WhoIsThatMaskedMan 17 points ago +17 / -0

She's only 37. The average 37 year old does not look like that. This is the result of fucking with your endocrine system to the point where you start aging at 5x speed.

Alternatively, years of caking makeup onto her face has permanently destroyed her skin.

Actually, it's probably both.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've made throwaway programs that communicate with local servers I create as a way to pass the time and even then I make sure to hash passwords at the very least. There's zero excuse to store passwords in plain text. None. Even a boomer should know better because hashing has been standard practice for decades.

All instances of plain text passwords should be considered sabotage until proven otherwise.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would you marry someone like this? Surely a 60 IQ misandrist can't be that good at avoiding masquerade violations. It's kind of on him for not only marrying but also reproducing with what is essentially a feral animal.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

>le punny username with allusions to communism
>embraces the "reprehensible man hater" archetype
>faux-disaffected Twitter nocaps speech pattern
>tweet makes no sense
>only 291 replies with 140k likes

9001% chance almost every one of these likes was purchased. Odds are about 50/50 whether she bought them with her daddy's credit card or with a SuperPAC's ESGBux.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is so blatant I almost wonder if it's on purpose. Like they orchestrated an incredibly obvious honeypot thread so they could go "Ha, you've fallen for our ruse! This was fake, which proves that all accusations of botting and shilling are fake forever!"

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have to consider that to these people, "so who's your favorite character" is considered an enhanced interrogation technique that borders on rape. Non-gamer girls who invader gamer spaces are some of the most fragile flowers to blight this earth.

They want to be the center of attention, but only in an incredibly specific way that's virtually impossible to accomplish without making them literally shake.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is the most obvious correct answer and I'm surprised nobody's mentioned it yet. When I eat shrimp, I eat its muscle tissue, just like I would with a cow or chicken. I don't grind the fucker up into a paste and then eat that. But that's how you have to eat bugs. They have no muscle tissue. Just chitin, viscera, and hemolymph. If you processed a premium Kobe beef cow the same way they process bugs, I wouldn't eat that either.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Behold, the only based Abolish Prisons advocate in the world

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Women like this think that all the makeup they slather on makes them look ten years younger than they do, so they expect people to guess as such. And it does, in pictures with heavily curated angles and focal lengths. But in real life, makeup is very easy to spot and just makes you look gross. It's also easy to see through if you know what to look for.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 8 points ago +8 / -0

I would, but every time I take the picture the words on the sign change to "BLACK FEMALE DIVERSE".

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 18 points ago +19 / -1

People who pose with signs stating their opinion should be put to death. I don't care what the sign says, it's off to the gallows you go.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which dictionary though? Current Year dictionaries are trying their hardest to subvert English because to not allow every flash in the pan slang word to come out of a mentally retarded athlete's mouth would be terribly, terribly racist.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ancient Greeks would have 100% considered this new depiction of Hephaestus to be hideously ugly and deformed. So it's really another case of trying so hard to tick boxes that you accidentally wrap back around to the truth.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't mind the original because it's so obviously bastardized that it's arguably stylization, not subversion. In the real mythology, satyrs don't have thick Brooklyn accents, Hades doesn't have two funny demon sidekicks, and Pegasus doesn't act like a dog. This much is obvious even to children.

The problem is when they try to get sneaky with it. Make things as accurate as possible, but then inject some current year into it to get people wondering if maybe ancient Greece really was 40% Bantu.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Has anyone here ever actually heard the phrase "boys will be boys" used in earnest? To me it seems to exist entirely as a strawman for misandrists to be upset about.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 13 points ago +13 / -0

The fact that this person believes that a baby who can barely hold its head up can be taught anything at all, much less "how to be hateful", tells me he's a child with zero real world experience. That or he's so remarkably retarded that scientists should dissect his brain to figure out how a creature with the intelligence of a small rodent learned how to use a keyboard.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 16 points ago +16 / -0

Anyone who's been paying any attention at all already knows this. Anyone who remains willfully ignorant because it's the safe choice won't believe it no matter how much evidence you offer them.

As nice as it is to be proven right for the 5000th consecutive time, facts don't matter even a little bit when you're dealing with NPCs.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ummm actually Japanese people don't gamble. They simply enjoy a stimulating game of "flick the lever and maybe some metal balls might come out" for several consecutive hours, then they go sell those metal balls to a shop that just happens to really want them and also be right next door as a complete coincidence.

It's all completely above board and has nothing to do with gambling. Just some good, wholesome fun.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 1 point ago +3 / -2

It blows my mind that people could watch this year's Superbowl and not think the NFL is rigged. The only reason I tuned in was to see if they'd be as incredibly obvious as I was expecting them to be. They must think sports fans are absolute retards to not even attempt to hide how fake that outcome was.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Making Games Better for Everyone


Our commitment to building a team from a variety of backgrounds—including underrepresented groups


This diversity is a strength


WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

You remember it from when it first became a meme in 2009. It was originally about trying to prevent teen pregnancy and came from a cheerleading squad from Missouri or something.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 32 points ago +32 / -0

>invade foreign territory
>buy 5 million dollar mansion without doing any research into it at all
>immediately try to change it
>start bitching about whitey when you experience the slightest resistance
>get a man unpersoned and removed from history because he, in the CBC's own words, believed in assimilation

These people are a virus. Unfortunately, Canada has no immune system due to the AIDS, so they're not going anywhere until the host dies.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 28 points ago +28 / -0

When I see a crowd of people breathlessly proclaiming that not being able to get free drive-through abortions is literally the handmaid's tale, I can't help but note how few males there are.

But sure, it's everyone else's fault you fell for the psy op.

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