dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

Right up until you want a hot dog.

Or, you know, want your daughters to be grown up before they're married.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

Male teachers also favour female students with higher grades, because men are hard-wired to treat women and girls differently. Even a return to gender segregation probably wouldn't completely solve it, but I'd say it would help.

On top of that, it would be better for a whole host of other reasons.

dagthegnome 30 points ago +30 / -0

We need to return to gender segregated education. It would be best for girls and boys.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

This timeline is like watching someone's fever dream.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

dagthegnome -6 points ago +2 / -8

You: Impy brings nothing to the discussion.

Also you: Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooze

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

I'd love to believe that the decline in merch and TV sales are a result of fans being alienated by the fact that their sport and their teams actively hate them, but your average normie consumer will still consume in spite of that. The drop in sales is probably more due to Germans not having any money because they're spending it all on heating their homes.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +7 / -1

There is no political landscape. A political landscape is what you have when your elections are legitimate, and actually depend on convincing a plurality of voters to support you. I will not be gaslit into debating anyone's appeal to different voting blocs as if that's going to make a difference.

I want Trump to run precisely because his bravado, his aggressiveness, his confrontational nature, his charisma and his "toxicity" are what will motivate his supporters, who turned out more legitimate votes for him in 2020 than any presidential candidate in history, to take the necessary action to fix the election system, even if he "loses."

A DeSantis win would be a continuation of the status quo just as much as a DeSantis loss would be. And it's moot anyway, because he's already said he won't run if Trump does, and Trump is running. If he goes back on that, it won't matter how many independents he attracts, because the Republican base will not support him.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +15 / -1

And here you go full Styxhexenhammer, expounding about voting demographics and opinion polls as if they matter in rigged elections.

The idea that the Dems were astroturfing candidates like Kari Lake is the most absurd thing you've said yet. They were just as terrified of her as they are of Trump, which is why they worked so hard to rig the vote against her.

If Ron DeSantis is the anti-esablishment threat that you are so desperate for us to believe he is, then the same establishment forces which contrived so hard to deny Trump the 2020 election, and Lake the Arizona governor's race, will do the same to him.

If Trump can't win and DeSantis is truly a genuine alternative anti-globalist anti-establishment candidate, then DeSantis can't win either. If DeSantis can win where Trump can't, it proves that he is establishment controlled.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +13 / -1

If DeSantis manages to get elected president, it will only be because the roadblocks in place to stop Trump have been removed for him. Making him controlled opposition.

If he sticks to his stated intention not to run against Trump, then and only then will he have my support for 2028.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +14 / -3

Posts thread after thread gushing over Ron DeSantis as if he's the second coming and then accuses me of cultism.

I would rather see Rand Paul in the White House over anyone else, but that doesn't stop me from seeing this DeSantis astroturf glowie bullshit for what it is.

Trump remains the candidate that the establishment are most afraid of, and that is enough for me.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +12 / -3

Yeah, now let's see him put his money where his mouth is and divest Florida's civil infrastructure from all of that WEF money. He's already had four years to do that, and he hasn't. He also hasn't lifted a finger to stop the Chinese from buying up thousands of acres of Floridian land.

Better yet, let's see DeSantis fund a Presidential campaign without relying on investment from WEF-related donors. There's only one serious MAGA candidate who can do that, because he can fund his own campaign.

The GOP leadership and the rest of the establishment are astroturfing DeSantis so hard precisely because they know that, unlike Trump, he can't gain office without making himself beholden to them.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

We just weren't ready for a tranny president.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +7 / -5

You really want the government having the power to kill people, and just trust that they'll never use it against you?

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

The diversity boxes are only a secondary concern for the access media "critics." Their business model and livelihood depends on early and exclusive access to films and celebrities. Being honest about how shitty a film is when the studio that controls that access poured $200 million into making it is a great way to end up unemployed.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

The inflation will continue to hurt them. The violent crime will continue to hurt them. The insane cultural war issues like killing babies, anti-white race hatred, institutional discrimination against asians, the environmental death cult, attacks on the energy industry are all going to continue to hurt them. The war profiteering will continue. The system will continue to de-legitimize itself.

So the Great Reset project will continue unabated and unhindered for another 2 years, further eroding the rights and freedoms and prosperity of Americans as well as further undermining what little capacity they have to fight back against it, but this is acceptable because it will make the blue half of the uniparty even less electable in 2024, which really just means that they'll have to be even more obvious about rigging it in their favor and the GOP establishment will have to work even harder to lose.

In other words, the status quo.

For whom, exactly, is this a Pyrrhic victory?

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

She might just be referring to the fact that she clearly hit the Wall about 20 years ago.

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

Sinn Fein 1922: If you believe in Ireland for the Irish you're a hero.

Sinn Fein 2022: If you believe in Ireland for the Irish you're a racist.

dagthegnome 21 points ago +22 / -1

If you're letting your kids eat Froot Loops for breakfast, they're going to die of diabetes anyway.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

What makes Trump different is the fact that he can't be bought. DeSantis, even if we could be sure of his intentions, would need outside investment in order to fund a campaign, and that makes him vulnerable.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, this poll is bullshit. All through the plandemic, the media and government used push polls like this to justify shit that they knew people didn't want.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want to see Trump run with Rand Paul as his VP candidate.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

Reminder: Ohio and Florida are the two states which managed to reform and secure their electoral practices before 2016. In Florida's case, it was because of the 2000 bullshit, and the Dems were the ones who actually pushed for more secure elections. So really, in more ways than one, they have themselves to thank for DeSantis.

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