SuurSuomi39_II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you care if holocaust was real or not or if someone said it was a lie but wishes it wasn't true or if someone wants to repeat this historical fact? I thought you weren't a jew in your own words.

SuurSuomi39_II 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never forget that Hitler never wanted to fight the British and that the drunken traitor refused numerous peace offers.

SuurSuomi39_II 1 point ago +1 / -0

My ancestors tried doing that some 80-90 years ago, yet nowadays the group which condemns them the most are whites. My ancestors have fought and died for these lands, have exterminated much of the vermin filth, unfortunately not enough, just for your modern white to slander them as evil, frankly I can hardly feel sympathy for the modern white man, with no racial identity, ashamed of their ancestors who did great things.

SuurSuomi39_II 11 points ago +11 / -0

Because he forgot he isn't on bluesky behind a keyboard drinking his faggot late from starbucks while larping about punching Nazis.

SuurSuomi39_II 17 points ago +17 / -0

Are you implying that there is more to the one sided US israhelli relation ship, I mean great alliance, than meets the eye?

SuurSuomi39_II 1 point ago +6 / -5

''Guys not to be a stormfag but maybe those stormfags are right'' as always.

SuurSuomi39_II -7 points ago +1 / -8

Probably the only things they do right, you're a grown man watching an animated 10 yold with super powers drawn by some japanese loser who hasn't went outside in the past 12 years and cannot fathom talking to a women (hence the birth rates). It's like smoking weed, sure some people who do it are successful and productive, but vast majority who do are losers.

SuurSuomi39_II 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want a nanny state look no further than sweden.

SuurSuomi39_II 8 points ago +8 / -0

Imagine you go to a pub to have a few pints and relax and you have this tankie waste your time by being a pretentious faggot.

SuurSuomi39_II 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're telling me that a bunch of liberals who've been their entire lives taught to hate the family unit and not have kids, cannot comprehend a near 80 year old from a completely different era being proud of his offspring?

SuurSuomi39_II 10 points ago +10 / -0

That's EU democracy for you, but it's actually Putin who's the dictator who rules Russia, the good guys at EU openly manipulate elections and tell you it's for your own good in fear of the evil boogeyman known as ''the right wing'.

As always, democracy is a threat to democracy.

SuurSuomi39_II 2 points ago +2 / -0

23 hours later, jewOfMoscow and Giz are nowhere to be seen, give their handlers a bit more to figure it out.

SuurSuomi39_II 1 point ago +1 / -0

''Gender rolls are embraced and everyone is happier for it'', from what I know Japan has a huge issue with feminism, their men are socially retarded and/or overworked and have no time to pursuit the women, so as a result they are either shut in hermits, alcoholics or hanging bodies in that famous forest of theirs. It has to be the anime giving you non japs this romanticized view of Japan because modern Japan is by most means a failed country.

SuurSuomi39_II 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is different, one was cleansing the world from corruption the other one is fortifying the corruption/

SuurSuomi39_II 3 points ago +3 / -0

As it should, it's not the brownies who are making this revisionist miscegenation faggotry with this game and that other one kingdom's something, it's liberal whites. I never understand this hypocrisy, people want Japan to stay japanese, fair, but then want whites to be an exception to living in japan and to be honorary japs, not how it works.

SuurSuomi39_II 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not basing it on his wife's opinions, I've genuinely never found him to be funny. It's mostly loud yelling, smug delivery and lots of retarded facial expressions.

SuurSuomi39_II 6 points ago +7 / -1

I usually post some of my personal commentary with threads, but this time I'm not sure what to say other than enjoy! This was long overdue for the annoying whipped retard, he was never funny to begin with, his entire shtick when he was ''redpilled'' was being loud while spouting some generic fencesitter opinions, and his transformation to a house wigger was obviously on the horizon for anyone capable of putting 2 and 2 together. It's like Robert De Niro, sure he made some popular movies in his younger days but what good is it if he's spending his 70s and 80s as a poster, well can't really say child, for TDS? Super nice how Paul or whoever is his researched carefully put together multiple examples of his switch up and hipocrisy.

I am curious though, have you ever found him funny as a comedian? To me he's the first thing that I think of when I hear people complaining about the ''loud = funny''.

SuurSuomi39_II 3 points ago +4 / -1

Attacking their boats

Weird how the USS liberty was an accident, crazy even.

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