dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

you need to be able to distinguish between major threats and minor threats.

Again, I would argue that you're the one who is mistaking the smaller threat for the bigger one.

That's like saying that you shouldn't be angry at rabid dogs, but at the rabies virus.

Vaccinating your dogs against rabies prevents them from going rabid. That is how you solve the problem of rabid dogs. By preventing the virus from reproducing inside its host.

The feminist movement is responsible for the multi-generational destruction, denigration and demonization of men and masculinity: to the point where entire generations of young men have been raised to hate themselves simply for being male. The trans phenomenon is merely an offgrowth of that, if a particularly unpleasant one.

And yes, the trans movement has been latched onto by groomers and predators and pedophiles, who are always looking for new and inventive ways to normalize their behaviour.

But let's examine for a moment the psychology of grooming. Its central goal is to wear down the victim's emotional resistance to the abuse they suffer: to use their own desires against them, and to convince them to blame themselves for the abuse they suffer, to gaslight them into believing that they were somehow asking for this abuse, that they somehow made it happen, and that they somehow deserved it.

Well that precisely describes the techniques that the feminist movement has spent decades deploying against the entire male gender and especially against boys and young men, whose inexperience and emotional immaturity made them more susceptible to the grooming.

What we are (rightly) lambasting the troon ideology for doing to some children in schools and libraries or at pride parades, the feminist movement has already done to three entire generations of boys. Just because the abuse wasn't specific, doesn't mean that the emotional trauma and life-changing consequences of it aren't real.

But we let them get away with it, and we are continuing to let them get away with it by allowing them to carry on as if they are somehow the victims of the consequences of their own actions and rhetoric. They created this problem. You can not solve this problem by siding with them.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +6 / -2

I would argue that she is using you.

There's been far too much simping in nominally right-wing spaces to the Terfs, just because they've been on the receiving end of the pro-troon censorship regime. Suddenly, men in conservative spaces are bending over backwards to show how willing they are to defend women from the big bad trannies. When you do that, you're playing right into the hands of man-hating swamp scum like Megan Murphy, who will turn on you as soon as she gets what she wants from you, and use the right's own rhetoric about "protecting women's spaces" as a stick to beat yet another generation of young men into submission and alienation.

I said this yesterday in a different thread, and I'll repeat it here. However toxic and destructive some of the troons' behaviour is, the overwhelming majority of them are just a bunch of broken men. Our anger should be reserved for the forces that broke them.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

Aside: you're getting mad at criticism of troonery yet again.

More like rightly pointing out that troonery is a direct product of radical feminism. They are responsible for driving so many men into this insanity through their relentless denigration and demonisation of men and masculinity. Siding with them when they turn around complain about the troons invading their spaces effectively just amounts to right-wing simping.

Megan Murphy hates you because you are male. She and her ilk are primarily responsible, not only for the crisis of masculinity that has generated the transgender phenomenon in the first place, but also for the regime of state-sponsored censorship and criminalisation of speech that is now being used against them. They do not deserve our sympathy.

by folx
dagthegnome 85 points ago +85 / -0

Please keep guys like this in mind when discussing the trans phenomenon. As toxic and destructive as the behaviour of some "trans women" is, they are mostly just broken men. Our anger should be reserved for the forces that broke them.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

It will. Biology is not that easily thwarted. Men's identity is defined by their capacity, ability and willingness to protect and provide for a family, which after a societal collapse will inevitably include women as well.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Literally faced with the prospect of the end of civilization.

Women most affected.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

When C-10 passes, Trudeau's going to have whoever made this arrested for a hate crime.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +8 / -1

Anyone who is still a member of the NRA at this point is just paying Wayne LaPierre to stab you in the back repeatedly.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

It is the inevitable fate of activist groups that they will continue to keep the grift going after their initial stated goals are achieved. The majority who got what they wanted cease to participate in the political activism and just get on with their lives, while the few whose livelihoods depend on continued income from the activism will continue to cling loudly to more and more fringe positions, and eventually derail the entire movement.

Most gay men that I know in my age group have become increasingly embittered and conservative as a result of what's happened to the movement. They know the backlash will not spare them.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm gonna miss this guy.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

Golf is a good walk spoiled.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

But the creepers and skeletons still show up? Undead have a right to live too, you know.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

"God is dead" was a lamentation, not an exhaltation.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Nietzsche's slave mentality on full display here. The left can't reconcile the perfectly coherent set of principles that underlie the fundamental concept that your safety is your own responsibility, and that you shouldn't be able to force the responsibility on others to try to make you feel safe.

You don't get to tell other people what they have to wear on their face or put in their body because you're afraid of a virus. You don't get to tell other people they can't have guns because you're afraid of guns. You do get to own guns so that you can protect yourself and your family from things that threaten them.

Outsourcing the responsibility for your safety to the government not only amounts to surrendering your rights and freedoms, and forcing everyone else to give away their freedoms, but it also in the long run will make you objectively less safe. But the alternative is taking responsibility, and they just can't stand that.

dagthegnome 26 points ago +26 / -0

Because then you'd have nothing to shoot the pedos with.

by folx
dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Second highest Mormon population after Utah.

Just sayin

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

And yet more and more male humans are choosing not to, which only further demonstrates how wretched and undesirable modern women are.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Or just don't let women vote.

dagthegnome 43 points ago +45 / -2

Russia is a nation-state that acts in its own interests, which is all the dissident right in the West really wants from our own governments.

The Russian government, after three decades of provocation, is fighting a war to protect Russian interests. Western governments are engaged in perpetual proxy wars all over the world, as well as an endless economic and cultural war against the very citizens they govern, which only serves the interests of a very small elite.

Whatever anyone thinks of Putin or his actions in Ukraine, what he's done is forced the media and managerial class in the West to confront the possibility that the oligarchic Utopian monoculture that they've been so committed to is not and will never be the real world.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's almost as if he's always going to say that no matter how much they cuck themselves to him. One wonders why they even bother.

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