Corporations and government still pushing ''vaccines'' that don't work ( CoViD ''vaccines'', tuberculosis ''vaccine'', malaria ''vaccine'' ) ;
Or that ''work'' but have unintended negative consequences ( chickenpox vaccine dosen't provide lasting immunity, so adults who got vaccinated can catch chickenpox, Marek's Disease vaccine causing selection of more agressive viral strains, engeneering a deadly virus out of a harmful but not deadly previous one ) ;
made me consider that reality itself is ''anti-vax''.
The stabber was quoted as saying the bishop said something about his religion so he was saying something back. Also recorded shouting " allahu akbar" while stabbing.
But media would rather not mention that because they enjoy not being stabbed too.
I've read reports that when attacked, the Bishop in question raised a crucifix to defend himself. The Muslim attacker's switchblade wouldn't engage, and the blade remained in the handle, so the Muslim only beat the Bishop with the knife handle, preventing serious injury.
Another example: Who are journalists? Dishonest literary prostitutes willing to urge the death of thousands for a quick buck and who will not be mourned no matter what happens to them.
If you weren't already deeply skeptical of things (which I know pretty much all of us here would be, lol), just look at the coverage of the two different events this week, both from how police handled the perp (in this case, they actively protected him from the wrath of the worshippers), to the victim blaming of the priest, vis a vis the mostly female victims of the Bondi nutter...
Or the fact that this one is "terrorism", but the other one wasn't...
Hypocrisy, double standards and clown world at its finest...
Oh, I didn't know he was an anti-vaxxer...I thought it was bad a priest was stabbed but now that I know that: they should have burned him alive after making him watch his family be burned alive.
I know that's pretty mild compared to his awful wrongthink but I'm a bit of a softie.
Axios, a media news company, has changed its methods to challenge AI. They can't beat it directly, so they are moving up the ladder and trying to be more personable.
Interesting. I'm not sure their approach is correct, but it is true that the vast majority "journalism" has already been replaced by AI and the journalists just don't realize it yet.
"Mar Mari Emmanuel, whose love and devotion to Christ is beyond reproach, was stabbed by some silly faggot who deserves nothing but the worst in this world and the next. May his miraculous recovery inspire the faithful in the way, the truth and the life."
Any headline that isn't that doesn't need to exist. It doesn't exist for me.
May the Bishop's recovery be swift, and his future ministries find the ears and the hearts of his beloveds.
It is: "he deserved to be stabbed."
“He finally got injected(in the face)” - Australians are encouraged to clap
Bingo! Jew #1 runs around and murders innocent people and Jew #2 who works in the press run cover for Jew #1.
Speaking of which; were is gopower2024?
Imagine thinking that judges aren't cut from the exact same cloth as journalists...
The slut was known for publicly dressing like a slut before the rape.
Not even. More like "The girl behaved perfectly fine, but 3 years before the rape she had a cake instead of a salad."
Oh, one of those anti-saladders? She got what she deserved.
It's the reason they are called smear merchants.
Corporations and government still pushing ''vaccines'' that don't work ( CoViD ''vaccines'', tuberculosis ''vaccine'', malaria ''vaccine'' ) ;
Or that ''work'' but have unintended negative consequences ( chickenpox vaccine dosen't provide lasting immunity, so adults who got vaccinated can catch chickenpox, Marek's Disease vaccine causing selection of more agressive viral strains, engeneering a deadly virus out of a harmful but not deadly previous one ) ;
made me consider that reality itself is ''anti-vax''.
Life finds a way.
The stabber was quoted as saying the bishop said something about his religion so he was saying something back. Also recorded shouting " allahu akbar" while stabbing.
But media would rather not mention that because they enjoy not being stabbed too.
Islam = good
Christ = antivax = bad
I've read reports that when attacked, the Bishop in question raised a crucifix to defend himself. The Muslim attacker's switchblade wouldn't engage, and the blade remained in the handle, so the Muslim only beat the Bishop with the knife handle, preventing serious injury.
Now dailymail's comments are ran by an israeli company instead of the old system. Anyone have a link to the full video?
Lick the boots harder you cucks: these 'journalists'
And they wonder why we rate hookers as having higher credibility than them..
I believe the term for that is victim blaming.
Another example: Who are journalists? Dishonest literary prostitutes willing to urge the death of thousands for a quick buck and who will not be mourned no matter what happens to them.
Translation: right wing anti vaxxers deserve to be stabbed to death -i.e. "Here's your jab, bitch!".
Poisoning the well is what it is.
Christians are always the bad guy, in every event, both historical and present, and therefore every action against them is justified.
Now don't you dare go back to any of these events and research them, or you might be an antivaxx bigot too.
Can we publish headlines like this the next time some mega thot is raped?
"She was known to whore herself out on Tinder 7 nights a week for nothing more than dinner."
If you weren't already deeply skeptical of things (which I know pretty much all of us here would be, lol), just look at the coverage of the two different events this week, both from how police handled the perp (in this case, they actively protected him from the wrath of the worshippers), to the victim blaming of the priest, vis a vis the mostly female victims of the Bondi nutter...
Or the fact that this one is "terrorism", but the other one wasn't...
Hypocrisy, double standards and clown world at its finest...
Clearly now.
Probably more shit like this until July when the counter terrorism bill goes to vote
Oh, I didn't know he was an anti-vaxxer...I thought it was bad a priest was stabbed but now that I know that: they should have burned him alive after making him watch his family be burned alive.
I know that's pretty mild compared to his awful wrongthink but I'm a bit of a softie.
Doing oppo research on terror victims is safer than holding the powerful accountable.
Australia swear to God has been CULTURALLY ENRICHED by Assyria.
No... seriously.
Assyria has shown Aussies the way.
They chopped off the assailants' fingers? Good for them.
The attacker suffered from Vax Derangement Syndrome?
Correction, attempted stabbing, the dumb dune coon didn't open the knife lmao, Priest got beyond lucky here.
Declare a fatwa on journalists.
They are getting dragged in the well they should.
The Daily Mail is known for not employing editors.
Like, at all.
Based religion of peace stabber preventing a soupbreader event!!
Or an Assassin’s creed larp that went too far?
They would have called him a huwite supremacist, bit that would have given away the game...
Meanwhile companies like Axios are moving away from journalism an AI could do. This is sad to watch as the town cryer shoots himself.
What's Axios up to?
Interesting. I'm not sure their approach is correct, but it is true that the vast majority "journalism" has already been replaced by AI and the journalists just don't realize it yet.
"Mar Mari Emmanuel, whose love and devotion to Christ is beyond reproach, was stabbed by some silly faggot who deserves nothing but the worst in this world and the next. May his miraculous recovery inspire the faithful in the way, the truth and the life."
Any headline that isn't that doesn't need to exist. It doesn't exist for me.
May the Bishop's recovery be swift, and his future ministries find the ears and the hearts of his beloveds.
You think you do, but you don't.
I think I don't! Burn it all down, then burn the ashes.