SoctaticMethod1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm more reasonably optimistic on most subjects as there are clear solutions and it's not all blackpills

It's just a matter of how much force is required to solve the issues...

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +5 / -1

Why do I get the impression that if the UK authorities fuck up any more, everyone there will just refuse to pay taxes or obey any laws that don't directly affect people because the authorities are too incompetent to punish them effectively..

SoctaticMethod1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ah yes the Boomers, they could be the concern group here in this.

We can only hope that they are at that 'too old for this shit' level by now so they don't interfere, as right now I'm noticing a pattern of pointing and laughing while eating popcorn from the right and centrists as the left and establishment eat each other.

SoctaticMethod1 28 points ago +33 / -5

OR we could not become reactionary dogs chasing metaphorical cars, stand back, evaluate the situation, and realise both sides are retarded.

The left are retarded because they think Palestine/Hamas is the victimised minority when they literally attacked them first.

The establishment right are trying to use our annoyance and dislike of the useful idiots left to bait us to react opposite to their messaging.

It's really dumb, just campaign no involvement and let the middle east sort it out themselves same with Ukraine. We're actually getting close to the same with Taiwan only because the window for China to do a successful invasion of the island is shrinking rapidly.

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did put it sarcastic for a reason as thus is 'Non forceful' solution to the current issue where men just disconnect from Western women entirely.

Speaking seriously, I think we have to acknowledge that the amount of restraints we put on men in the West has backfired hard and we to allow men to dominate when necessary.

We can see from the very actions of women that THEY'D be happier in a more submissive role than one of responsibility

SoctaticMethod1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Are you implying that dogs aren't the most successful thing humanity has ever made?

SoctaticMethod1 44 points ago +45 / -1

Unfortunately yes but we need THEM to know that.

Driving a wedge between generations of women might be to the benefit of society to kill the generational creation of feminists.

SoctaticMethod1 11 points ago +13 / -2

All you're telling me is to accelerated plan B:

Have artificial wombs or create wolf girls as we domesticated them once, we can do it again! /s

SoctaticMethod1 41 points ago +43 / -2

You opened the door to this current predicament by creating privileges based on physical characteristics formalised into law.

Only way women don't become the next targets is to destroy that completely. But I doubt enough of them will come to that realisation in time.

SoctaticMethod1 20 points ago +21 / -1

I go to the gym....Eve is NOT oversexualised to what I see DAILY..

SoctaticMethod1 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is the SECOND time a former Nijisanji talent had problems with their taxes thanks to their former agency

And Vshojo is less a retirement home than a Vtuber extraction team at this point with Mint sort of on that list.

There is NO benefit to joining Nijisanji, you're better off being independent if you can't do Hololive or not insane enough for Phase connect.

SoctaticMethod1 19 points ago +19 / -0

I'm BEGGING Trump, for the love of GOD get the permissions done to play this at his next rally even if it's a Home arrest rally!

SoctaticMethod1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wasn't that game with the ugly annoying black chick something they worked on with Sweet Baby Inc?

If so given how bad that flopped I can easily see them just cancelling it all than waste money publishing it.

SoctaticMethod1 20 points ago +20 / -0

Let me guess, all the losses are linked to work that was consulted on by Sweet Baby Inc like firms?

SoctaticMethod1 19 points ago +20 / -1

If I remember right, Imp's still banned for months not because he did anything REALLY bad but because he KEEPS getting banned again and again that like a boulder rolling down a hill they get progressively larger

Don't even remember some of the rest, I'm just glad the trolls are getting less frequent, from posting lots of porn posts to trying to bait responses to clip. The biggest points of contention nowadays on here is with media content and wtf to do with women lol.

SoctaticMethod1 17 points ago +17 / -0

I actually don't believe her, remembering most men in that scene, they are usually so introverted that they NEED the game to come out of their shell so them just coming outside of it to flirt and shit doesn't sound genuine, this sounds like bollocks made up for attention.

Plus if you CAN be good enough to be at tournament level, yeah you ARE unique as most women can't, they usually get the floor wiped with them compared to male gamers. If they are saying how good you are despite that, it's a compliment, take it.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +12 / -0

Case in point, look at Crunchyroll. Their abortions pre buyout were AWFUL from High guardian spice to just trying to adapt without using traditional studios like with Ex-Arm

While right now, more and more people are going into Anime and Manga BECAUSE it's not the grey sludge being made in the West. Look how in conventions Anime dominates the Cosplay scene from SpyXFamily to Chainsaw Man. We are getting more Korean Manwha stories get introduced as I bet it's a matter of time before Omniscient Readers Viewpoint and Mercenary enrolment get an adaptation soon but yeah if they become Western, they'll become the same sludge we were escaping from.

SoctaticMethod1 36 points ago +36 / -0

Good, now vote that way in EVERYTHING including voting out uniparty Republicans like the one in Brandon Herrera's District.

SoctaticMethod1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh yeah, remember that happening on mass on April Fools day this year, was REALLY funny seeing the panic for a while because they didn't realise the rules before the jokes.

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'd rather dig a trench while they fight each other, fill it with water and alligators.

I ain't fucking supporting the side that wants to molest and maim kids OR the side that enabled them to get this far!

SoctaticMethod1 13 points ago +13 / -0

Since they realised the can't win an open war because they decimated like last time and we aren't talking about the Israelis who at least learnt not to piss of a superpower directly.

The Whites used to appeal to power by authority and order

The Asians more tradition

The Middle East more Faith

And Africa was more Tribal

The Jewish have always been the outcasts from society, never really having a majority country wise till the 20th century. They go more by empathy and victim status especially since WW2 so always have new ways to say they are targeted as unlike the left, they know the same words get boring and less effective with repetition.

SoctaticMethod1 20 points ago +21 / -1

To be honest I'd get rid of ALL of it as the 'protections' offered to women opened the door to the degenerate wave we have currently.

What Biden is doing is the greater evil but we shouldn't settle for the lesser when we have the opportunity to destroy it all.

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +4 / -0

it alright for a parent, under their prerogative, to repeatedly show hardcore pornography to their child?

No? But we used to publicly beat those parents and put their kids with a safer relative, typically grandparents or aunts and uncles.

The problem is that it has been shown thoughout history, giving the government the right to make laws that supercede parents responsibilities will ALWAYS be misused and abused. It'd be the definition of insanity to expect NOW the governments will suddenly be able to do their jobs and keep kids safe if we gave them this authority.

SoctaticMethod1 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know UK has RIDICULOUS amounts of red tape, lighting all that on fire would help EVERYONE and lesson the influence of the feckless ministers.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +16 / -4

So the anti White , foreigner first minister of Scotland has resigned

What does this do for Scottish independence as the SNP turned out WORSE than Westminster given the chance, being honest, I think independence parties weakened the UK heavily.

By dividing the countries up while not allowing a voice to the majority English, it made it easier to cripple them slowly than if every region focused on Westminster to kick out the useless cucks in charge there.

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