bloodguard 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it hasn't. The same miscreants are going to rebrand as a new non-profit and pop up under a new name. Elon needs to go after individuals and the woke companies funding these goons.

bloodguard 8 points ago +8 / -0

Elon better pray VP Cackles doesn't win because I can see her strapping him to a waterboard and shipping him the the EU in a heartbeat.

bloodguard 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the Democrats have probably resigned themselves to either going full steam on fraudulent ballot stuffing (counting on the national GOP knuckling under. Again.) or just letting Kamala go down in flames and resetting for '28.

I think Kamala herself knows this and that's why she picked Walz to be the fall guy on their failure (blame the fat florid white dude).

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are they going to start arresting government goons and politicians for media posts "containing inaccurate information."?

No? Thought not. Vote better, Britain. Broom the tyrants out.

bloodguard 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean they Joseph Goebbels'ed an actual sentence that came out of Tim Walz's mouth?

Amazing. Epic "journalism".

bloodguard 13 points ago +13 / -0

The NPCs at #CucksForKamala have received their new programming.

bloodguard 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think we're at the "let's use the corpse of this corporation for money laundering" phase of Kotaku's existence.

bloodguard 9 points ago +9 / -0

As always. Follow the money on this "human rights" lawyer. She's a paid stooge.

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's cute that they think they can still vote their way out of this mess.

Starmer and his minions don't care what candidates name you plink on the touch screen. Heads they win. Tails you lose.

bloodguard 2 points ago +3 / -1


Dude is spreading his seed like a man possessed. I imagine there are going to be a few mentally deficient clinkers in the bunch.

bloodguard 7 points ago +7 / -0

Elon better pray VP Cackles doesn't win because I can see her strapping him to a waterboard and shipping him the the EU in a heartbeat.

bloodguard 11 points ago +11 / -0

Xi Jinping is probably doing the Risky Business dance in his tighty whities right about now. Walz is one of his goons.

bloodguard 16 points ago +17 / -1

Italian chick apologizing

That's the thing. I'm not going to feel sorry for them getting pummeled, disfigured, straight up murdered or the fact that they're being forced to throw away what could be decades of sacrifice and training.

They're allowing this. And until they start pushing back by refusing to compete against men I'm just going to sit back, watch and laugh.

Because you just know if you try to have their back they'll turn in an instant and start attacking you for virtue signal "so brave" head pats.

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been using GNOME since forever. Mostly because you can turn off all the annoying things with a few gsettings commands and have a clean "get out of my way" desktop. Even convinced my company to throw a $$,$$$ at them a few years ago.

Might take a look at Cosmic once it's fully baked. I don't need to deal with nor support woke gatekeeping.

bloodguard 2 points ago +2 / -0

I say do it just to watch Obama go into a cope and seethe meltdown.

bloodguard 12 points ago +12 / -0

If they're going by the Irish "troubles" playbook cops should start getting a bit nervous right about now. If I were a cop I'd stop leaving the house in uniform or telling people what I do for a living.

Then again if I were a cop in the UK I'd have probably would have thrown my badge at Starmer and quit last week.

bloodguard 11 points ago +11 / -0

They should start chanting "You work for us. We know where you live." to the cops. That might help them reconsider what side they're on.

bloodguard 6 points ago +6 / -0

And this is why I'm not going to be terribly surprised or upset when they willingly sacrifice themselves on the alter of woke and reap permanent damage or death.

They brought this on themselves. Let them serve as a lesson to others.

bloodguard 8 points ago +8 / -0

British police need to reevaluate what side they're on. Time to start good olde fashioned shunning.

  • Bad tooth? - Dentist: "Fuck off".
  • Hot water heater out? - Plumber: "Fuck off".
  • Car troubles? - Mechanics: "Fuck off".
  • Injured? - Doctors and nurses: "Fuck off (and maybe one of their weird dance routines).

Same with politicians, government workers and "journalists". Stop doing anything for them.

bloodguard 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm guessing the judge is getting weekly "community service" from the Mom in exchange for this ridiculously light sentence.

bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

Makes me think they've never opened a dictionary.

weird /wird/ adjective suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.

"Trump is weird". Hell yeah he is!

bloodguard 16 points ago +16 / -0

There shouldn't be any such thing as a "hate" crime. It's either a crime or it isn't.

And since they haven't repealed the 1st amendment (yet) saying anything like this isn't a crime.

bloodguard 10 points ago +11 / -1

Once my manky old PS4 dies I'm out of the console sphere for good.

If Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo want to sell me an "exclusive" they need to make it legal for me to purchase and use via an emulator.

bloodguard 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is opting out and paying for someone in private practice still allowed in Canada? You'll still probably lose whatever they're extorting from you to pay for their non-existent health care but at least you'll be able to see a real doctor.

Side note: Canadian coworker spent a couple weeks using my spare bedroom so she could escape Canada and get knee surgery. Her choice was get it done here in the US (and pay for it herself) or hobble around on crutches for 18 months waiting for a slot to open up.

bloodguard 5 points ago +5 / -0

We're going to get an even more extreme and obvious version in a few months. What we need is:

  • Valid ID to vote
  • Paper ballots that are kept for 8 years
  • Any organization or group that wants to recount can pay to have guards watch them run the ballots through their own scanners.

If we had a real opposition party instead of the cucked GOP we'd have had this already. All we get from them are sternly worded letters and preening at sideshow committee meetings.

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