LAFD Asst Chief: If I Have To Carry A Man Out Of A Fire, ‘He Got Himself In The Wrong Place’
LAFD Assistant Chief Kristine Larson, who reportedly makes $399,000 a year and led the charge against former LAFD Chief Ralph Terrazas, accusing him of ignoring complaints from women in the department, appeared in a video in which she said if someone compl...
The wrong place, like his own home where he was sleeping.
Look at what he was wearing!
Exhibit number 122454284 of why women have no place in fire fighting, policing, the military or any other position where they will have to go into dangerous environments to save people.
People's lives are not worth risking so some retarded broad can larp as Firewoman Barbie.
Women are just evolutionarily incapable of being heroic. It's against everything they've been made for. They're supposed to save their own children, then themselves, and no one else after that. Trying to train a woman to overcome millions of years of biology just results in them short-circuiting and delivering smug, snide remarks about "this is your own fault, you know" when they're finally required to do their job.
This is fucking hilariously wrong.
Every civilization has an unlimited number of stories of women behaving in extremely heroic, and sometimes literally super-human efforts to ... save their own children.
This is the evolutionary act that they are geared for. I'll agree that they're not going to be heroic for you as a man, or even other women. Their priority is children.
Yeah, that's what he said.
Stop putting them in charge of literally anything other than their own children.
Saving their own children is heroic.
Yes, but that's the singular instance in which they are capable of anything heroic. The point is that they have absolutely no business being in any sort of public safety role. They can attend to wellbeing of children but that's all.
It doesn't change that they are still evolved for heroism in a single specific (and obvious) sense. That's my issue.
Good job, you really took down the first sentence of that post. He probably didn't say anything worth considering as context in the rest of it, right?
So... Your stance is "Hire women firefighters to exclusively save specifically their own biological children"?
except.. women stopped having children lol
Spare me. Don't stand there and tell me "well akschully it's a bimodal distribution of..." like it's 2014. The claim was that women are genetically incapable of heroism due to evolution. That's a retarded claim and now amount of apologetics and back-pedaling from the Internet Skeptic Community of 10 years ago changes that.
She looks like a Goomba.
She clearly never watched the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.
Quick, someone get a harmonica!
Hilarious that the image used was of a fit white man rescuing a small black child.
Which, given that it's a news outlet, was probably google image one or two on a search for "fire rescue"
Stock image.
That is such a retarded take, I simply can't imagine it to be true.
What do you mean? Surely a black firefighter is better at fighting a fire in a black person's home. Because.... reasons....
Because you want your rescuer who looks like you! Why? Who knows!
Honestly, you'd think they'd want it the other way. The amount of times I've seen black cops have "shut the fuck up, nigga I know the game you plain' I'll fuckin' kill you!" moments is rather common.
When I'm on fire I want to see a rescuer that's also on fire?
There is a joke in there about flaming queers.
The thing is, I agree with that. Not for the reason this dyke thinks. But if you apply that logic in any other domain in the U.S. it’s attacked by the leftist media. I don’t want Vajaraypunjabi, Tyrone, Pedro, or Xiachang anywhere near a governing or ruling class when I call on them in an emergency to protect the nation.
Same. I'm no longer interested in being blissfully colorblind. I know if a crew of black firefighters show up my house is toast. They might go in but instead of saving the family pets they'd just loot a little.
Of all the Leftist tactics that are infuriating. The most infuriating are the "sudden onset Libertarianism".
The Leftist who blames their fucking obesity on systemic systems of systemic institutionalize systemitry, suddenly looks at a man on fire burning alive and says: "You should have installed a sprinkler system. The fire department is a private company, it can do whatever it wants".
I saw that. Sadly I’m sure the media will still cover for that incompetent woman
You'd think that the LAFD, or whoever made that video, would have covered for her by editing that bit out. They have to know that's not a good look.
it's la, they clapped.
No. They think it's funny. They think it's a clever own of someone (almost certainly a WHITE person) who would be bigoted enough to even ask that question. So it's funny that the bigot's husband (also almost certainly a WHITE man) burns to death in the fire because he deserves it for being a white man.
This is the level of their thinking. They hate their "oppressors," who deserve to be hated. That's it. Everything else is justified from that point.
The LAFD that made this video, the production company they hired to make it, the entire chain, is also made up of DIE hires that think this way. There is nobody there to push back.
mmmhmmm - I don be doin all that!
I think she meant that except for some odd circumstances (like getting stuck in the crawl space when the fire happened) that even regular firemen couldn't get the man out, it's not the matter of strength and there's nothing she could do, but she decided to phrase it so antigonistically to own the chuds like how she imagined a real tough guy would speak, she ended up sounding like complete psychopath
She also started that video saying you need someone who looks like you to save you.
She represents her workplace. How many oopsie wordings can be permitted to someone like that?
Women in men's jobs love to overcompensate by trying to act what they think is tough and banter.
Which always comes across in this malicious and hateful way, exacerbated by the fact that most of them are in fact hateful of everyone.
I think the man-hating lesbian who is on record numerous times hating men meant "yes #killallmen" when she said fuck you to men who get caught in burning buildings, but maybe that's just my always-right crystal ball screaming too loud for me to properly hear the woke world.
The crystal ball screams "context is important! A normal person saying they might stab you in the back in the middle of a game is a very different statement than if Backstabby McGee, charged with 18 counts of stabbing people in the spine, said they might stab you in the back in the middle of a game.".
An unconscious male victim 'got himself in the wrong place' and this ham-beast paid to help victims is incapable of such and thus blames the victim.