Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.
I was poisoned with freon at work, denied help, likely ended up with kidney damage. No one would take the case because "it wasnt enough money".
Now ive been suffering from low phosphorous and high parathryoid hormone for at least the last 5 years, likely from the kidney damage.
You dont know what its like broseph, when you just have no energy to get out of bed or even care anymore.
About all I can do is feel sorry for myself and I hate it.
Im ready for death.
From my experience anyway, nothing ever goes the way I planned it, Guess im just a loser like that.
I dont need fancy cars and a big house to be happy, i just wanted a little piece of property to call my own and to live my life peacefully.
I wasnt even allowed to have that. And at this point, I have to be realistic and assume its never going to happen.
A reality that is almost guaranteed for the younger generations and again all by design.
How do you think well get a world where "we have no property and no privacy".
You really want to put the blame all on the individual.
Spoken like a true boomer I guess.
My friend, you've got a unique situation where the world itself fucked you in a way where you cannot physically overcome the trials of life. Almost anyone would be sympathetic to that.
That is a mile difference from someone who has all the physical capabilities to push past the hellscape that is our current generation, but chooses not to because its either too hard or hedonism is more appealing.