posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +100 / -2

Being British and looking at this all from the outsiders perspective I'm aware more than most in my country of how bad the democrats are but I don't think I was prepared for just how much worse than Biden these replacements are holy shit.

You've got cackling Kamala and it's some kind of extremely awkward verbal tick for her that makes her completely unbearable to listen to for five seconds. She's generally a horrible person because she recently managed to get into a bit of a fight with leftists who were shouting at her in the crowd basically telling them to let her speak or Trump wins.

Then you've got fucking Walz who's a major piece of work and a deployment dodging soldier who tried to lie about his record which given the importance of honest military service in America I can see how that would become a massive issue for people. It's really no small wonder that they were clinging onto Biden so hard because the doddering old grandpa will have certainly seemed like the better option from the left wing perspective and much better PR but the drug cocktails clearly weren't working on him anymore so they had to cut him loose.

Fucking hell, I know I'm asking something that has an obvious answer, but how exactly is it that these two are the left's best option? I haven't even really gone into all the racial shit she's pulling like Elizabeth Warren did which is inevitably going to piss off a lot of the more racially inclined leftists.

I don't think the elites can last much longer than this even if they do manage to rig anything or block Trump, the brain drain in their little cabal is real. The people in charge are simply going to die of old age and then all hell will break loose against the few younger retards they have left like Trudeau who Klaus Schaub was clearly grooming to be one of the successors and yes bit of a tangent but just me ranting about the WEF generally there.