I'm always looking for new ways the social contract is breaking down. It's easy to get caught up in internet drama but every now and then I like to touch grass and see what the normies are doing. One thing I've noticed is how aggressively people drive now.
This past weekend I had my whole family in the car and a Dodge hatchback of all things shoots past us at over 100 miles per hour. This was in the middle of town, not a highway. We pull up next to the dude at the next red light (because that always seems to happen) and he guns it again, going into the opposing lane of traffic to pass everyone and shoot down the road again.
I feel like I see this kind of thing more and more now. People going 60+ in residential areas and blasting through school zones. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you think it's indicative of anything or am I just an autist?
Incompetent driving is definitely everywhere too but what I'm noticing is more like negligent driving. People acting like they are in GTA or something.
GTA is starting to seem kind of tame compared to Clown World.
The cops in GTA actually do their jobs.
Baltimore and Detroit don't need have had the injections to drive like retards. They were already retarded.
It's because cops stopped enforcing traffic laws due to the threat of every stop potentially causing federally sanctioned nationwide riots. You have to have constant psychotic enforcement, especially on lower IQ drivers, or you end up with third world driving conditions.
It's always foreigners, subhumans and women when I catch a glance of who the idiot is who's driving like a lunatic.
Shiiieeeet I don't speed through my own 'hood. Which basically means I'm always either driving slow cuz I'm close to home or stuck in traffic. Never drive fast. I bought a fast car when I lived in Arizona, where it was all flat, nice roads and often empty. But these days I'm just glad to have a car that runs on gasoline and is reliable. That its character is a total mismatch for our roads is an acceptable defect.
So I'm not causing accidents and shit. And I don't drink so I'm always alert to dodge other people.
Dunno about that, the one 3 times ago was definitely a white dude in an expensive car.
A few others I'm fairly sure it was a white dude driving a pickup but only be 100% sure it was a pickup.
Last dude in a pickup who I could see was a black guy....before that it looked like it was an asian guy bizarrely enough.
Last person who was driving "recklessly" rather than deliberately aggressively was a woman.
2008 fundamentally broke society, and Trump's existence whipped the progressive prigs into a permanent psychotic break. Everyone knows the nu-roaring twenties is a splurge party at the expense of a tomorrow prigs and normies no longer consider. The hangover, hopefully, will be the demise of Weimerica and the degenerate vassals.
The rest of the world will flee from the dollar when the printers spin up again. They already have one foot out the door with the death of the petrodollar and gold gathering. Much of the world hates the socialist sophistry, identity cancer, weaponizing of SWIFT, and chutzpah of the baizou. When Weimerica looses global reserve status, hyperinflation comes home to roost.
Yep, got bad right around the same time the DNC's official policy became "crime is good". The fact is, most people are sociopaths and will endanger everyone around them if they're not kept in line, because they don't care what happens to anyone but themselves. Cops aren't allowed to do their jobs any more, ergo, evil flourishes. Simple as.
I really don't want to believe that, but I have to admit that it would explain an awful lot.
Take solace in the fact that sociopathy is often indistinguishable from retardation. Low IQ people don’t possess the cognitive capacity to generate empathy. A lot of what you’re seeing is simply the stupification of the West.
Insert copypasta about low iq prisoners
I've long believed that the number of sociopaths is massively underestimated because our idea of a sociopath is a charming manipulator, as if the average person has the intelligence to be that person, if they only lacked morals. Except we have a bunch of amoral retards: common criminals. They tend to be excused by their "circumstances," and while I don't doubt that circumstances can give you a rational reason to be hostile and selfish, that excuse gets stretched way too far, way too often, for people who are clearly just animals that can speak.
Most people aren't sociopaths. It's just that hive cities deny people meaning, ownership, and responsibility, making them effectively act like sociopaths because they have no connection to anything.
Threats of violence doesn't make a peaceful society. Responsibility does.
In an ideal world. Unfortunately American cities are full of stupid sociopaths (whether they were born that way or not) who require the oppressive boot of law officers on their necks to be kept in line.
Is this worth watching? I have seen the webm of this a million times but never looked up the source.
That almost reads like part of the intro to Idiocracy, but I couldn't say what it's from.
I've read that name before. Never saw the clip.
To some extent. I've also noticed more crazed pedestrians, too, including one guy who waited till I was right in front of him to step out into the street, not at a crosswalk, forcing me to slam on my breaks. And, no, I highly doubt it was a suicide attempt, the dude was just a prick who wanted to control other people. I've noticed a few of these. Plus the usual homeless craziness.
The amount of vagrants is crazy to me too. Should have mentioned that in OP. They are everywhere now. Always harrassing people for money and making a general nuisance of themselves.
It has definitely gone up in the last few years. More street corners are being staked out by panhandlers.
Not at a crosswalk? Why did you stop? Just a while back, there was a jackass who did that, and I blasted the horn to make sure he stopped - and then he looked at me as though I was the bad guy!
Yes. And ironically I had a girl “irl” try to defend it by blaming drivers who grew up interstate. As in, “I’m not a shit driver, you just don’t know how to drive here” (while proceeding to incorrectly describe what she thought the road rule was, because she clearly thought she knew better than the actual law, lol)…
But yes. Different country, different context, but absolutely, yes.
My wife and I have both noticed it, and it's weird because its so consistent now. Multiple incidents over several weeks. I joked that it was the normie hive mind breaking down.
I saw a bad road rage incident on the freeway a few months ago, with two people racing each other around oncoming traffic. For the past several weeks I've also had people speed up aggressively to beat me at traffic circles and intersections, even when I obviously had the right of way.
You never actually have the right of way.
Idiots will remind you of this when they fail to yield...
I live near Orlando, how would I notice?
Is it a day ending in "Y"?
I see a car crash every day on my way to work and back.
I will admit I've done some stupid stuff while out on the highway. But being on plates and being required by law to slow down, I've seen some stupid stuff happen. Classic examples are Utes overtaking in turn off areas on a highway only for an over taking lane to appear 200 meters ahead. I've had an old couple do that exact same thing because they had to overtake me illegally right there instead of waiting the 200 meters for the over taking lane. I've had trucks go by me at 100 km/h while I'm doing 80 and this is on a single lane highway with no overtake. it's a scary thing because I always think they won't have enough space and they will cut in front of me to turn back.
The scariest thing was me going on a C class road, so really run down road and not 5 meters behind me was a red 4x4 matching me doing 80. Didn't over take, didn't pull back, just sat on my hind. So I indicated to get off onto the side to let him pass, hit a small gravel patch at 40 and skidded off the road on my bike. He sped right past. Luckily I only have scrapes on the bike but that could have easily turned out worse.
There's a reason why I stop at give way signs. Not because I can clearly see it's clear and there's no risk. But because I can't see if another car comes and if it does, I need to be ready for it. Call it paranoia but my instructors in riding school basically drilled situational awareness into you when riding a motorcycle.
Another thing one of my sage Instructors said. There are 3 things you can't prepare for while on the road. Weather, road condition and other drivers. Weather you can mitigate by going slower or even just waiting for it to pass. Condition likewise can be bypassed by taking an alternative route or going slower and being aware. Other drivers though, you can never account for and as such is the one you have to be prepared for.
I live in the middle of nowhere. It's all farms and fields so there are a lot of big pickups with light bars and a splattering of karens in sedans with high intensity beams. Nobody bothers to turn their high beams off unless they're one phone pole's distance away if you're lucky. They just don't get that others can see and have to endure that shit. Yes there are deer but not in the middle of town and not near most of the housing. They just don't register or care that they're administering involuntary lasik surgery unless you blast them back.
not around here, no. then again i don't drive all that often.
People always drove like maniacs around me, but I've never seen anyone straight up run a red light until the past two years. Now it's like three times a week I'll see someone just go for it. Always out of state plates from those blue shitholes, too.
Yes, but it's difficult to tell what the reason is given the normal state of driving in my area is "suicidally aggressive".
I've noticed more people meandering across the double orange lines into my lane for absolutely no reason. I've come head to head with 5 or 6 people driving in just the last week.
I've noticed lately people pulling out of T-Junctions on to the main road in front of cars doing 100 kph. I had to swerve around one a few weeks ago. Happening almost every day now. Like they can't judge distances or speeds anymore
I drive for a living and I thought it was I took up a different route at work, but yeah people seem more aggressive. Just in the past month I’ve seen a couple dozen people run stop signs, 3 different people go more than 50 mph in a school zone with kids around, and a couple of times running red lights with one of them leading to an accident. Just so everyone is aware I took up a route in Los Angeles and I live in a fairly large city. So I’m obviously going to see more retards than anyone living in a small town.
I’ve seen an increase in stupid driving. People driving under the speed limit, changing lanes into the passing lane and then GOING THE SAME speed as the car they’re trying to pass. Driving as if they’re the only person the road without any thought about traffic flow or others on the road.
Basically it’s like the great majority of the populace is out of practice because they didn’t drive for 3 years and now only do it when they’re out for recreation.
Now at night it’s a whole different scenario and there’s a lot more reckless driving going on.
Actually, it's really funny you mention this. I walk around my neighborhood a lot for PokemonGo, and we have a road that goes from 35 to 25 into a commercial/ residential-ish area, but most people drive 40+ on it until that sign. I was walking past this road and saw someone in a Tesla (still popular in this area despite being Portland) absolutely gunning it, easily 50+, and someone pulled out in front of him with more than enough time to slow down. The driver blared his horn and rode the bumper of the other guy the whole way to the grocery store about 500 feet after the 25 MPH sign, then blared his horn again and raced up to the red light where I lost sight of him.
I have also witnessed generally very aggressive driving ticking up anecdotally, from people peeling out at stoplights, cutting others off, jumping green lights while traffic is still flowing, blowing stop signs, stopping overtop of crosswalks basically into the intersection, and the like. All of this seems very excessive for an area that I have lived in for several years now, and have had a good deal of experience with the traffic. I think I first noticed it getting particularly bad back in March. It's not every day, but the sheer level of it when I do witness it is striking.
Just contributing. Can't affirm your hypothesis from my experience.
I appreciate that. Nothing worse than an echo chamber.
It was a thing here for a while, though it's calmed down a bit. You can definitely tell how much worse it was for a while, because a lot of cars in my area still have battle damage.
I've got something weirder still going on. Once or twice a month, and only at night, people will just stop their cars in the middle of suburban roads. They don't park, they just come to a stop and leave it running. They're not waiting for anyone to get in or out. They're not checking their phones. They're just sitting there. I've watched them sit there and do nothing for upwards of 10 minutes.
I'm not intending on asking any of them what the fuck they're doing. Seems like a good way to get shot, or skinned.
Yeah, started noticing it about...3 to 6 months ago?
Nothing of the level people are describing. Instead I get people going 35 on highways. Highways that go DOWN to 45 for the school zone.
Not to that extreme as you've mentioned, but there's a decline in defensive driving in the past 10 years as I and multiple people have noticed in the Netherlands. Back then it was your typical stereotype to view a BMW 3 series driver as a jackass who like he owned the road, now everyone does. I often see people doing dumb stuff behind the wheel, for example texting or watching some shit live (F1) while driving a Mercedes Sprinter van..