shit you’re suffering the consequences of right now, well, we were suffering it 20-30 years ago
Okay. I'll take your word for it.