To add to Vicious_snek6's post, the general point about boomers is that they are too complacent and incurious to understand the effects of their actions.
To take one example, under their watch politicians let in millions of illegals and outsourced the economy through free trade and H-1Bs, destroying the earning potential of the average American worker, but a lot of boomers genuinely don't understand this has happened and will tell you that "kids just don't want to work nowadays."
They have a similar "fk it" attitude about the effects of second wave feminism essentially doubling the workforce (therefore halving wages) and no-fault divorce dismantling marriage.
Also, boomers talked massive trash about millennials for years, and yet they are the parents of all millennials so they were actually pointing the finger at themselves. Why didn't they realize this obvious implication? Because they bought the ahistorical, idiotic idea that you're a completely autonomous person as soon as you turn 18.
Boomers are what happens if you have a generation that completely buys into the lies of Jews and financiers (yes, yes, I repeat myself).
To add to Vicious_snek6's post, the general point about boomers is that they are too complacent and incurious to understand the effects of their actions.
To take one example, under their watch politicians let in millions of illegals and outsourced the economy through free trade and H-1Bs, destroying the earning potential of the average American worker, but a lot of boomers genuinely don't understand this has happened and will tell you that "kids just don't want to work nowadays."
They have a similar "fk it" attitude about the effects of second wave feminism essentially doubling the workforce (therefore halving wages) and no-fault divorce dismantling marriage.
Also, boomers talked massive trash about millennials for years, and yet they are the parents of all millennials so they were actually pointing the finger at themselves. Why didn't they realize this obvious implication? Because they bought the ahistorical, idiotic idea that you're a completely autonomous person as soon as you turn 18.
Boomers are what happens if you have a generation that completely buys into the lies of Jews and financiers (yes, yes, I repeat myself).
Leftists refuse to accept this as the real cause of the "rich poor divide".
Another good example of too complacent and incurious: the 1986 vaccine injury act. Cue the skyrocket of autism and autoimmune disorders.