While the economy and all that is well documented to be fucked, its hard to feel as bad as I should for them because of just how fucking retarded with money they are.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
Like, absolutely given a raw hand by their parents/grandparents in terms of a country and financial ability, but then turned that raw hand into an even worse one out of sheer hedonism and impulsivity.
There might be a chicken and egg element to this, where young people are more likely to be completely checked out of society because they feel like they have no hope of a decent future, so they indulge in hedonism.
But you also can't sit around crying "woe is me" your entire life just because of circumstances beyond your control. You can only play with the cards you are dealt and try to make the best hand of them.
If you want to just waste away consuming porn, beer, and pot because you don't see the point in trying when its this bad, well you aren't really wrong. But you also don't get to ask for sympathy either.
Zoomers have straight up told me that easy porn is one of the worst things about growing up when they did. But what are you going to do as a pubescent kid, not watch HD porn available in a few clicks?
Porn especially is a difficult problem, because people's desire for it is older than civilization and they will always seek it out in some form. Its basic instinct and no amount of moralizing will ever truly curb it.
So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
And how much of that was engineered? We all know how mobile games are predatory with microtransactions. Just scale that up and introduce it to individuals who don't remember a time before that was how everything was done. This isn't entirely Gen Z's failing, but ours for failing to properly arm them against such things.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Society is geared towards women slutting around and needing 20 abortions, but we still hold them accountable for being a slut. Same with illegals jumping the border and niggers selling crack.
No matter what temptations society tries to hit you with, you have to be the one who says no to them. Even if that's the hardest fucking thing in the world to do.
I do agree we have failed them considerably and that's why we still fight for the future to maybe be better.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Yeah, I don't buy that. You're responsible for pulling yourself out of it, but only after you become aware that you're stuck in the trap. I'd wager a large portion of them don't even realize half of the traps they've fallen into are traps. Step 0 is to realize a problem even exists and until they get there you can't really berate them for failing to correct course.
but we still hold them accountable for being a slut.
You don't need to see the entire web to know you shouldn't get involved. Those of us who are older had just as many pitfalls of cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention pot, that we had to navigate around not becoming addicted to the the detriment of our life and finances.
It doesn't take a redpill awakening to recognize that having 10 streaming services cuts into your budget. You shouldn't need to be taught that even.
Populations of people can only behave deterministically. Meaning that it's a simple matter of incentives and disincentives. An individual can decide to do more with less, not a population.
Every population is made of individuals however. We all got choices to make, and if most people chose to be better, the population would end up doing so.
Just because your dad didn't teach you how to fix a car doesn't mean you have to pay 1000$+ to let someone else do it your entire life.
Funny that I found myself in to this category. Everyone had cheat cods because their dads would teach them stuff but I started doing stuff on my own as an adult, I was very bad at it but eventually got decent enough and I'm proud of what I accomplish even if it is not exactly best quality. But I still feel that I'm lagging behind other dudes.
Saved a ton of money on car maintenance, plumbing, electrical, woodwork.
I feel that. My dad knew how to do most of that stuff like the back of his hand, but was usually too fucked up to really teach you anything.
My adulthood has been a long line of learning basic shit from scratch just so my wife and kids can have something resembling a put together home and some savings for when shit goes wrong.
My dad would tell me to fix things around the house or at the family business because he's too cheap to hire a professional. It was on me to look up how to fix whatever shit broke down that day. I got really good at changing out fill valves in toilets.
I guess in a way the lessons learned still helps me out as an adult, even if he contributed nothing to the learning process.
While the economy and all that is well documented to be fucked, its hard to feel as bad as I should for them because of just how fucking retarded with money they are.
Every Gen Z I see has a crippling vape addiction, 14 subscriptions, and no concept of "I want it but I shouldn't buy it" when they walk through a store. Not to mention how lackadaisical they are about building up debts, such as student loans.
Like, absolutely given a raw hand by their parents/grandparents in terms of a country and financial ability, but then turned that raw hand into an even worse one out of sheer hedonism and impulsivity.
There might be a chicken and egg element to this, where young people are more likely to be completely checked out of society because they feel like they have no hope of a decent future, so they indulge in hedonism.
I don't doubt that has some part to do with it.
But you also can't sit around crying "woe is me" your entire life just because of circumstances beyond your control. You can only play with the cards you are dealt and try to make the best hand of them.
If you want to just waste away consuming porn, beer, and pot because you don't see the point in trying when its this bad, well you aren't really wrong. But you also don't get to ask for sympathy either.
Zoomers have straight up told me that easy porn is one of the worst things about growing up when they did. But what are you going to do as a pubescent kid, not watch HD porn available in a few clicks?
Porn especially is a difficult problem, because people's desire for it is older than civilization and they will always seek it out in some form. Its basic instinct and no amount of moralizing will ever truly curb it.
So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
I was poisoned with freon at work, denied help, likely ended up with kidney damage. No one would take the case because "it wasnt enough money".
Now ive been suffering from low phosphorous and high parathryoid hormone for at least the last 5 years, likely from the kidney damage.
You dont know what its like broseph, when you just have no energy to get out of bed or even care anymore.
About all I can do is feel sorry for myself and I hate it.
Im ready for death.
From my experience anyway, nothing ever goes the way I planned it, Guess im just a loser like that.
I dont need fancy cars and a big house to be happy, i just wanted a little piece of property to call my own and to live my life peacefully.
I wasnt even allowed to have that. And at this point, I have to be realistic and assume its never going to happen.
A reality that is almost guaranteed for the younger generations and again all by design.
How do you think well get a world where "we have no property and no privacy".
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
Spoken like a true boomer I guess.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.
By design, but ill also point out.
In the 1960's, one person could work.
Afford a house, a car, vacation, education, medical, go out on the weekends, have hobbys, and STLL have money to put in the bank.
No one can do that now, even if your some engineer graduate making 100k a year, you still having to cut one or two things out of that list.
When the fuck are we gonna stand up and say enough is enough.
And how much of that was engineered? We all know how mobile games are predatory with microtransactions. Just scale that up and introduce it to individuals who don't remember a time before that was how everything was done. This isn't entirely Gen Z's failing, but ours for failing to properly arm them against such things.
Probably most of it. But you are still responsible for letting yourself be pulled into it at the end of the day.
Society is geared towards women slutting around and needing 20 abortions, but we still hold them accountable for being a slut. Same with illegals jumping the border and niggers selling crack.
No matter what temptations society tries to hit you with, you have to be the one who says no to them. Even if that's the hardest fucking thing in the world to do.
I do agree we have failed them considerably and that's why we still fight for the future to maybe be better.
Yeah, I don't buy that. You're responsible for pulling yourself out of it, but only after you become aware that you're stuck in the trap. I'd wager a large portion of them don't even realize half of the traps they've fallen into are traps. Step 0 is to realize a problem even exists and until they get there you can't really berate them for failing to correct course.
I'd argue this isn't true at all.
You don't need to see the entire web to know you shouldn't get involved. Those of us who are older had just as many pitfalls of cigarettes and alcohol, not to mention pot, that we had to navigate around not becoming addicted to the the detriment of our life and finances.
It doesn't take a redpill awakening to recognize that having 10 streaming services cuts into your budget. You shouldn't need to be taught that even.
And who's fault is that? Who failed them? C'mon, man. 🙄
I was raised by a ghetto rat and a junkie and I still managed to figure out "if I don't spend my penny today I can buy something better tomorrow."
You are responsible for you, even if the deck is stacked against you horribly, you have to make the best of it.
Just because your dad didn't teach you how to fix a car doesn't mean you have to pay 1000$+ to let someone else do it your entire life.
Populations of people can only behave deterministically. Meaning that it's a simple matter of incentives and disincentives. An individual can decide to do more with less, not a population.
Every population is made of individuals however. We all got choices to make, and if most people chose to be better, the population would end up doing so.
Funny that I found myself in to this category. Everyone had cheat cods because their dads would teach them stuff but I started doing stuff on my own as an adult, I was very bad at it but eventually got decent enough and I'm proud of what I accomplish even if it is not exactly best quality. But I still feel that I'm lagging behind other dudes.
Saved a ton of money on car maintenance, plumbing, electrical, woodwork.
I feel that. My dad knew how to do most of that stuff like the back of his hand, but was usually too fucked up to really teach you anything.
My adulthood has been a long line of learning basic shit from scratch just so my wife and kids can have something resembling a put together home and some savings for when shit goes wrong.
My dad would tell me to fix things around the house or at the family business because he's too cheap to hire a professional. It was on me to look up how to fix whatever shit broke down that day. I got really good at changing out fill valves in toilets.
I guess in a way the lessons learned still helps me out as an adult, even if he contributed nothing to the learning process.
You can blame others for not teaching you. You can only blame yourself for remaining uneducated.