Original: https://archive.is/6xSxg
Today: https://www.theguardian.com/info/2023/nov/15/removed-document
It's dangerous to allow people to read content for themselves and draw their own conclusions!
A bunch of useless busybodies decided that there was a problem when there wasn't one. All their efforts have amounted in the creation of the problem they claimed to want to solve. People are MUCH more racist today than they were 20 years ago.
It's not called Games Wokeshop for lack of reason.
i feel like .win is more like a pillow to scream into than anything else.
What are "right wing ideas"? Through the lens of modern politics most of the people here aren't "right wing", but liberals/libertarians ... from 20 years ago.
Nowhere in the 30+ years I've been playing Zelda was it even slightly implied she was a degenerate crossdressing coomer .... so.
I can also remember in the 30 minutes ago, when they mocked you for thinking there was an agenda
The heckin' valid future, sweaty.
Is there anything ESG can't improve?
Hey, basically I'm just not gonna play it (the wokeslop!!). I know... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just that I'm not gonna play it is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I enjoyed the time I spent with it, but it's just too long for another playthrough vs their other titles.
What's the difference?
Consoomer drones != sub-culture
Reading this: https://scored.co/c/KotakuInAction2/p/17rT6ifYoN/i-remember-a-time-i-wanted-my-ho/c
I recalled the posted article. Old but relevant.
Including shit like this for virtue points takes resources away from creating/polishing other content.
It's a slur insofar as "NOT a degenerate coomer" is a slur. Their insults don't work because the underlying criticism doesn't make sense.
AHS has slowed down a lot because all the wrongthink/off-narrative subs have been largely purged. Outside extremely niche topics, the site completely filled with trannies and pozz.
I bought it at launch. Easily the worst game I've ever paid money for and one of the stupidest decisions I've made in my life. Should have paid for a kick to the balls instead, would have saved me the hours I spent grimacing pretending I wasn't entirely disgusted and bored by it.
Young people can be smart, but rarely are they wise.
That said, the young people of today are generally neither.
I can upload it somewhere else if you have a suggestion?
What you are saying is
You remind me of that interview with Peterson with Kathy Newman or whatever her name is. I said nothing of the sort. I did not say I wanted to do anything at all.
The comparison was drawn because of the intensity and scale of the xenomorph invasion and the desperation of the doomed Marines fending them off. Parents "minigun" comment sparked the memory.
If you want to pick a "zerg rush" as a more palatable low-res analogy, go ahead.
parent comment had the intelligence not to talk about firing them
Neither did mine. I said I thought of a particular movie scene. You're putting words in my mouth and imagining something that was never thought, let alone typed.
I don't wonder "why the FBI targets me" because this imagined, unhinged malice you're asserting is absurd. The problem with policing people beyond what is actually spoken into the realm of what you believe them to be thinking is that you inevitably will assume the worst. Be careful when gazing into the abyss....
I truly do not understand the motivation behind Reddit-tier moderation and tiresome wokescold comment reporting on scored.
The vast overwhelming majority of people here left Reddit precisely because they detest those things.
If you desire to continue your woke holy crusade against thought crime, why not stick with actual Reddit, where there is some ostensible reason to do so ("prevent admins from banning the sub"), instead of just empty hot pockets?
I think Trey checked out long ago - he's more the business guy anyway