I think she was at end of S3, but this just shows they only had the talent for ATLA and if I'm generous, S1 of Korra.
They're done especially since they killed a key point of the avatar (access to past lives) thanks to S2 to make Korra 'the one' so now this girl can only rely on Korra for spiritual advice...
this girl can only rely on Korra for spiritual advice...
lol, lmao, new girl is beyond screwed. Korra had Tenzin, her own parents, the White Lotus, and all of the past Avatars up until a point for advice, although even with all that she still never heeded any of their words.
Speaking of Tenzin, one of the few moments I really enjoyed in s3, and yes I was masochistic enough to be watch all 4, was Tenzin vs Zaheer. Up until that point Zaheer had been beating everyone he fought because nobody really had proper combat experience vs an airbender any more. Except Tenzin, who not only is the sole living airbender at the time to have been taught by an actual master, but who was also trained by the previous Avatar seeing as how both were his father. Meaning he has faced both highly skilled bending abilities from the other elements in general, but likely also when combined since Aang would be able to do just that and effectively stand in for four opponents just by himself.
So Tenzin not only demolishes Zaheer with almost minimal effort because as good as Zaheer is he's so outclassed it's hilarious, but Tenzin came close to doing the same to most of the other Red Lotus members at the same time until the combustionbender sniped him. Unfortunately it was about the only time Tenzin got to show off apart from his revelation that he is not his father and should live as his own man. Easily one of the best characters in the Korra series, although for better and worse that didn't end up being something difficult to achieve.
I never watched kora beyond where her toddler self but sts through the wall uses all the elements and screeches about being the avatar "get over it" which is a shame, I loved the last airbender
seven settlements and everything outside of them is a wasteland
Lol, do they not realise how much worse this continues to make Korra?
This new girl is assumedly the next part of the Avatar cycle, since Earth follows Water and is then followed by Fire, so she is born into the world Korra leaves. Why are there only seven settlements now? Why is everything else a wasteland? What did Korra do, or not do, that led to this situation?
Korra was born into a world of unprecedented peace because Aang ended the Hundred Year War by defeating Firelord Oozai and brought everyone together forming Union City, which Korra later helped destroy of course.
Aang was born into a world on the brink of war because Roku, the previous Fire Avatar, failed to stop Sozin who knew the Avatar was the only person who could be a threat to him so preemptively struck first at the Air Nomads to remove that threat first.
They really can't help themselves making things even worse when trying to create a hook for an audience 🤣
How hard are they going to try and play the nostalgia card this time because unlike the last time there isn't going to be any chance of recurring characters unless suddenly everyone special ends up being the grandchild of characters from the Korra series, which still doesn't mean that much other than excluding any possibility of there being blood descendents of Korra after she was retconned to be bi. Or will they retcon that again and write off Asami so there are in fact descendents? 🤔
Also that prosthetic leg means a significantly diminished ability to feel vibrations through the ground as per Toph, Aang, Korra, and multiple other characters who learned that way from the Badger Moles, so yet again already setting up problems just for the sake of DEIversity... 🙄
And it's not just the peace and prosperity Korra squandered, but the technological advancement. TLA was feudal era with strategic use of steam engines and dirigibles spearheaded by the Fire Nation. Korra took place in a fully industrialized society with radios and silent film, automobiles and airplanes. I'm just going to ignore the 200 foot walking robot that fired a doom laser, that didn't happen.
Korra literally opened with "I'm a strong brown woman Avatar, you gotta deal with it" and you thought it had somewhere to go downhill from there to begin with regarding wokeness?
Like it certainly did get worse and woker as time went on, but they literally told you that was going to be the case in the first episode openly.
A regionaly-fitting Inuit-inspired child throwing an arrogant tantrum wasen't a red flag to me yet. It would now ( bending 3 elements without training like a good little girldboss )
It would certainly look worse rewatching the show, which I have no interest for.
The big racial melting pot city was a red flag on first watch though. But the Avatar getting there was ''allowed'' by the authors to act like a retard ( I think it was it fishing / hunting and camping in a city park ) instead of lacking character development. It wasen't all garbage.
Fair, I think we all missed flags like that back in those days in our own hobbies.
The fact that they actually wrote "I'm the avatar and you gotta deal with it" to introduce a character is a level that most things now don't sink to. And not even in a "this person is very in the wrong and will get shut down hard for it" set up, as she gets away far too much still in that regard.
Almost ended the entire Avatar cycle multiple times
Trusted the bad guy over her friends and family multiple times only to be betrayed, again.
Only ever wins because of a really badly written Deus Ex Machina that has zero precedent or any prior foreshadowing.
Unironically the kind of person who never actually listens, never learns, constantly needs bailed out, and never really thanks those picking her out of the self made fire yet again.
In 2012? Yeah, I didn't think it was a red flag, it was simpler times, before the woke nation invaded, followed by the rise of the hairbender and NPCs lost their collective minds.
Gave up on the show after the first season, went back after the series ended and read some wikis about it and it might as well have been Avatar: the legend that only happened because dumb bitch made dumb decisions.
Everything since the mixed finale of TLA has proven how that series was lightning in a bottle. Every season of Korra is retarded, every Aang comic is retarded, the live action show was retarded, and disabled homeless indian child avatar is retarded.
I thought the first season of Korra was actually pretty good, mostly because I thought the whole "Benders vs. Non-Benders" made for an interesting conflict, Amon was a good villain with some interesting powers (since he could steal peoples Bending), and even more so because of the changing nature of the world with the machines that were being invented.
Of course, that all went out the window after the first season.
And even the original cartoon is a children's cartoon, about as sophisticated as Teen Titans. People still obsessing over it into their 30s is fucking pathetic. It does not stand up if you ever mentally grew into your teens, let alone adulthood.
It actually does hold up. Storytelling is based on fundamental structure translated into expression to your primary audience (in this case, kids and teenagers) and the structure of ATLA is excellent.
Everyone getting defensive about it has to keep qualifying it with "kids show." Yeah, that's my point. You're not a kid, and these are not adults appreciating something for the value it brings to children. These are adults lining up for the cultural equivalent of a Happy Meal, and I'm gonna judge that no matter how well-made the toy is.
Honestly, it would make it really more interesting if it was true. By her leaving to “Scissor me’ timbers” in then Spirit Realm, the natural balance of power goes haywire. This could cause people’s bending to become much more destructive or flat stop working.
They’ll probably just puss out by saying evil orange man did it or that meteor crashed into the planet.
Korra had a certain charm despite being far inferior. The ambiguous “Korra might be gay” ending left a bad taste in my mouth.
Then I tried watching the Dragon Prince.
Made it through the first season I think before they introduced some lesbian queens. Stopped watching it there. They were just shoehorning lesbians into the series because they wanted DEI points I guess.
So I’m not going to even give this show a glance.
Woke policy has destroyed so much we used to hold dear, culturally.
Korra had a certain charm despite being far inferior.
I think the thing that really bugged me about Korra was just how lowly they cheapened bending in general. Gone was the respect for martial arts. Korra can learn complex air bending in the span of minutes after "unlocking" it (while all the other new benders arbitrarily both struggle and repeatedly airbend on accident. Mako, a literal street rat, could lightning bend with ease. Metal bending, while reasonably explained, was common to all hell though would have been fine if this was the only one on the list where the bending was cheapened. Blood bending was cheapened by the virtue of having it done without a full moon. Magma bending was cool (even if it was originally implied as an Avatar ability through the combination of fire and earth bending seen via Roku), but that too was cheap since it was instantly learned and nearly mastered the instant it was "unlocked".
It was just disappointing to see such a rich, well defined world become so bland as a result. Skill and mastery was replaced by commonality and mere desire. When everyone can be the hero, nobody is really the hero, and undermines the necessity of even having an avatar.
It kinda sucked too, because I liked the idea of "pro-bending" (even if it was dropped really quickly by the creators). But you're right, this is supposedly professional bending where elites should be, and it just felt lame because none of these benders were anything special.
Just watched the trailer for 'Dragon Prince' and, of course, it has a black dreadlock king, no thanks. Netflix diversity quota. Think we've seen about enough of that in The Walking Dead and House of Dragons.
"disabled representation" except she is one of the most powerful and respected figures on the planet, has abilities fully bodied people don't, can literally fly so fuck walking, if she wanted to she could make a leg out of earth and walk on that. Yep some good old fashioned "disabled representation" oh wait, it must be because she's brown.
A prosthetic leg seems unlikely to be further back in time, although if it were that would at least still mean a fully intact chain of previous Avatars and not what is likely to be only Korra in this case 🙄
It's just a peg leg, those date back to before Christ in our own timeline. But yeah, I just remembered how Korra ended, with her opening a permanent link between the physical and spiritual planes, right after severing the accumulated knowledge of thousands of past lives who could have advised her on what to do in such a world-changing event. So no shit human civilization would have suffered.
Sadly no that's not a peg leg, it's modeled after a modern prosthetic that iirc was invented by the kid of a disabled Iraq veteran. The scooped shape is a giveaway that it's a modern design. Those didn't exist before the mid 2000s.
It still looks like a solid, non-articulated piece. Not one of those springy ones that allow cripples to sprint faster than with normal legs. Kinda looks digitigrade, like it was inspired off of one of the weird animal hybrids in that world.
Considering how Korra ruined the franchise, I'm just going to assume the current state of this Avatar world is not going have any of the blame directed towards her. Viewers with brains will know that in reality it should be her fault, but the story won't touch upon it.
The premise will most likely be that a nuclear war or some shit, thanks to the non-benders, caused the world to become like this and girlboss Avatar Korra couldn't do anything about it. The even-darker-skinned disabled girl with god-like powers will need to rebuild humanity.
I think she was at end of S3, but this just shows they only had the talent for ATLA and if I'm generous, S1 of Korra.
They're done especially since they killed a key point of the avatar (access to past lives) thanks to S2 to make Korra 'the one' so now this girl can only rely on Korra for spiritual advice...
lol, lmao, new girl is beyond screwed. Korra had Tenzin, her own parents, the White Lotus, and all of the past Avatars up until a point for advice, although even with all that she still never heeded any of their words.
Speaking of Tenzin, one of the few moments I really enjoyed in s3, and yes I was masochistic enough to be watch all 4, was Tenzin vs Zaheer. Up until that point Zaheer had been beating everyone he fought because nobody really had proper combat experience vs an airbender any more. Except Tenzin, who not only is the sole living airbender at the time to have been taught by an actual master, but who was also trained by the previous Avatar seeing as how both were his father. Meaning he has faced both highly skilled bending abilities from the other elements in general, but likely also when combined since Aang would be able to do just that and effectively stand in for four opponents just by himself.
So Tenzin not only demolishes Zaheer with almost minimal effort because as good as Zaheer is he's so outclassed it's hilarious, but Tenzin came close to doing the same to most of the other Red Lotus members at the same time until the combustionbender sniped him. Unfortunately it was about the only time Tenzin got to show off apart from his revelation that he is not his father and should live as his own man. Easily one of the best characters in the Korra series, although for better and worse that didn't end up being something difficult to achieve.
I never watched kora beyond where her toddler self but sts through the wall uses all the elements and screeches about being the avatar "get over it" which is a shame, I loved the last airbender
Lol, do they not realise how much worse this continues to make Korra?
This new girl is assumedly the next part of the Avatar cycle, since Earth follows Water and is then followed by Fire, so she is born into the world Korra leaves. Why are there only seven settlements now? Why is everything else a wasteland? What did Korra do, or not do, that led to this situation?
Korra was born into a world of unprecedented peace because Aang ended the Hundred Year War by defeating Firelord Oozai and brought everyone together forming Union City, which Korra later helped destroy of course.
Aang was born into a world on the brink of war because Roku, the previous Fire Avatar, failed to stop Sozin who knew the Avatar was the only person who could be a threat to him so preemptively struck first at the Air Nomads to remove that threat first.
They really can't help themselves making things even worse when trying to create a hook for an audience 🤣
How hard are they going to try and play the nostalgia card this time because unlike the last time there isn't going to be any chance of recurring characters unless suddenly everyone special ends up being the grandchild of characters from the Korra series, which still doesn't mean that much other than excluding any possibility of there being blood descendents of Korra after she was retconned to be bi. Or will they retcon that again and write off Asami so there are in fact descendents? 🤔
Also that prosthetic leg means a significantly diminished ability to feel vibrations through the ground as per Toph, Aang, Korra, and multiple other characters who learned that way from the Badger Moles, so yet again already setting up problems just for the sake of DEIversity... 🙄
And it's not just the peace and prosperity Korra squandered, but the technological advancement. TLA was feudal era with strategic use of steam engines and dirigibles spearheaded by the Fire Nation. Korra took place in a fully industrialized society with radios and silent film, automobiles and airplanes. I'm just going to ignore the 200 foot walking robot that fired a doom laser, that didn't happen.
It made a lovely sound, though.
Actually the leg is so shoddy you can feel vibrations from the other side of the world. True story.
Literally shaking!
I lost interest because of how the Korra series went downhill in quality into full woke disaster by the end.
This is taking my dead interest and burrying it.
Korra literally opened with "I'm a strong brown woman Avatar, you gotta deal with it" and you thought it had somewhere to go downhill from there to begin with regarding wokeness?
Like it certainly did get worse and woker as time went on, but they literally told you that was going to be the case in the first episode openly.
A regionaly-fitting Inuit-inspired child throwing an arrogant tantrum wasen't a red flag to me yet. It would now ( bending 3 elements without training like a good little girldboss )
It would certainly look worse rewatching the show, which I have no interest for.
The big racial melting pot city was a red flag on first watch though. But the Avatar getting there was ''allowed'' by the authors to act like a retard ( I think it was it fishing / hunting and camping in a city park ) instead of lacking character development. It wasen't all garbage.
Fair, I think we all missed flags like that back in those days in our own hobbies.
The fact that they actually wrote "I'm the avatar and you gotta deal with it" to introduce a character is a level that most things now don't sink to. And not even in a "this person is very in the wrong and will get shut down hard for it" set up, as she gets away far too much still in that regard.
It still boggles the mind.
That still happened repeatedly, however.
Lost her powers multiple times.
Almost ended the entire Avatar cycle multiple times
Trusted the bad guy over her friends and family multiple times only to be betrayed, again.
Only ever wins because of a really badly written Deus Ex Machina that has zero precedent or any prior foreshadowing.
Unironically the kind of person who never actually listens, never learns, constantly needs bailed out, and never really thanks those picking her out of the self made fire yet again.
In 2012? Yeah, I didn't think it was a red flag, it was simpler times, before the woke nation invaded, followed by the rise of the hairbender and NPCs lost their collective minds.
I thought it was just their way of making her look like an annoying brat
Gave up on the show after the first season, went back after the series ended and read some wikis about it and it might as well have been Avatar: the legend that only happened because dumb bitch made dumb decisions.
Everything since the mixed finale of TLA has proven how that series was lightning in a bottle. Every season of Korra is retarded, every Aang comic is retarded, the live action show was retarded, and disabled homeless indian child avatar is retarded.
I thought the first season of Korra was actually pretty good, mostly because I thought the whole "Benders vs. Non-Benders" made for an interesting conflict, Amon was a good villain with some interesting powers (since he could steal peoples Bending), and even more so because of the changing nature of the world with the machines that were being invented.
Of course, that all went out the window after the first season.
Literally at the moment Amon did, too.
"I can air bend? I can air bend!"
/does nothing but more punches like every other time she's used any other element because she has zero creativity
How anyone was to believe that moment was her at her most "spiritual" is retarded.
The first season is good cause they didn't expect to get anymore seasons and wrote it to stand on its own.
Then it got retarded
Every comic? Even "The Search," the one where they looked for Zuko's mother?
They definitely got woke after that, yes, I agree.
And even the original cartoon is a children's cartoon, about as sophisticated as Teen Titans. People still obsessing over it into their 30s is fucking pathetic. It does not stand up if you ever mentally grew into your teens, let alone adulthood.
It actually does hold up. Storytelling is based on fundamental structure translated into expression to your primary audience (in this case, kids and teenagers) and the structure of ATLA is excellent.
Avatar The Last Airbender is one of the best kids shows out there. Not familiar with Teen Titans but I suspect it pales in comparison.
Everyone getting defensive about it has to keep qualifying it with "kids show." Yeah, that's my point. You're not a kid, and these are not adults appreciating something for the value it brings to children. These are adults lining up for the cultural equivalent of a Happy Meal, and I'm gonna judge that no matter how well-made the toy is.
The Hobbit is a children's book.
Game of Thrones seasons 7-8 is made for adults and still the equivalent of a Happy Meal.
As a show, Korra is basically the End of History with a self-righteous magical brown woman at its head.
In less than a century, civilization has ended.
Honestly, it would make it really more interesting if it was true. By her leaving to “Scissor me’ timbers” in then Spirit Realm, the natural balance of power goes haywire. This could cause people’s bending to become much more destructive or flat stop working.
They’ll probably just puss out by saying evil orange man did it or that meteor crashed into the planet.
Avatar died with Aang, anything after is not worth checking out.
TLA was a perfect animated series.
Korra had a certain charm despite being far inferior. The ambiguous “Korra might be gay” ending left a bad taste in my mouth.
Then I tried watching the Dragon Prince.
Made it through the first season I think before they introduced some lesbian queens. Stopped watching it there. They were just shoehorning lesbians into the series because they wanted DEI points I guess.
So I’m not going to even give this show a glance.
Woke policy has destroyed so much we used to hold dear, culturally.
I think the thing that really bugged me about Korra was just how lowly they cheapened bending in general. Gone was the respect for martial arts. Korra can learn complex air bending in the span of minutes after "unlocking" it (while all the other new benders arbitrarily both struggle and repeatedly airbend on accident. Mako, a literal street rat, could lightning bend with ease. Metal bending, while reasonably explained, was common to all hell though would have been fine if this was the only one on the list where the bending was cheapened. Blood bending was cheapened by the virtue of having it done without a full moon. Magma bending was cool (even if it was originally implied as an Avatar ability through the combination of fire and earth bending seen via Roku), but that too was cheap since it was instantly learned and nearly mastered the instant it was "unlocked".
It was just disappointing to see such a rich, well defined world become so bland as a result. Skill and mastery was replaced by commonality and mere desire. When everyone can be the hero, nobody is really the hero, and undermines the necessity of even having an avatar.
All the sports matches felt woefully underpowered for what even basic soldiers were doing during the time of Aang trying to cross the world.
They even added in fatigue like some video game mechanic...
It kinda sucked too, because I liked the idea of "pro-bending" (even if it was dropped really quickly by the creators). But you're right, this is supposedly professional bending where elites should be, and it just felt lame because none of these benders were anything special.
it wasn't ambiguous
Just watched the trailer for 'Dragon Prince' and, of course, it has a black dreadlock king, no thanks. Netflix diversity quota. Think we've seen about enough of that in The Walking Dead and House of Dragons.
"disabled representation" except she is one of the most powerful and respected figures on the planet, has abilities fully bodied people don't, can literally fly so fuck walking, if she wanted to she could make a leg out of earth and walk on that. Yep some good old fashioned "disabled representation" oh wait, it must be because she's brown.
So is this a prequel, or is the implication that something horrible happened after Korra and the world is now post-apocalyptic?
It's the future. Apparently korra fucked up the world pretty bad
But I'll bet they'll push some climate change allegories in the show
A prosthetic leg seems unlikely to be further back in time, although if it were that would at least still mean a fully intact chain of previous Avatars and not what is likely to be only Korra in this case 🙄
It's just a peg leg, those date back to before Christ in our own timeline. But yeah, I just remembered how Korra ended, with her opening a permanent link between the physical and spiritual planes, right after severing the accumulated knowledge of thousands of past lives who could have advised her on what to do in such a world-changing event. So no shit human civilization would have suffered.
Sadly no that's not a peg leg, it's modeled after a modern prosthetic that iirc was invented by the kid of a disabled Iraq veteran. The scooped shape is a giveaway that it's a modern design. Those didn't exist before the mid 2000s.
It still looks like a solid, non-articulated piece. Not one of those springy ones that allow cripples to sprint faster than with normal legs. Kinda looks digitigrade, like it was inspired off of one of the weird animal hybrids in that world.
Doesn't let them outrun the law, however!
It's going to be so funny watching Clown World projects like this that are too.far along to cancel come out in Trump World.
you can't make this shit up
This shit is basically fan-fiction at this point
the GAY kind...
Considering how Korra ruined the franchise, I'm just going to assume the current state of this Avatar world is not going have any of the blame directed towards her. Viewers with brains will know that in reality it should be her fault, but the story won't touch upon it.
The premise will most likely be that a nuclear war or some shit, thanks to the non-benders, caused the world to become like this and girlboss Avatar Korra couldn't do anything about it. The even-darker-skinned disabled girl with god-like powers will need to rebuild humanity.
It's a "modern" show. She'll either be gay or asexual.
In this case, making her gay and lame would be literal.