While in power in organisations, allowing and promoting dei despite having the most power to end and block it. It's not boomers not being hired because of dei stuff, it's millennials and zoomers. At 2x the rate, to make up for it not being any boomers being replaced. It's easy to promote or just accept dei when it's not your job on the line, but that of 2 zoomers you don't know.
Voting for house price increases and local housing restrictions, and perpetual increases in pensions, despite not having kids to support it, and their life expectancy being far higher than when the pension came in.
For the few that did have kids, spending their inheritance
Putting their kids in school and day-care instead of raising them properly...
Buying a house near their work at 3x their annual income, and then telling younger people to suck it up, work hard, and just walk in with a handshake and your resume to be able to do the same, as though it was their hard work and anyone can just do the same now.
Even religion. Look at the boomer guitar masses which drive people away. The traditional stuff was rejected, thrown out, and suppressed by boomers.
Is every boomer like that? No. But it's an annoying pattern. And now everyone is collectively stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare while unable to afford their own homes, because the boomers did not build the next generation, while relying on the next gen's support when they can ill-afford it. And then being mocked by boomers for their hardship which they refuse to see or acknowledge.
I listed that one first, because it may well be the worst.
If they were just ignorant of how hard and different things were compared to what they were given and pissed inheritances down the wall, that would be one thing
But by not having kids but making others pay for their shit while not being a large block to resist that, they've fucked everything.
Boomers did start a trend of unending selfishness that’s never been seen in recorded history. Pretty much all major decisions made as a demographic were about them and their own self interest. They had less kids because it was more convenient and fun for them. Religion wasn’t fun all the time so they abandoned that and didn’t want their kids to have it. Kids were sent away to X, Y, and Z, they didn’t let or want them to stay. There was relatively less community and communal living within families in the West during that time that as far as I can tell wasn’t present before. The more egregious part is the condescension because ‘graph go up’ says things are better than ever despite it costing so much to buy a home now even in places people wouldn’t want to live that I know a lot of people going to school that just sleep in their cars. A lot of class conflict at this point is just intergenerational conflict with boomers.
I know plenty of good boomers. As a demographic, a lot of bad decisions were made.
Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
Not having kids and so dooming their societies.
Promoting degeneracy
While in power in organisations, allowing and promoting dei despite having the most power to end and block it. It's not boomers not being hired because of dei stuff, it's millennials and zoomers. At 2x the rate, to make up for it not being any boomers being replaced. It's easy to promote or just accept dei when it's not your job on the line, but that of 2 zoomers you don't know.
Voting for house price increases and local housing restrictions, and perpetual increases in pensions, despite not having kids to support it, and their life expectancy being far higher than when the pension came in.
For the few that did have kids, spending their inheritance
Putting their kids in school and day-care instead of raising them properly...
Buying a house near their work at 3x their annual income, and then telling younger people to suck it up, work hard, and just walk in with a handshake and your resume to be able to do the same, as though it was their hard work and anyone can just do the same now.
Even religion. Look at the boomer guitar masses which drive people away. The traditional stuff was rejected, thrown out, and suppressed by boomers.
Is every boomer like that? No. But it's an annoying pattern. And now everyone is collectively stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare while unable to afford their own homes, because the boomers did not build the next generation, while relying on the next gen's support when they can ill-afford it. And then being mocked by boomers for their hardship which they refuse to see or acknowledge.
Going from "youngest of seven" to "two kids is enough" in one generation is increasingly insane to me the older I get.
I listed that one first, because it may well be the worst.
If they were just ignorant of how hard and different things were compared to what they were given and pissed inheritances down the wall, that would be one thing
But by not having kids but making others pay for their shit while not being a large block to resist that, they've fucked everything.
Boomers did start a trend of unending selfishness that’s never been seen in recorded history. Pretty much all major decisions made as a demographic were about them and their own self interest. They had less kids because it was more convenient and fun for them. Religion wasn’t fun all the time so they abandoned that and didn’t want their kids to have it. Kids were sent away to X, Y, and Z, they didn’t let or want them to stay. There was relatively less community and communal living within families in the West during that time that as far as I can tell wasn’t present before. The more egregious part is the condescension because ‘graph go up’ says things are better than ever despite it costing so much to buy a home now even in places people wouldn’t want to live that I know a lot of people going to school that just sleep in their cars. A lot of class conflict at this point is just intergenerational conflict with boomers.
I know plenty of good boomers. As a demographic, a lot of bad decisions were made.
The good Boomers died in 'Nam. All that's left are the college-educated draft-dodgers and political instigators.
Having seen both firsthand, I feel like that was a failure to change with the times,. 7 is too fucking many. Don't lie to my fucking face and say you can be a good parent to that many. You cant.
It used to be economic necessity I get it. But "large family" really needed to shift from 9 to about 6 when the industrial revolution.
You have 6 kids youre and idiot. You have 8 or more youre and ASShole
The nuclear family is part of the problem. It's much less of an issue to have five kids if you have 20+ adult family members living within the same county.
Kick your kid out at 18 and then wonder why the "family" is no longer close.