You_Are_Based 10 points ago +10 / -0

Man I'm getting too old to care that I'm getting too old

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Taxes? Oh, I was talking about banks...

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is it even saying? "Holy fucking shit the QRTS" ???

by folx
You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds like it is just "the insult word" then. The words change over time, if it isn't trannies it's something else that's invading and ruining their previously high quality forum. The forums functionally stay the same they always were though, quality and all. Buzzwords come and go and people pretend it used to be so much better back-in-the-day, when the same trite discussion rituals were being performed with nostalgic buzzwords.

It was "fag" when I was big into doubleplustwochan. That's just what it was, "you're a fag", "suck a dick you fag". And it feels to me like times were better when we were calling each other fags, even though it's all the same old shit and I'm not even there to soak in what makes it "worse" now. I'm sure it's there though, subjectively speaking, new buzzwords and all.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was referencing its relevancy in the minds of the public following the arrest and fentanyl OD death of George Floyd and the literal nationwide riots in his honor.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

Puts interesting possibilities in my brain considering Kanye's rationale on his "presidential run" and his nature in general. If he wanted to make money for the sake of money he never needed to step outside the bounds of what he had been doing. Like is T_D et al known for buying more rap albums than the fucking Moloch-to-subwoofer pipeline that Kanye used to be scalp deep in? I press X to doubt.

It could be more of a messiah complex thing, recognizing people who oppose each other each as having valid rationale, views and feelings, and seeing that even as a black man this makes him more compassionate to White Nationalists than a fake Orange Hitler. If he is good natured and genuinely cares, and he has money on the level of many world leaders anyhow, that makes him pretty naive by-the-dollar.... so why wouldn't we expect him to try his hand at world peace? He is just gonna die rich someday whatever he does, so as naive or grifty as it seems to normal people he gives it a shot. I know poor people with this naive sort of pure goodness to them irl. "Bad" people wonder why these dudes pretend to be so good, who are they trying to fool, etc.

Is it so unlikely that this random rapper came to a genuinely good mindset? If so, and he feels that he's in the stratosphere of power due to his wealth, then he'd feel he has the option to attempt Kanye-headcannon world peace and go to Heaven trying. I view it amiably lol.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

You are onto a pretty dramatic comparison here.

Kanye can do a surprise concert in a White lives matter t-shirt and is still called a grifter. Maybe he is, or maybe he's actually a good natured guy.. either way, in a wink he can lose more money than I'll ever make in my lifetime, and there he is wearing that shirt. Coward that I am, I'd shit my pants wearing that shirt to the grocery, and yet there's Kanye doing a concert in it.

Meanwhile, President Trump, who was supposedly elected on a ballot of White Nationalism, didnotwouldnotcouldnot ever even possibly wear that shirt to any event. Bearing in mind BLM bloomed on his watch. He chose generally to pretend we don't exist unless cornered on it ("proud boys, stand back and stand by"), before going right back to bragging about how he is the least racist, about black wahmen labor statistics and so forth. And yet he won the Presidential vote, probably twice, on the White bloc.

by folx
You_Are_Based 10 points ago +10 / -0

Do you not consider /v/ or /vr/ to be sufficiently free of trannyposting? Even where it is a thing, at least users are well empowered to respond how they should. Generally meaning 42% memes.

by folx
You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0


by folx
You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0

The cool thing about the reactions to this sort of thing, the "This is white supremacy, you're just racist" stuff, is that it goes to show we all understand on some level that those things are reactions to aggression.

Hell, "reactionary" is even used as an insult, as if reaction automatically invalidates itself for being a reaction, like reactions should not exist except as party-curated content on video streaming websites.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because they sell plastic to manchildren, mr boobs. Next question

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

BAD ENDING: you kept gay people away from your kid... and now it's the gender it was born as!!!

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

Never relax around black bears. Make sure your food is secured where they can't see or smell it at night. If you frequent an area with a high population of black bears, or are a food producer in locale where black bears are known to appear, you may want to invest in a firearm and the appropriate training.

Contact local officials offices and take their guidance to help practice safety within the grace of the law. Remember, the possibility of a black bear attack is not a viable defense for any violation you may commit!

Do not rely on advice such as standing still, drawing aggressive attention to yourself, or on gimmick products such as irritating spray cans or high volume sound devices. Many black bear related deaths are associated with hearsay advice that may have in fact contributed to the state of hyper aggression that we often see in footage of black bear attacks.

And while you practice black bear safety please consider writing to your senator to show them your concern for the mass migration of brown bear populations northward through southern regions. There is material you can quote directly from government ecological authorities on the disastrous implications of this event.

Brown bears don't suffer as bad of a reputation as black bears, but we should not let that distract from the threats brown bears do pose to our ecological systems as they exist today. Remember, it takes every one of us preserve nature!

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt that personally. It is kind of a White thing. Other races have other champions, envision different revolutions. It would be good for those races but not 'Hitler".

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the recommendation, maybe I'll get myself a copy. Though it sounds like something that will piss me off lol

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

hopefully a non-violent revolution

So, literally starve innocent every-day people on purpose, celebrate the success of it, and pre-emptively wash your hands of any violence which may ensue, feigning the assumption of moral high ground.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

At this point in terms of reeling in viewers with a new host, if randos would like, overrun and take the set and broadcasting equipment hostage and air it, I'd watch that.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah I think they'd prefer simply to have ownership over their John Deer software and find ways to get their product picked reliably long term without getting ICE'd in 842 days, 5 hours, 8 minutes and 22 seconds

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think that's true at all, at least narrating the next Hitler as one specific person who was always going to be the next Hitler. But that comes down to how you see life. I think Next Hitler is a role to be filled across personage and that the vacuum will clinch someone viable at some point. I definitely agree with the idea that this has been manually delayed both by policy and through degrees of assassination by unconstitutional occupiers of the government.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +14 / -1

Our propagandists are doing the best they can, but they just don't have the material they need. It's really bad and it alienates all even the most lukewarm skeptics, who feel about the US govt as textbooks teach you to feel about the USSR. Putin has material, his enemies are literally satanic and he can just say so, just parrot what real people already think and say. Can simply tell the truth about us in a way that distracts from his own sins.

When we copycat that tactic, but with a bed of bullshit, it sounds like everything else we say: bullshit, bc we burned out our bullshitting machines circa 2017. It's just a mountain of poop now. By contrast to Putin our own govts have to call a vast majority of its taxpayers evil terrorists to help perpetuate 1+1=3 and tons of Americans are tacitly hoping for some disastrous event to unseat their own leaders without swirling endless pleb lives down the toilet.

I think Putin is evil but it is hard to believe he is THAT evil, largely because the gross intensity of modern western evil would be hard for me to believe if I hadn't experienced it myself over a lifetime.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Was it even this bad in the pre-NatSoc period? You hear about weimer but like, you'd think you'd hear more about them faking plagues, castrating kids, martial law lockdowns, banning Germans from working, slave muzzles, etc. All you hear is "decandence" and descriptions of gayness. Where are we relative to them?

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Tax cuts ARE Putin. Don't let your income be DISPOSABLE like RUSSIAN SOLDIERS

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