Given "I have all my fingers, and the knife goes chop-chop-chop" knife song/game thing was a meme a decade back, honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if slamming your head into a plank became a meme at some point.
Twerking is degenerate because it is as close to full-on public humping as you can get with clothes on.
The dances created in the 1960s, by top-40 songs of the day, like the Twist, Watusi, Jerk, etc. ("The Bug" is a riot, but a bit obscure) were fun and the songs popularizing them were good.
It's not black culture per se that's the problem, it's he decay of black culture that's the problem.
All invented by white men funny enough. In particular crowing about winning at the Olympics as though you own it, when it was invented by whites four thousand goddamn years ago, is the perfect example of what I'm saying.
Blacks have contributed nothing to humanity but act like they're owed everything.
Except his statement wasn't about creating things because yours wasn't. He just named things that black people contributed directly to in a positive way to contradict your hyperbole. Also Kaling isn't black
My statement was that they degrade what they touch. And that's true. It's true about sports, it's true about music and it's true about dancing. It's also true about technology and industry too, along with anything even tangential to culture.
Nothing is made better by their presence and everything is made worse.
Hasn't Kaling said that Velma in the show is basically her and Fred in the show is her on/off boyfriend/baby daddy B.J. Novak? If so, I could see her veiled animosity towards her jewish MIL.
I can see the argument being made (Boomer take or regressive, both probably apply) that this isn't any different from the occasional over-the-top violence/shock humor that happens in South Park, Family Guy, or The Simpsons.
Obviously here, this is completely out of character for the formerly established character. But now that we're going with a white-out coated slate? Anything goes.
Ah, thank you. I think I've imagined this show to be like Drawn Togther (parodying cartoon character tropes and making them crass and perverted). But yeah, if she's meant to be the actual good guy, whew...
She is meant to be Velma, from Scooby Doo. Not a parody, not a satire, not a reference in a different show. She is Velma. Of Scooby Doo. The "Jinkies! Where's my glasses!" girl. As the main character in this particular iteration of Scooby Doo.
Indians in the elite class can be psychotically hateful of white people for some reason. Not in the black sense of "I gonna run over random wipopo" but in the sense of "white people should be mentally tortured and exterminated." See Saira Rao
edit: meaning elite Indians in America. Not sure about Indian nationals, they have national pride of course, but foreigners tend to be less acidic than their minority American counterparts
Which is weird because they literally just want to be like us. Their culture of enslaving and beating the darkies and making them 3rd class shitizens is taken straight from Euros
Subcontinent Indians feel that they could have and should have been the ones to invent the modern world.
They believe they invented numbers and zero and science, and Europeans stole their birthright from them, kept them down. They also feel a huge insecurity and inadequacy that even after the West stopped oppressing them they couldn't be the modern leader in inventing things and being a powerhouse like China - it's their identity that they're the smartest people in the room, but the results say they're not.
So there's this huge reservoir of self-hate and self-loathing in their lack of accomplishments with Europeans as the target for it.
I know because I used to work alongside a LOT of Indians at a green card tech company and I saw their culture firsthand. They'd come at me with some stupid IQ test like the wolf/goat/river problem and I'd give them the answer right away after they spent like half an hour on it. They would seethe about it because their identity was being smarter and they weren't.
many of these loud antiwhite Indians and asian women were probably rejected or dumped by huwite guys and still haven't got over it, Mindy kaling was dating that fellow white from the office, they thirst for the huwite dicks and are desperately trying to get attention from white guys
Calling that dancing is just degenerate if you ask me. It's just another example of how anything blacks touch is degraded by them.
It's a "dance" by definition but yeah we need a different word for dances that do not involve chimp mate rituals.
If that were the definition, then hitting yourself in the face is dancing too.
That can be dancing, if it's done rhythmically, and preferably along with music.
We should tell liberals hitting themselves in the face is the new dance trending on TikTok.
2x4 challenge
Given "I have all my fingers, and the knife goes chop-chop-chop" knife song/game thing was a meme a decade back, honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if slamming your head into a plank became a meme at some point.
We should encourage anyone twerks to start hitting themselves in the face instead
Twerking is degenerate because it is as close to full-on public humping as you can get with clothes on.
The dances created in the 1960s, by top-40 songs of the day, like the Twist, Watusi, Jerk, etc. ("The Bug" is a riot, but a bit obscure) were fun and the songs popularizing them were good.
It's not black culture per se that's the problem, it's he decay of black culture that's the problem.
You see something "fun", I see the foot in the door that lead to where we are now.
Or without clothes on in the case of that Lizzo creature
This is one of the most boomer things I've ever read
Even got the extremely dated muh Nazis reference in there for maximum out of touchness
He mentioned the Olympics but forgot to chant "Diversity is our strength!"
You might want to, after all these years of getting a narrative enema, actually look at the medal count of the 1936 Olympics.
projecting much? we're not the ones who claim to be "god's chosen people"
All invented by white men funny enough. In particular crowing about winning at the Olympics as though you own it, when it was invented by whites four thousand goddamn years ago, is the perfect example of what I'm saying.
Blacks have contributed nothing to humanity but act like they're owed everything.
Except his statement wasn't about creating things because yours wasn't. He just named things that black people contributed directly to in a positive way to contradict your hyperbole. Also Kaling isn't black
My statement was that they degrade what they touch. And that's true. It's true about sports, it's true about music and it's true about dancing. It's also true about technology and industry too, along with anything even tangential to culture.
Nothing is made better by their presence and everything is made worse.
I like blacks propensity for violent crime and rape. Keeps me on my toes.
Mindy Kaling's wet dream right there!
Does she have a genocidal hatred of white people?
She's the showrunner for Velma and yes, yes she does.
Is this recent to come out? I don't remember her ever talking shit about white people back in the day.
Especially men since she repulses them
No further illustration needed to show what a pile of shit this show is....
And yet they are making a season 2…
She's gotta know where the bodies are buried for that level of cucking...
I mean they made her black so that makes total sense.
I've seen more videos of arrests, fights, accidents, etc where some black woman just randomly starts twerking than I care to remember.
Did she also yell "WOooorrldstaaarr!"?
I, for one, am happy that Mindy Kaling is burning the money of the Hollwood libtards in a bonfire while scoring own-goals in the culture war.
More, please.
So the character is a lesbian but she twerks which really only works for heterosexual sex.
She is celebrating the removal of an aryan womb.
This quite an elaborate and expensive way to show people how mentally unhinged you are, Mindy...
Hasn't Kaling said that Velma in the show is basically her and Fred in the show is her on/off boyfriend/baby daddy B.J. Novak? If so, I could see her veiled animosity towards her jewish MIL.
His mom was another woke insert...
I can see the argument being made (Boomer take or regressive, both probably apply) that this isn't any different from the occasional over-the-top violence/shock humor that happens in South Park, Family Guy, or The Simpsons.
Obviously here, this is completely out of character for the formerly established character. But now that we're going with a white-out coated slate? Anything goes.
Ah, thank you. I think I've imagined this show to be like Drawn Togther (parodying cartoon character tropes and making them crass and perverted). But yeah, if she's meant to be the actual good guy, whew...
She is meant to be Velma, from Scooby Doo. Not a parody, not a satire, not a reference in a different show. She is Velma. Of Scooby Doo. The "Jinkies! Where's my glasses!" girl. As the main character in this particular iteration of Scooby Doo.
Indians in the elite class can be psychotically hateful of white people for some reason. Not in the black sense of "I gonna run over random wipopo" but in the sense of "white people should be mentally tortured and exterminated." See Saira Rao
edit: meaning elite Indians in America. Not sure about Indian nationals, they have national pride of course, but foreigners tend to be less acidic than their minority American counterparts
They hate us cuz they anus.
Honestly I think it comes down the women upset that the 'men' of their culture prefer white people.
Indian women really, really hate that indian men overwhelmingly prefer white women. It is the same with black chicks.
They all have a deep, intrinsic hatred of white men and women simply because they know they are 2nd best to white women.
Which is both funny and hypocritical because indian women prefer white dudes over indian guys.
Which is weird because they literally just want to be like us. Their culture of enslaving and beating the darkies and making them 3rd class shitizens is taken straight from Euros
Subcontinent Indians feel that they could have and should have been the ones to invent the modern world.
They believe they invented numbers and zero and science, and Europeans stole their birthright from them, kept them down. They also feel a huge insecurity and inadequacy that even after the West stopped oppressing them they couldn't be the modern leader in inventing things and being a powerhouse like China - it's their identity that they're the smartest people in the room, but the results say they're not.
So there's this huge reservoir of self-hate and self-loathing in their lack of accomplishments with Europeans as the target for it.
I know because I used to work alongside a LOT of Indians at a green card tech company and I saw their culture firsthand. They'd come at me with some stupid IQ test like the wolf/goat/river problem and I'd give them the answer right away after they spent like half an hour on it. They would seethe about it because their identity was being smarter and they weren't.
many of these loud antiwhite Indians and asian women were probably rejected or dumped by huwite guys and still haven't got over it, Mindy kaling was dating that fellow white from the office, they thirst for the huwite dicks and are desperately trying to get attention from white guys
As Savitri Devi Mukherji proved, even among Nazis the Indians are the most fanatical and psychotically hateful when allowed to be.
But, since she was a woman nobody talks about her and her books are still widely sold and celebrated.
It would be irrational to hate us.
Distrust and fight with for sure.
But hate would be weird. The only reason they want to be here and not India is white Americans.
Nothing that leftists do is satire, especially the things they claim are satire.