I wonder how long can she maintain the cognitive dissonance of toxic white men vs securing the borders against oppressed and disadvantaged (by toxic white men) minorities.
Feminism has been entrenched in Western society for nearly 100 years. Think as far back to the temperance movement as a major significant disaster initiated by so called oppressed women.
Doesn't Sweden also have a feminist government? I wonder how if there is any correlation between contempt of white men to allowing incompatible migrant cultures into the country to spite the "patriarchy"?
I'm pretty sure this will be about men serving women to be "good".
It would be the same strategy as trying to feminist or copyright nazi proof your website. The pirate bay has a dynamic dns setup I believe.
Let's not interrupt the enemy while they're making their mistakes. Tear down all gender divide. Why do women need all these special rights anyway. Isn't feminism for equality?
Feminism cannot create, it can only corrupt or destroy.
It's not surprising that Disney thinks they can shit on white males and they will still slurp up the crap that is vomitted from Disney. White males are the most cucked population thanks to feminist indoctrination. Look at how "anti-sjw" and conservatives are so afraid to be called misogynists and incels.
Most "anti-discrimination" laws have exception provisions that allow for discrimination against men, whites and asians.
Creepy male feminist is a cunt. Restart the clock!
The feminist bookshop in Portlandia was actually real.
Are these the engineers and doctors feminists keep telling us we're getting with illegal migrants from these places?
This has been a long time coming. Feminists have been indoctrinating the population for at least a generation or two.
It was always there in the background. It's just recently metastasised to stage 4 cancer.
I don't think this will stop the climate hysteria from overrunning the Dutch farmers however. We're seeing the Netherlands being Sri Lanka'd in real time.
This reminds me of the bridge collapse because it was designed by woke feminists. The amount of defence the media and society in general ran for those ladies were insane.
What?! Windmills and solar can't compensate?! Watermelon feminists told me it would one!one!!1
They don't act like petulant teenage girls. They are petulant teenage girls.
This is a normal characteristic of all feminist writing. Society considers this normal and sane that's why there's so many of these kind of things being produced.
The white cops will be blamed for sexism and racism.
It's interesting to see the demographic of people dismissing the needs of white children, especially white boys.
In the enlightment era, western concepts of justice were born that were fair, rational and just. Feminists condemned this as sexist. Product of the horrible patriarchy.
This is their replacement. Unfortunately, our society (both left and right) have internalised the feminist message and see this as now normal and sane.
This symbol of feminism is actually iconic of feminism - for the lies, deception and narcissim emblemic in that movement.
The best outcome really. Which is why we need to encourage more of it. Except where it hurts children.
I mean "Anti-sjw" and/or conservatives have completely and utterly internalised feminist dogma what hope is there for normies?
I don't think it will achieve anything other than making those people targets of harassment by the FBI.
What if, now just humor me here, what if, men identified as women en masse. Do you think that will make a massive impact?