Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
Kick your kid out at 18 and then wonder why the "family" is no longer close.