Depends on your definition. Is a picture of boobs porn to you? Is anime like ecchi anime porn to you? Talking about softcore pornography here. If softcore is included then probaby every second day at least, in some form. I really enjoy looking at pretty women, even if it's just dressed. It does give me more motivation to live sometimes.
If we're just talking hardcore pornography and that includes any materials depicting or describing sex, including video pornography, doujinshi and other written/drawn material then probably anywhere from 1-6 times per month.
I've gone longer periods of time without porn and even fapping entirely but it never brought about a meaningful change, though I can see how frequent consumption affects my behavior a lot. And by longer I mean anything from 6-9 months.
Over time it decreased for me, even though my testosterone has definitely increased. Porn browsing and consumption used to be a bigger part of my life but it's just a waste of time now. I know my triggers and tastes and if I want to get off well or hard, what I need to do. I grew up with this (started around 13, am 27 now). Most of the time I just want to do something else
One of the ways to make money on Hustler's uni is to go to the affiliate campus, where you make clips of tate and promote his content on social media, spam his stuff as memes, etc. and put your affiliate link below
I think what happened was that the sheer amount of content he hit with that perfectly hit the algorithms and he was suddenly everywhere.
I feel like you should read Victor Frankls book "Man's Search for Meaning" if you haven't already.
Here is my take on your situation: It's not about maintaining rage and defiance directly. Take things slowly. One thing at a time. And forget about "Australia".. Australia is just a concept. Concepts come and go in the grand scheme of things. What matters is much more direct: You. Your life. Does Australia really matter or does your life matter? Ignoring Australia, has your life been worse recently? (From what you say, absolutely). I think you should live for yourself and not for Australia. Forget about Australia. What can YOU do to improve your life, today and right now? Focus on that. Even if all the paths laid out in front of you lead to hell eventually, you can still go there on your own terms. Live true to yourself and think about how to make your life better. If you're happy and in a good situation, you have a much easier time to make the situation better for someone else. And when you're in a good position to help a lot of people, then you can still think if you want to make a difference for "Australia" or if there are other, more important things you want to do
You're not wrong!