In regards to the whole gay pride thing, it has become apparent that it was irrecoverably ruined due to the fact regressive leftists have taken over the gay community and drove everyone else out, and also because everyone who started gay pride has gone regressive such as flag designer Gilbert Baker, tainting the popularly accepted symbol of homosexuality with terrorism.
Because of this corruption it is time to end all the gay pride crap, including the parades that now allow exhibitionist streaking and sexual contact.
It is the inevitable fate of activist groups that they will continue to keep the grift going after their initial stated goals are achieved. The majority who got what they wanted cease to participate in the political activism and just get on with their lives, while the few whose livelihoods depend on continued income from the activism will continue to cling loudly to more and more fringe positions, and eventually derail the entire movement.
Most gay men that I know in my age group have become increasingly embittered and conservative as a result of what's happened to the movement. They know the backlash will not spare them.