Yheymos 28 points ago +28 / -0

I call this phenomenon "the filter". Women know men can physically defeat them. But they view fellow women as equal and more easily dominated violently. The violent women who wouldn't try with a man now goes after another woman. Men know they are physically matched and it is a higher risk to go at each other. The men also no longer have to deal with female gate keeping sexual instincts, so they all have the filter removed and fuck each other's brains out 24/7.

Yheymos 7 points ago +7 / -0

That WoW guy is suggesting MORE Get Woke Go Broke? He REALLY thinks that is the proper reaction? Destroy the games even more with Woke religious activism and get even less sales. Go ahead and keep failing!

Yheymos 10 points ago +10 / -0

Majority privilege. That is all that exists in every single country or culture. It isn't just race either. If a whole group is one religion they will all help each other out.

There is no such thing as white privilege in China. They are racist as fuck.

This basic objective reality isnt a rocket science concept but Woke religicultist psychopaths decided that returning to pre civil rights racism was a good idea. They just want to praised for judging everyone based on race/racism.

Yheymos 24 points ago +25 / -1

They recently folded because their population isn't reproducing and they couldn't hold strong any longer. They gave into the population Ponzi scheme instead of fixing their country and culture to encourage reproduction.

So now they are mass importing the worthless shit of the world just like the West is instead of exclusively importing more civilized cultures.

Human evolution glitched out once we got comfortable enough, educated enough, and introduced birth control.

Yheymos 14 points ago +14 / -0

Exactly what I keep trying to say to people. My dad and step mom are old and don't realize the country isn't a "white country" anymore. They have luxury beliefs, comfy living and huge house, they think any discussion about immigration is racist. This despite they entire topic heavily changing in the last year because of the housing crisis. They don't even realize that it is a multiracial group of people now angry with Trudeau's insane Population Ponzi Scheme. They only think it is mean white people and they are the good white people. The issue doesn't affect them at all because they are comfy boomers. It is pathetic and so frustrating.

Yheymos 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sucks that I grew up and still live here. My entire life and business is wrapped up here. My wife and I are hoping to get things into a financial state that allows us to "escape". We only see things getting worse in the coming decades. Weak, pathetic country and province.

Yheymos 5 points ago +5 / -0

By the end of the game your character is fit, slim, and even building muscle.

The Woke religious cultists would rage so bad about this game.

Yheymos 8 points ago +8 / -0

What you just said about human history is part of my "Fat Privileged" trolling that I do.

Fat Privilege is the TOP privilege on the planet. It overrides all other privileges. It even crosses animal species. All animals must eat calories or die. To have such abundance that you can become fat means you have maximum access to calories.

It is literally about survival and Fat Privileged assholes are eating for three people a day in one body.

Yheymos 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being slim, fit, healthy, and attractive is viewed as sexualized. So what are they saying about this very fat character? Sexualized means attractive to the opposite sex so they must be acknowledging this overweight character isn't attractive.

Yheymos 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is why they just went bankrupt. They literally are Get Woke Go Broke.

Yheymos 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just like how saying People of Color is apparently better than saying Colored People. Fucking insane Newspeak bullshit.

Yheymos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saying 'happy holidays' was created by WHITE Woke religious lunatics attempting to be 'superior white people among white people.

It is the same with all Woke bullshit. It is a suicidal ideology based on white people hating white people who aren't part of the religion.


Yheymos 2 points ago +2 / -0

They remade Halloween 2 by putting Laurie in the hospital the whole time. That was the worst part of the sequel back in the 70s/80s... And they just repeated it. Halloween Kills was "mob justice" the movie. They removed their best character and had a bunch of idiots running around. It was awful.

It figured Ends would suck... But they somehow made it worse than Kills.

All they needed was a simple story of Myers final kill spree and Laurie going Rambo Sarah Connor on him with everything that was setup in the 2018 movie. She has the skillset and barely used it in the final act of that movie. We could have had her kicking ass with her granddaughter the whole movie and finally killing him. It is such an obvious direction to take... Like Holy shit they failed so badly.

Yheymos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Awful garbage. They really thought F13 Part V was a good concept. The film was a historically bad horror sequel. They were fixated on a copy cat dweeb character when they really just should have had Myers on his final killing spree. Laurie should have gone insane with every gun, knife and improvised weapon... All while showing her granddaughter how to get it done. End could be the same with the trash shredder.

Yheymos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't chase them, threaten them with death, and continue hunting them while they flee... hit them with skateboard (almost hit them with a rock or brick in the back of the head moments before) and they won't be scared.

Yheymos 9 points ago +9 / -0

That would have been the perfect thing to say. Also back then there had already been plenty of evidence that vaccinated people spread the disease just as much as unvaccinated making nuance as to whether to take it or not much more important. The "if you don't take it you are killing grandma and are worthless filth while I'm a hero" thing was NEVER a scientifically accurate position yet it was pushed one by the zealots.

Yheymos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes I used this examples also. The Woke religious zealots gets furious over the facts. It seriously fucks with their religious tenets that only white people have done bad things, white people invented slavery and racism. These people are absolute clowns and destroyed the very movements they claim to be part of. Absolute trojan horsing of the civil rights movements by these dumb fucks.

Yheymos 3 points ago +3 / -0

As others have mentioned this stuff plagues Canada. It is maximum Woke religious zealotry. This, along with pronoun declarations before teacher meetings in many schools, are culty religious rituals being forced on citizens... by other citizens.

It is serious bullshit.

Yheymos 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is actually far more adult than what most 8 year old could come up with. There is a meme'ish satire element that the average kid would not really be picking up on or think up. And in this case it in reaction to the bullshit newscaster trying to cover up what was really said. So the entire phrase is also a commentary on legacy media censorship and lies. The dumb fucks who don't like it just see it as a replacement for 'fuck Joe Biden' without fully understand the layers of meaning behind it. They are the ones thinking on the school yard level and can't see the nuance.

Yheymos 7 points ago +7 / -0

My mom follows a lot of PETA news and donates. The beagles getting their faces thing helped red pill her a bit more. I told her about it before PETA was even talking about it. Then she started getting newsletters and started updating me with all their plans to go after him.

I hate him for the dogs thing. But if it is the dogs thing that gets him shamed and fired my god WTF.

Yheymos 2 points ago +4 / -2

Great post! Sums things up very well. Hopefully .win can can break through this early mess with some bigger communities that just outshine this crap.

Yheymos 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yes, I've been disappointed by the appearance of consumeproduct in particular. I hadn't really been paying attention and then all of a sudden I saw that garbage everywhere and WTF. Conspiracies has more just entertained me.

Yheymos 11 points ago +11 / -0

Most expensive Get Woke Go Broke yet? At least in measurable way?

I suppose a movie like Terminator Dark Fate failing completely at the box office is probably bigger. If it didn't make back its budget and PR costs. But you can never know what the actual profit would have been had it been a success.

Something like this 10M is so tangible and brutal for future scum fucks trying to use Woke discrimination against employees.

Yheymos 7 points ago +7 / -0

Amazing how she wants to kill so many transmen, and all the transwomen who haven't come out yet and are still in the closet/shy/scared of society.

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