It doesn't feel like Mario at all. It feels like every hollywood cliche with mario paint slapped on it. and of course they made Peach a "le strong and independent" hollywood feminist cliche she practically has the complete opposite personality as the games, instead she's just another hollywood feminist cliche. And Mario seems to be as the victim of "slapstick jokes" to laugh at. Everything is just so hollywood
Also they couldn't even get any of the voices of the characters right
I’ll probably skip it just the fact that Seth “Giggling Bitch” Rogen plays a talking Donkey Kong. After the 90s Donkey King Country cartoon, DK should never ever have a human voice again (especially that bafoon.)
Inb4 someone redubs all of donkey Kong's lines with clips from that show.
would watch that outta curiousity
Michael Caine could play Donkey Kong.
While I prefer it be Mario and Luigi saving Peach but I'm ok with Mario and Peach saving poor Luigi as long as Peach is not a typical Mary Sue that has to show Mario how to do basic stuff and Mario is an actual hero in his own movie. If they can manage that I'll be content.
You mean like 'The Lego Movie', where the putative main character was an inept buffoon constantly outfought, outwitted, outmaneuvered and out'bettered' by his female counterpart.
Was it a parody, though? Or did they throw the main character a bone after-the-fact, just to get a passing grade for minimal effort?
Some of column A, all of column B.
It was clearly a matrix parody
At least that was his personality in that movie and he was an original character.
It's so much worse when they fuck up established characters.
He was outdone by everyone, including lego batman, until the end of the movie. He was more like a comedy version of Neo.
I'm hoping they do not pull that shit with Mario but lets be honest is 90% sure they will
i edited the post a bit to add that its not just Peach being a hollywood feminist cliche but also mario being made to be the victim of slapstick jokes to laugh at.
Did it came out already? I thought it was next month? This hurts, I really wanted to take the kids to see it.
it hasn't come out yet . but the trailers have
I don't mind that either. But I do think peach works best when she's essentially a living bag of feathers but with the strength of a hurricane if she's pissed off.
Why on earth would you think they'd do that? Peach will definitely be a MS lol
They should've produced it in Japan, then.
They kinda did.
Nintendo chose Illumination over bigger studios like Disney because Illumination were the only ones who would let Nintendo keep creative control.
Its still Hollywood at the end of the day, the writers/directors are just soybrained millennials with a lame sense of humor filled with tired leftist tropes(I can just imagine all the jokes Peach will make about being a stronk wahman). Nintendo probably just consulted on the characters and worldbuilding while having little involvement in the writing or casting, because to them this is just nothing more than a big commercial for their games and possibly the rumored upcoming Mario game this year.
That's exactly what the trailer looks like.
Peach being a girlboss had me noping out.
Which is why I think people are reading too much into stuff. It has already been confirmed Nintendo crushed some of the attempts to make some stuff woke in the movie.
...did you see the voice actors?
Hard fucking pass.
I saw an ad where Seth Rogen does his stupid stoner laugh as DK and instantly noped out from seeing it
Ah. Gay. I can't immediately think of a worse choice than that.
I did hear that it was even MORE feminist in the original draft but nintendo made them dial down the feminism a bit. Not enough though , the characters are all completely out of character. At the end of the day the script and casting all feel like hollywood and nothing like the games
Confirmed where?
This. I thought the choice of illumination over Disney alone was very telling
Not a fan of it all, nothing about it is appealing other than the characters and world at least looks like the games for the most part.
I had no hope for this movie since its Hollywood, my original prediction was that it would be Mario and Luigi bumbling and fumbling their way to save the Princess, only for the Princess to save herself in the end Rei Skywalker style. However they managed to make it even worse by having Luigi and Peach swap roles for the damsel, and Mario is now just an incompetent buffoon who stumbles his way to victory alongside girlboss Peach who leads the charge into battle.
The dialogue doesn't even feel like Mario, the voice for Mario sucks ass, and Peach talking about universes or w/e just doesn't even feel like the games. I just wanted something like Mario And Luigi: Superstar Saga which felt like the perfect template for a Mario movie since its probably the most cinematic Mario game, which stays faithful to the lore while even poking some fun at it such as depicting Luigi as cowardly but still giving him an arc where he overcomes his fears to save Mario.
I would actually lol real hard if Peach came out at the beginning Dune style and gave an introduction about the universe and the spice.
The biggest sin to me is taking a movie called Super Mario Bros, and splitting the bros apart for the majority of the runtime.
Nobody can convince me that a series all about saving the princess should start with the princess saving a hero. You can't subvert something if there's no initial expectations set up to subvert. It's all meaningless!
Hero Mario and comic foil Luigi save the princess is all it needed to be. Have people who genuinely love the source material do that story like the people who made Sonic and throw in some kind of sly reference to the old live action movie and a couple callbacks to the cartoon and you have a successful movie.
Peach being strong and independent but still keeping charm and caring personality would be Daisy
Peach was always my favourite character because she's basically this insanely powerful mushroom-hivemind, genie-kami being; but she let's herself get kidnapped all the time for funsies.
Remember that one time that the Mario Bros got kidnapped and she had to save them and it turned out she has tons of crazy magic powers she just never bothers to use? Even in Mario Bros 2 she could practically fly; she could easily get free from Bowser et al, but she'd rather watch the Mario boys jump around. That's why she's always unimpressed, bordering on sarcastic, when she's finally saved.
Making her a girl-boss both robs her character of whimsy and her actual over-powered awsomeness.
Shit, Bob Hoskins' Mario ain't looking so bad now.
Imagine expecting it to be good.
They had a character list that said "Mario, Luigi, Peach" above a trait list that said "hero, comic relief, damsel in distress" and nobody noticed they shifted the characters one space to the right.
I really hope Yoshi doesn't sound as retarded as he does in the Mario cartoons, implying he DOES get a voice.
Eh. It seems pretty mid. I'll reserve judgement till it comes out.
I'm of the opinion that if they wanted to do an action girl, they should have brought in Daisy, have her be super competent athletically, dumber than a hammer, and an all around complete doofus. It would have satisfied their need for an action girl, limited her in such a way that she doesn't outshine the lead, and in character with the (largely fan assigned ) personality people expect her to have.
Peach doesn't have much of a personality in the main games, but we do know her first reaction to danger should be either "Oh, my!" Or to yell Mario's name. And to basically always act as a princess.
I dunno. I stand by that I think it looks mid. Nothing Amazing, but nothing irredeemable either. Just a fun kids movie that's slightly on the generic side other than being packed with Nintendo references.