Devs can see how many people have ignored their game, but not how many people ignored a tag on their game. So I haven't ignored the tag, I ignore the specific games that have the tag every time I see it.
Saw this game blow up on Steam recently. I've been in the market for a new game for a bit and decided to give it a shot based on its glowing reviews. Needless to say, refunded once I saw the flag.
By the way, the game is stupidly easy and the dialogue gets tired pretty quick. The writing's very Whedony.
Glad you hit it before two hours, I saw some people saying you hit it around that point. So if you play slow and methodical you might go over, or if you leave the game open to grab a snack. Out of curiosity, how much had you played when you refunded?
By the way, the game is stupidly easy and the dialogue gets tired pretty quick. The writing's very Whedony.
Yeah the writing looks awful. Haven't played it, but from what I've seen, Whedon would be an improvement.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets more complex later on, and it's just easier at the beginning. Still lame...but I guess they have to cater to all the dumb people. Normies are really bad at video games, especially tactical ones that require some thought and problem solving.
Developer Tom Francis was previously a game journalist.
The protagonist, Jen, was designed to be an ex-cop. The George Floyd protests in 2020 caused Francis to consider whether it was a good idea to have an ex-cop leading SWAT-style raids. He tried rewriting Jen's background to incorporate commentary on police violence, but feedback from friends convinced him it was a bad idea. The topic was too big to tackle in a character's background, and his efforts were tonally off from the dry, comedic take on everything else. Instead, Francis made Jen a private investigator.[6]
GameSpot said the deconstruction of Tom Clancy-style thrillers made the campaign "a joy",[9] and The Guardian praised its ability to turn its silly premise into a "a genuinely intriguing espionage thriller" while avoiding that genre's questionable ethics.[12] GameSpot felt the game as a whole was "both funny and endearing", featuring a self-awareness that they said was earned.[9]
There aren't any vegan symbols in the image, you're trying to associate LGBT with pro life for animals which have nothing to do with each other. Most people on the left hate being told they can't eat their animalbased goyslop anymore and will turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill any more just like they do with abortion. I don't want to be vegan either, I would rather have freedom to eat any food but we can't always do what we like. I'm pretty sure that if cats understood that eating other animals meant that other animals could eat them, they wouldn't like it.
Totally unrelated, but did Vegans4Trump or whatever get banned?
I will say, at least this schizoposting is mildly more entertaining than some of the other nonsense we get here. Definitely beats pedo nonsense. Although nothing will ever beat Zionist nonsense for troll value.
You don't need to be angry at me for the same reason you don't need to be angry at animals when they try to defend their own lives from predators. They're just trying to survive and you can't really blame them for that.
I'm pretty sure that if cats understood that eating other animals meant that other animals could eat them
Larger predators already do. That's why they're such a cautious animal, being both predator and prey. But, being obligate carnivores, it doesn't matter it they like it, cats will literally die of malnutrition on a vegan diet.
The fact they're cautious of being eaten by other animals proves my point that they don't like to be eaten, which was the basis for the point I was making there, which you conveniently omitted from my quote there, aka lying by omission — nice one bro I really appreciated that 👍
And no they wont die on a vegan diet for the same reason humans wont die despite us being natural omnivores.
Look man, I've got to warn you this isn't going to be an easy debate to win despite how much you just know you are right in your own head. Because at the end of the day your conclusion is going to be "therefore I get to kill you" and this is going to carry a much higher burden of proof than typical claims due to the high potential for disaster if the conclusion turned out to be wrong. In your mind you think this is going to be an easy victory because hey look all of society has been doing it for a million years and I'm just some stupid minority who does things differently but might I remind you that society also thinks abortion is ok. Similarities with human pro life movement:
Believes it's murder and can't believe society thinks it's all fine
Thinks people should avoid committing said murder by resisting their carnal temptations
Notices how quickly people turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill anymore
Blah, blah, blah, way to overcomplicate the circle of life, dude. Kill and eat, and sometimes you'll be the one killed and eaten instead. If you like it or not is irrelevant to nature, red in tooth and claw.
The natural order, as ordained by the almighty God, is fucking brutal. This is self evident if you observe nature enough, but I suppose a soft city boy wouldn't have that experience. Fun fact: quickly killing prey so it doesn't suffer is something that only civilized humans do. Have you any idea how many animals literally eat each other alive?
Humans weren't originally omnivores in the garden of Eden and the Bible says in the end the wolf will live with the lamb so you better get used to not eating animals in eternity. It's only this relatively short period of time on Earth that you will be eating them. There are no slaughterhouses in heaven. It was only after the fall of man that humans were given permission to eat animals, and permission isn't the same as an ideal. I can give my kids permission to eat yummy food but that doesn't mean I'm recommending it as the ideal. I'm talking in terms of moral ideals here — I'm well aware the omnivore diet is the biological ideal in terms of bioavailability of nutrients due to probably evolutionary reasons to do with what our ancestors ate. But this doesn't entail it's the moral ideal.
I have no problem with you eating carnivores as they're going to inevitably kill a whole bunch of peaceful nonaggressive herbivores so the rule of self defence applies, it would be a righteous preemptive killing in self defence. Carnivorous cats and dogs shouldn't be exempt from this on the basis "they're our friends so they get special status" cause the vast majority of people are NOT pet owners and are NOT their friends, otherwise a minority could befriend cows and then we couldn't eat cows anymore, plus the whole thing is an appeal to population fallacy anyway. When I try to help stray cats I feed them artificial kibble which contains synthetic supplements. These haven't been proven broadly but it's better than killing them, I would rather be a bit malnourished than dead. You hate me cause I think animal lives matter, stop being so demonic please. Like I said you wouldn't get angry if an animal defended their own life so why care if I defend them. Just calm down bro.
We live in neither the garden nor the hereafter; the bodies we currently inhabit were clearly designed as omnivorous predators. No less than Saint Peter was given a vision from God in the book of Acts telling him to kill and eat any sort of animals, so the strawman you built of people who disagree with your diet being demonic is ridiculous. If meat is personally a stumbling block for you then fine, abstain. But don't presume it's like that for the rest of us.
From everything I heard its functionally the same game as XCOM Chimera Squad, which on release was 10$ and was far less gay about its progressive politics.
That was one 100% designed for the autistic men who played Xcom 2 and meme'd that for years.
I clearly played as a very different kind of autist since every snek that showed up was very quickly removed from the battlefield either by sniper fire, shotgun, or blade.
I love 2, but CS is such a fucking kick in the teeth for players who wanted a continuation of the series and not that garbage shipped instead.
I actually preordered X-Com 2, yes I know preordering is bad, but X-Com 2 was beyond worthy of that in the end since with the base game, general mod workshop catalogue, Long War 2 mod, War of the Chosen, and the Tactical Legacy Pack meant you could ended up with several games instead of just one.
Obviously that's a lot of hindsight working in my favour so preordering is still something that shouldn't be advised, as ironically was the case with Julian Gallop of all people siding with Tencent money for Phoenix Point. Sure he offered the existing backers their money back but that really just made it worse because now it didn't need fan support or interest since Epic had dug their claws into the game hence the 1 year exclusivity when it launched. While I love the original X-Com and what Julian meant for the series his decision to sell out like that soured my opinion of him permanently. Even Jake Solomon doesn't seem to care about the series anymore hence "X-Com 3" being nothing like what anyone thought there would be when Chimera Squad came out instead.
At least I can play X-Com 2 with my mod list until the heat death of the universe.
The snakes in Xcom2 have boobs. Its been a running meme on places like /v/ for years how badly everyone wanted to fuck one.
I can't find myself hating CS, simply because it shipped as a 10$ game and was announced like something a bunch of devs threw together in their down time between games. Not my cup of tea, but not offensive until it was the last Xcom game.
I don't think the entire "breaching" system and the more puzzle heavy elements to combat is why Chimera failed, if anything that's a better addition to the gameplay than Xcom 2's stealth could ever be.
It was the wonky ass writing that focused too much on named gay looking characters and analogies of racial politics that ruined it. Which they seem to have also copied.
Or something like Into the Breach. Not exactly the same, but still that tactics/puzzle mix. There's plenty of good ones, that not only don't shove propaganda down your throat, but are better games.
That's...surprising, actually. It was all over the frontpage, I though. Seemed like a big deal. To be fair, that's a fair few players for most indie games...but still seems low for how it seemed like it was everywhere for a while. Guess it was just a quick bit of hype and then interest died way back.
I've supported Tom (the dev) since before he went pro. When Gunpoint was just a hobby project, I was one of the people telling him to develop it to a full game and sell it.
I beta tested both Gunpoint and Heat Signature. And I bought multiple copies for every single game he released.
Tom is not woke and I doubt he's after DEI money. He's just some of those nice, but gullible people who fell for the victim narrative.
I really hope he doesn't succumb to the woke mind virus. It will kill his creativity and make him emotionally miserable.
Tactical Breach Wizards, from what I've seen, is unapologetically woke. There's woker, but it's woke.
And I don't think you can cut him too much slack, sadly. When you go that hard, you're already captured. Maybe he can recover, who knows, but for now he's with the woke. Not really a question; the game spells it out.
Yup, saw that too. Shame, the gameplay looks like it's right up my alley, but the dialog is cringe (and in too great quantity), and it seems like a bunch of commie gobbledygook overall. Glad I saw it before I took the plunge, at least.
At least there's plenty of other games out there. I don't usually make even partially politically motivated purchases, but I grabbed Soulash 2 today, especially in wake of the Godot drama.
Back to Tactical Breach seems like it's all about "capitalism" and "trauma" and "gay" and stuff. And the military industrial complex...but whined about in a gay way, not a based way.
Yeah the witch char was giving me the trans vibes the whole time. Way too butch. Thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt since an ungodly portion of female chars are built that way nowadays and since they hadn't said anything explicitly pro gay commie. Until I saw the flag on the cat carrier and then I noped right out.
It's not a bad game. Not 'overwhelmingly positive' good but entertaining enough if you like puzzle-tactics. I wasn't hooked enough to endure 'the message', though.
I considered getting it, but the art style was raising some red flags, which made me chose to wait and see instead. seems like my slop detector was on point.
I was following this game since it's conception. What a fucken mislead. At the start of the game the characters looked like tacti-cool wizards. They still do, but none of the dialogue injected pride or wokeness
everyone tag it lgbtq on on steam because I suspect that others like me have that tag on their ignore list
Done. Didn't know this when I got it.
Wait, they actually works?
Devs can see how many people have ignored their game, but not how many people ignored a tag on their game. So I haven't ignored the tag, I ignore the specific games that have the tag every time I see it.
Yup, same here. Really cuts out the pork from the pig of corposlop.
Saw this game blow up on Steam recently. I've been in the market for a new game for a bit and decided to give it a shot based on its glowing reviews. Needless to say, refunded once I saw the flag.
By the way, the game is stupidly easy and the dialogue gets tired pretty quick. The writing's very Whedony.
Good catch, quality refund. Thanks for the heads up. No mercy for this shit in games anymore.
I was actually considering picking this one up. Glad OP saved me from supporting this.
Glad you hit it before two hours, I saw some people saying you hit it around that point. So if you play slow and methodical you might go over, or if you leave the game open to grab a snack. Out of curiosity, how much had you played when you refunded?
Yeah the writing looks awful. Haven't played it, but from what I've seen, Whedon would be an improvement.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets more complex later on, and it's just easier at the beginning. Still lame...but I guess they have to cater to all the dumb people. Normies are really bad at video games, especially tactical ones that require some thought and problem solving.
Yup, me too. I was at 95 minutes played according to Steam.
Astroturfing works, unfortunately.
The Wikipedia article for the game confirms it. Seems like they know that woke doesn’t sell so they’re going back to “hiding” it.
Did they mean "significantly more shallow copy"?
So he's an NPC, but he's such a coward that even with the full force of western hegemony behind him he's still too scared to say what he thinks.
That poor cat. I doubt it wanted to be queer and vegan, but here we are.
There aren't any vegan symbols in the image, you're trying to associate LGBT with pro life for animals which have nothing to do with each other. Most people on the left hate being told they can't eat their animalbased goyslop anymore and will turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill any more just like they do with abortion. I don't want to be vegan either, I would rather have freedom to eat any food but we can't always do what we like. I'm pretty sure that if cats understood that eating other animals meant that other animals could eat them, they wouldn't like it.
Well...this is a new one.
Not sure if you're a troll, retarded, or AI.
Totally unrelated, but did Vegans4Trump or whatever get banned?
I will say, at least this schizoposting is mildly more entertaining than some of the other nonsense we get here. Definitely beats pedo nonsense. Although nothing will ever beat Zionist nonsense for troll value.
You don't need to be angry at me for the same reason you don't need to be angry at animals when they try to defend their own lives from predators. They're just trying to survive and you can't really blame them for that.
Ok, troll has become obvious now.
Difference of opinion doesn't automatically mean troll , but I am flattered 🤗
Larger predators already do. That's why they're such a cautious animal, being both predator and prey. But, being obligate carnivores, it doesn't matter it they like it, cats will literally die of malnutrition on a vegan diet.
The fact they're cautious of being eaten by other animals proves my point that they don't like to be eaten, which was the basis for the point I was making there, which you conveniently omitted from my quote there, aka lying by omission — nice one bro I really appreciated that 👍
And no they wont die on a vegan diet for the same reason humans wont die despite us being natural omnivores.
Look man, I've got to warn you this isn't going to be an easy debate to win despite how much you just know you are right in your own head. Because at the end of the day your conclusion is going to be "therefore I get to kill you" and this is going to carry a much higher burden of proof than typical claims due to the high potential for disaster if the conclusion turned out to be wrong. In your mind you think this is going to be an easy victory because hey look all of society has been doing it for a million years and I'm just some stupid minority who does things differently but might I remind you that society also thinks abortion is ok. Similarities with human pro life movement:
Believes it's murder and can't believe society thinks it's all fine
Thinks people should avoid committing said murder by resisting their carnal temptations
Notices how quickly people turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill anymore
Protests outside the killing facilities
Knows Bible verses supporting their belief
Blah, blah, blah, way to overcomplicate the circle of life, dude. Kill and eat, and sometimes you'll be the one killed and eaten instead. If you like it or not is irrelevant to nature, red in tooth and claw.
The natural order, as ordained by the almighty God, is fucking brutal. This is self evident if you observe nature enough, but I suppose a soft city boy wouldn't have that experience. Fun fact: quickly killing prey so it doesn't suffer is something that only civilized humans do. Have you any idea how many animals literally eat each other alive?
Humans weren't originally omnivores in the garden of Eden and the Bible says in the end the wolf will live with the lamb so you better get used to not eating animals in eternity. It's only this relatively short period of time on Earth that you will be eating them. There are no slaughterhouses in heaven. It was only after the fall of man that humans were given permission to eat animals, and permission isn't the same as an ideal. I can give my kids permission to eat yummy food but that doesn't mean I'm recommending it as the ideal. I'm talking in terms of moral ideals here — I'm well aware the omnivore diet is the biological ideal in terms of bioavailability of nutrients due to probably evolutionary reasons to do with what our ancestors ate. But this doesn't entail it's the moral ideal.
I have no problem with you eating carnivores as they're going to inevitably kill a whole bunch of peaceful nonaggressive herbivores so the rule of self defence applies, it would be a righteous preemptive killing in self defence. Carnivorous cats and dogs shouldn't be exempt from this on the basis "they're our friends so they get special status" cause the vast majority of people are NOT pet owners and are NOT their friends, otherwise a minority could befriend cows and then we couldn't eat cows anymore, plus the whole thing is an appeal to population fallacy anyway. When I try to help stray cats I feed them artificial kibble which contains synthetic supplements. These haven't been proven broadly but it's better than killing them, I would rather be a bit malnourished than dead. You hate me cause I think animal lives matter, stop being so demonic please. Like I said you wouldn't get angry if an animal defended their own life so why care if I defend them. Just calm down bro.
We live in neither the garden nor the hereafter; the bodies we currently inhabit were clearly designed as omnivorous predators. No less than Saint Peter was given a vision from God in the book of Acts telling him to kill and eat any sort of animals, so the strawman you built of people who disagree with your diet being demonic is ridiculous. If meat is personally a stumbling block for you then fine, abstain. But don't presume it's like that for the rest of us.
That was after the fall of man tho. Why did humans start eating animals after the fall?
From everything I heard its functionally the same game as XCOM Chimera Squad, which on release was 10$ and was far less gay about its progressive politics.
It had a tsundere snake girl.
That was one 100% designed for the autistic men who played Xcom 2 and meme'd that for years.
The rest yeah agreed.
I clearly played as a very different kind of autist since every snek that showed up was very quickly removed from the battlefield either by sniper fire, shotgun, or blade.
I love 2, but CS is such a fucking kick in the teeth for players who wanted a continuation of the series and not that garbage shipped instead.
I actually preordered X-Com 2, yes I know preordering is bad, but X-Com 2 was beyond worthy of that in the end since with the base game, general mod workshop catalogue, Long War 2 mod, War of the Chosen, and the Tactical Legacy Pack meant you could ended up with several games instead of just one.
Obviously that's a lot of hindsight working in my favour so preordering is still something that shouldn't be advised, as ironically was the case with Julian Gallop of all people siding with Tencent money for Phoenix Point. Sure he offered the existing backers their money back but that really just made it worse because now it didn't need fan support or interest since Epic had dug their claws into the game hence the 1 year exclusivity when it launched. While I love the original X-Com and what Julian meant for the series his decision to sell out like that soured my opinion of him permanently. Even Jake Solomon doesn't seem to care about the series anymore hence "X-Com 3" being nothing like what anyone thought there would be when Chimera Squad came out instead.
At least I can play X-Com 2 with my mod list until the heat death of the universe.
The snakes in Xcom2 have boobs. Its been a running meme on places like /v/ for years how badly everyone wanted to fuck one.
I can't find myself hating CS, simply because it shipped as a 10$ game and was announced like something a bunch of devs threw together in their down time between games. Not my cup of tea, but not offensive until it was the last Xcom game.
I think if someone just made Nextcom 2 they would do well.
Weird to copy the relative failure in the series Chimera Squad.
I don't think the entire "breaching" system and the more puzzle heavy elements to combat is why Chimera failed, if anything that's a better addition to the gameplay than Xcom 2's stealth could ever be.
It was the wonky ass writing that focused too much on named gay looking characters and analogies of racial politics that ruined it. Which they seem to have also copied.
I didn't say it was a good game, only that its a cheaper and better version of this game if you had the desire for it.
I would rather watch lead based paint dry because that way I'd still probably have a fun time getting high on the fumes.
Or something like Into the Breach. Not exactly the same, but still that tactics/puzzle mix. There's plenty of good ones, that not only don't shove propaganda down your throat, but are better games.
Defend the Rook. Tyrant's Blessing. Many more.
Metal slug tactics looks promising, I've played the demo a bit and enjoyed it much more than the demo for this wizards game.
There is a silver lining here: at least it's their own IP they are trashing.
Overwhelmingly positive reviews.
468 players.
That's...surprising, actually. It was all over the frontpage, I though. Seemed like a big deal. To be fair, that's a fair few players for most indie games...but still seems low for how it seemed like it was everywhere for a while. Guess it was just a quick bit of hype and then interest died way back.
Still lasted longer than Concord though. LOL.
There are bowel movements that lasted longer than Concord and were still less shit.
I could have added more "O"s but thought it would be too annoying.
But, seriously, that's a MASSIVE fucking oof.
Yeah... this sucks.
I've supported Tom (the dev) since before he went pro. When Gunpoint was just a hobby project, I was one of the people telling him to develop it to a full game and sell it.
I beta tested both Gunpoint and Heat Signature. And I bought multiple copies for every single game he released.
Tom is not woke and I doubt he's after DEI money. He's just some of those nice, but gullible people who fell for the victim narrative.
I really hope he doesn't succumb to the woke mind virus. It will kill his creativity and make him emotionally miserable.
Yup, Gunpoint and Heat Signature were very good.
Tactical Breach Wizards, from what I've seen, is unapologetically woke. There's woker, but it's woke.
And I don't think you can cut him too much slack, sadly. When you go that hard, you're already captured. Maybe he can recover, who knows, but for now he's with the woke. Not really a question; the game spells it out.
I was waiting for this. So much glowing praise had to be hiding something.
Yup, saw that too. Shame, the gameplay looks like it's right up my alley, but the dialog is cringe (and in too great quantity), and it seems like a bunch of commie gobbledygook overall. Glad I saw it before I took the plunge, at least.
At least there's plenty of other games out there. I don't usually make even partially politically motivated purchases, but I grabbed Soulash 2 today, especially in wake of the Godot drama.
Back to Tactical Breach seems like it's all about "capitalism" and "trauma" and "gay" and stuff. And the military industrial complex...but whined about in a gay way, not a based way.
Hard pass, commies. Nice try, almost got me.
Thank you for the warning. Putting on ignore now. I knew something didn't seem right.
Yeah the witch char was giving me the trans vibes the whole time. Way too butch. Thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt since an ungodly portion of female chars are built that way nowadays and since they hadn't said anything explicitly pro gay commie. Until I saw the flag on the cat carrier and then I noped right out.
It's not a bad game. Not 'overwhelmingly positive' good but entertaining enough if you like puzzle-tactics. I wasn't hooked enough to endure 'the message', though.
I considered getting it, but the art style was raising some red flags, which made me chose to wait and see instead. seems like my slop detector was on point.
Does the suitcase belong to the evil tranny that took some kids hostage and is in a stand off with swat?
Nope. Main character, I think. I lady of at least questionable sexuality, as I recall.
I was following this game since it's conception. What a fucken mislead. At the start of the game the characters looked like tacti-cool wizards. They still do, but none of the dialogue injected pride or wokeness