War Shatters Dating Scene for Women in Ukraine
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Men suffering, dying and being maimed in war, single catty women most affected.
Sorry sweaty, you just don’t understand how hard it is to not have 3 different sex partners per day 💅
They could've done a story on the trials of dating as a maimed war veteran, but instead those chose this whore.
Trying to paint her as a sympathetic victim while mentioning a maimed war veteran who's also on the apps is hilarious and maddening all at once.
Was going too call out that part too. Holy crap, what a just shitty person.
But if a guy doesn't want to date a single mom with herpes, he's an asshole.
Nah, there's just a difference between stated preferences and revealed preferences. While they may think they want you to show yourself vulnerable, they are often disgusted by it in practice.
Not everything is a conspiracy...
And by every other man.
Yeah, exactly right. People often don't know what they really like.
I mean he clearly didn't or he would still have a leg.
Could have been a mine or a grenade.
If she'd just said "fuck hipsters" a lot of people might even agree, like 'that's true, fuck hipsters.' But she had to make it about the unrecoverable injury.
Is that wrong though?
I’m sure the dude who’s leg ate all that shrapnel probably wasn’t ready to lose his leg, but god forbid you take a chance on someone who died so you can keep your whore lifestyle in tact.
I wish Russia was going as hard on these people as the media think they are…
but he was apparently
Lol, he gets his leg blown off defending his country's women from the predation of the "orcs", and his reward is a left swipe.
Don't get maimed or die to protect women, bros, they aren't worth it.
He wasn't maimed to protect women, he was maimed to protect the revolutionary government. If they thought they could get away with it they'd be using the women as meat shields too.
Finally, someone who gets it.
That's the difference between a simp and honoring your wife.
If she is loyal, than treasure her. If she is fickle, don't simp.
I’ve somehow went from always willing to serve and die for my country about 10-15 years ago, now I wouldn’t even clean litter off the street if the government asked me to. I’m not dying for single childless women and brown people. Draft dodging is based
More evidence that this war is fake and ghey - this woman is employed as a clothing marketing manager in the capital complaining about the paucity of intact Chads.
Can we end this equal rights experiment already? Holy shit
Yep, if I’ve learned anything, it’s that some people really do deserve less
and wondered if he was too short and lying about his height. Do prosthetics really count?
She reporter his account and ran off to find some more cock.
Clearly, not a full-scale invasion. If it was, even women wouldn't have time for this level of nonsense.
When isn't it?
Well, let's see what the very next words are...
Oh, man, that sounds rough...for women, of course!
Speaks for itself.
Will women's suffering never end?!
I assumed the post title was making fun of the article, but no, that's the actual title of an actual article in the new york times. This is 100% a "Huge numbers of men are dead, women most affected" article:
Tens of thousands of men are dead, women most affected, right there.
I see the white feather movement is alive and well.
Weren't they just bitching about not wanting to date soldiers because they have, like, missing limbs and trauma and stuff?
You know there are times you just cannot deny the imp is right. Any mention of the black women having the worst time finding dates?
The simple fact is that women have no place in leading society, and that goes as far as not having the franchise in a democracy. The simple truth is that this is normal behavior for women; anyone who thinks otherwise (including women) are simply viewing the world through a masculine lens. Its not really their fault, but from an evolutionary perspective women have better options that fighting to the death.
I agree but women are rejecting the one thing that makes women unique. They see motherhood as antithetical to being feminine.
This, birth control (and the effects it has on their biology), the demonism a lot of modern women are involved in and their utter rejection of motherhood paint the picture of them not behaving naturally.
Look at you thinking you live in a democracy.
He is right about some things but his understanding is shallow
Imp should have been a mod on this dumpster fire
Holy shit it's a real NYT article. Fucking lol.
We have Tinder, we know where all the Ukrainian women are. They're in other European countries, trading sex for places to stay while their men die by the hundred thousand back home.
It's the female way. Sell it to the most protective bidder.
This bit was transparently a lie. Ms. Pylcha obviously feels the same way about maimed men as the first woman mentioned in the article.
She's this close to a realization.
The men are going to come back from the war and slap the shit out of these useless brats
Well obviously Ukraine needs infinity Africans too.
They're mad that the 20% they consider human were drafted as well. They probably wouldn't even notice otherwise.
Considering the sorry state of humanity, if you're not in the top 20%, what the hell are you doing?
Man loses limb defending country.. women most affected.
They are supposed to be under an invasion, and they have time for dating? Look at that title pic too, I mean yeah, that's the picture of a war zone. The height of the horrors of war is sitting on a couch alone smoking?
Being there is an invasion so there must be Russians everywhere, they could peddle their pussy to them?
Two different worlds now. The world of women, hedonism and narcissism incarnate. The world of men... Horrors beyond horrors. No wonder so many men are putting on dresses to escape. At this point, I would advise Ukrainian men to kill any draft officer that comes for them.
It is truly astounding the level of mental gymnastics women will do to portray themselves as victims. An anti-Y-chromosome asteroid could wipe out 95% of men on earth and women would still find some way to make it all about them. "Emotional intelligence" my ass.
Considering just how many things women would suddenly have to start doing, a lot of it from scratch with no existing knowledge base to be mentored from, it would absolutely happen.
You know, shortly before actual, complete societal collapse, and not just the one nobody left noticed because they will have been too busy posting to social media about how the world was suddenly going to be better.
It's these journalists doing that. However misguided these men are to fight for a US puppet state, I'm absolutely sure these women aren't making it "all about them".
Western men tend to think that women in other places are as decadent as the average woman in the west.
If there was time for this type of dating and app usage, then the war isn't nearly as big as they want us to believe.
Man it sucks when all the men being sent out to fight and die in a war means you have to hang out at the hookah bar alone.
The struggle is real.
The creation of a peaceful and law-abiding society that knows no hardship is a mistake. The soft inner core sacrifices the hard outer shell in a heartbeat without regards to the effects. Say what you will about the backwardness of the third world the men of those places would not stand idly by for this treatment. At this point the entire Western system will have to collapse for the Western white man to survive. Perhaps our descendants will be wise enough not to build another system.
Just send all the migrants there, problem solved.
Draft the women too
Ukrainian dudes dies or gets mamed to defend their country and people. To defend their love ones.. only for the country to be taken away from the people anyways and your love ones will leave you for tyrone.
Ukraine is in a lose lose situation imo.
[Victoria Nuland cackling in the distance.]
Uh oh better flood Ukraine with sub-saharans
If they're gonna become prostitutes anyways why not institute a comfort women system?
Would probably make Ukrainian men less likely to flee.
I'm not a anti women lad like certain people are, but this is just parody stuff lmao.
Nope. This is normal. Its not "anti women" to acknowledge the truth that half the population will never fight to defend their country/village/tribe. Women, as a group, will happily mate with the invaders that killed their menfolk so long as they get to live. Nothing about the 21st century changes any of this.
Ukraine is not a country and anyone 'fighting' for it is... quite mistakenly putting his life on the line for a phony puppet non-country.
Tell me more about your thriving dating life.
Bruh that's some neo-Stalinist revisionist bullshit you're peddling. The current Ukrainian government is dogshit and Russia is probably the lesser evil in this war - and corrupt worthless sacks of shit like Zelensky aren't at all worth defending - but Ukrainians are still a real people.
Bruh, it was actually Stalin who promoted a separate Ukrainian culture in the hopes of appealing to the 'Ukrainians' that he thought were occupied by Poland. Know your history, my man.
I guess it depends on what you label as a 'real people'. But they're not known a Little Russians for no reason.
The average age of their soldiers is like 48 now. It has to be at least 500k dead + double or triple that maimed.
Probably not all dead, probably a lot missing limbs that couldn't fight anymore.
And while Ukrainian thots are spreading their legs all over Europe on OnlyFans, the government is hunting men who fled the country and dragging them to the front lines.
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Dehumanizing women.