Shill4Hire -2 points ago +6 / -8

Sigh... I hate to defend these types, but...

Thin Skull Rule in legal court: If you intended to do a lesser crime, but because of incompetence or unique unknown circumstances of the victim you accidentally commit a greater one, you are still liable for the greater crime [intending to injure someone with a thin skull by hitting his head with a brick, and killing him instead, you're on for murder, not just battery]. She intended to stab him, the fact her aim is incompetent and his sternum is apparently made of paper doesn't matter.

As for self-defense, you must have equivalent force. To respond with a weapon, they must have a weapon or a second party involved. A practically-retired old man is about physically on par with a height-of-strength woman, and given he was allegedly groping her, he clearly was bare-handed.

Were this woman a man, who stabbed a 64 year old woman to death because the old woman touched his backside, this would be an open and shut case of accidental manslaughter if not just plain manslaughter, and a psych evaluation and possibly permanent incarceration in the loony bin. Courts aren't, but should be, neutral to the sexes of the parties involved.

This'll get me downvotes, but yeah, the guy should be in prison for a few weeks, some community service, maybe deported back to his homeland, and the gal should be checked for psychoses. Notably, she's carrying around a switchblade for self-defense and instead of brandishing it (to ward off a threat), she immediately starts stabbing. When you pull a gun on someone in the USA, while you're escalating, you're also de-escalating: brandishing is diminishing the threat from the other side. You wait and see if the other side backs off, you don't start blasting the moment something doesn't go your way.

Shill4Hire 9 points ago +9 / -0

Also, it is worded like the ol' college rape "statistic" was in the past. "stop college rape, 2 in 5 women" and it turns out they wrapped everything from actual rape to "brushed past them on the sidewalk and bumped their shoulder" to "I had a dream where a guy cheated on me" into the statistic, and not only that, but they simply counted number of incidents versus total population, so one Karen getting pushed out of a mosh pit would count as like 50 women "raped", one per person in the crowd. I'd bet money the "research" methodology done here will be similar:

One woman screams like a psycho in the street, and five people driving by yell "shut the hell up, psycho!", and they note that one incident as five women (one woman x 5 occurances) being called on the street (they never said it had to be one-sided, or complimentary).

WAIT! There's more! It isn't even that, it's "street harassment"! That means a fat guy not walking on the grass and insisting on using the sidewalk too, daring to use her sidewalk, ALSO qualifies as an incident!

EDIT: and "almost" 1 in 2 could also mean 0 in 2 women, even with all those leniencies and hand-wringings. 1 is merely 1 off from 0, so 0 is almost 1. "in 2" is a separate measure completely that doesn't need to be taken into account. This is why statistics are lies, and damned lies. The phrase means NOTHING.

Shill4Hire 9 points ago +9 / -0

They only want the criminals to not commit crime against themselves, not in general. "Looting a local ma and pop shop then torching it to cinders is just reparations, they totally have insurance that is insured against acts of terrorism that will pay out immediately and have their shop running again in a day or two!"

Shill4Hire 14 points ago +14 / -0

She was the daughter of "Shalom"...

...And then you bother to highlight she was born in Isreal afterwards?

"Timothy was born to Americaman and Merica Stronginfree, oh, by the way, he was born in the USA".

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or at least buy indulgences from the pope, free sin passes, like in the good ol' days.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Temple Square Tabernacle Choir have a banger of a Christmas playlist on Youtube, and their album with the rest of the songs adds on more.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

The History Channel was also known as the WW2 Channel or the Hitler Channel for decades. WW2's always been a popular choice of subject matter.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

By that regard, the leader of the White Aryan Nationalist Party is a "Renowned Black Journalist", because he reports on Black news events such as black-community crimes and riots, and being a leader of something, is semi-famous.

It's technically correct English, but is purposefully hard to parse.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +5 / -1

90 minute interview, summarized into plot points, no statements as to accuracy, just what was said:

  • He does not consider the USA to be at war with Russia (re:Ukraine stuff), but acknowledges their involvement as an involved third party which he isn't a fan of.

  • He likes the economic sanctions, because it galvanizes and lionizes Russian unity and Russia-first philosophies, but concedes that a lot of the population would prefer it goes away.

  • Russia has made new fancy super-missiles, that have built in warnings to the USA when they're fired to let them know they're just fancy super-missiles, not nukes. He is very proud of this accomplishment.

  • He says the infamous poisoning of the turncoat spy case was treated very oddly by German intelligence officials and that Russia has asked them to release his medical/autopsy info but Germany did not give it to Russia, but doesn't really expand on that further.

  • He brings up that when you look at Isreal's incursion conflict compared to Russia's incursion conflict, Isreal has far, far more civilian deaths on the invaded side, more in a year than the entire Russo-Ukraine war, which "should" showcase how they're not in a war of extermination, they "care about the innocents".

  • Notes that Trump is democratically elected (unlike Zelensky) and therefore is open to contact and negotiations, but Biden never engaged in such talks, he hopes Trump might but given the last term he ran he isn't hopeful.

Also, while not a major point, he actually uses the word "Russophobic" to describe Zelensky, and brings up a few case examples of it, I guess to cater to all the leftists watching Tucker Carlson.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have 13 tabs open right now. 4 are linked together running an Archepelago-randomizer emulator gameset, 4 are wikis for those games, 1 is the PoE mainpage waiting on the download link, and 1 is Stable Diffusion, while the rest are tabs for this webpage... But I do have 13 tabs open at this given point in time. It's easy to have them rack up.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

Gotta love the medical industrial complex not wanting to jeopardize financial partners: "The cause in unknown" "Stopping aspirin use reduces risk by 90%".

Shit man, tobacco and cancer have weaker correlations than that!

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

The guy who went on a "waaaah, they're toxic misogeenees!" tirade about Vee and Sargon? That's who you're suggesting as a Sargon replacement?

Shill4Hire 10 points ago +10 / -0

When your opening phrase is an obvious and objectively clear lie, it doesn't matter how true your followup statement is.

Shill4Hire 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Shibboleth" is a word that can be pronounced in a whole bunch of different ways, and has no meaning; it's a pile of letters. The original use was that it was written on a piece of paper, and walked around by soldiers, asking people to pronounce the word, in order to root out outsiders and spies. Spies could learn to hide an accent by effectively re-learning the same language, but a word with no fixed pronunciation is much harder to fake. This use of it has made the word Shibboleth self-referential: A "shibboleth" is a word whose use identifies someone as belonging to a faction.

The pronunciation of it is impossible to codify, as that's the whole point. It is any one of "see-bo-let", "see-bo-leth", "shee-bo-let", "shee-bo-leth", "Seb-oh-let", "seb-oh-leth", or really any combination of those three sounds. It could even be "Syb-bowl-ith", with more worldwide accents!

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because their premise is fundamentally flawed: "Attractive" men include the trait "intelligent" by female raters. "Attractive" women often don't, it's a neutral trait, by male raters.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of geniuses are perfectly attractive: reasonable bodyfat ratio, good lower back spinal curve, fine neck and arm lengths, great facial symmetry. But a lot of geniuses don't bother with becoming attractive as an additional action, because they don't need to be. So they neglect fashion sense, because a frumpy sweater is easier to wear, or because it's objectively a poor financial decision to "get your nails done" (seriously, a hundred bucks to use a nail file on you and some polish and laquer?!).

Shill4Hire 23 points ago +23 / -0

This is bait. The odds of being a victim of violent crime of any kind, including rape in that global statistic, is much higher for men.

Yeah, I don't consider that an ovarian cyst can form on me either, instead I worry about testicular cancer. Wow, men and women have different problems on occasion. You have to look at on the whole, and on the whole, the odds of a man or woman causing you some kind of major physical and mental trauma through violent or non-violent application of their selves upon you is straight-up riskier and more harmful to men.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Any and everything he did across a decade of time, it's all covered, any and everything" is, to you, "the least of his crimes"?

What the fuck did he do in December 2013?! Because the only way this covers the "least" of his crimes, is if "anything and everything" he did for a DECADE was somehow dwarfed by what happened prior but still within statute of limitations, a very thin window!

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because you're not the President.

Shill4Hire 7 points ago +7 / -0

Look, fat, day 1 of the next term, he totally would have fixed it if re-elected.

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