Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

You misread. It isn't 78% watch, it's 22% don't watch.

The affirmative statement, statistics-wise, is important.

Someone who says "I don't eat asparagus" as a declaration is very different than someone who just doesn't generally eat asparagus in their life's flow.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Notably, especially in Britain, they bend over the moment certain groups want anything. Mostly Peaceful Protests filled with Mostly Peaceful stabbings and slashings and burnings. There's far less of them than there are actual peaceful protesters of any number of different stripes who get the jackboot on their throats, but since those ones go "okay, not even myself, but someone who looks vaguely like me has been mildly sassed, guess it's time to kill fifty people!" instead of coming down on those ones with the hammer of god, there is only acquiescence. Which to be seems VERY backwards, we should be rewarding the ones who do so peacefully and harming/discouraging harshly the ones who don't, but that is how Britain do things. And Canada. And the USA, too.

We need a cultural shift to a more civilized society, but... That's a BIG ask, apparently. "Be peaceful to the peaceful, harmful to the harmful", is an ideology that just isn't catching on.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

For months he had people superchatting him and commenting on his videos

So in other words, it brought him great profits. I wonder what the motivation could be...

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

But what could be more "representative" of a person than an AI built off that person? It isn't like they could hire a white man to voice a "black-coded" (whatever that means) alien, not anymore.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's evolutionary niches. You can't chuck a saltwater fish into a freshwater pond and expect it to do well. Both do fine in their own ponds, but have many traits that could be improved upon... But chucking them in the other pond isn't going to develop those traits, only kill the fish.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Then... yes, you do want to vote Democrat. That aligns with your policy preferences, and you should vote accordingly.

Now, I'd wait until I'm actually dead before voting for World War 3 alongside voting for bringing in people who'd skin me alive for an evening's entertainment, but given what you've said, apparently you'd be cool with it.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

"We tested it on animals, but none of them survived. / But that's okay 'cause when we wrote the papers up we lied!" is supposed to be a joke from a parody song about Big Pharma, not assumable fact! This reality, mang...

Shill4Hire 5 points ago +5 / -0

For what it's worth, I haven't been made any offers despite my name. Then again, I'd probably be obligated to say that even if I was contracted... What a conundrum.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +4 / -1

After being trapped in ice for 100 years, The Imp will return.

Shill4Hire 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think it's probably one order of magnitude off, possibly even two, resulting in near parity, equality, with men. Women thirsting after underaged boys is commonplace and accepted (see: Twilight, "the pool boy" concept, etc), meaning there's not going to be any outcry, ANY "sweeping under the rug" to be done, because it's just... allowed. You don't sweep under the rug going out to McDonalds, and you don't sweep under the rug female pedo and ephebephiles, because society just tolerates it.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +3 / -1

They're very communal, generally. It is everyone's fault, and everyone from one below the CEO on down is going to get flak for it. And everyone from one below the CEO is going to INCREASE the flak because they got flak for it, increasing and going down each time, until some wageslave cashier gets a thrashing (possibly physically) because some customer chimped out.

There is hope, though: Most of Japan is highly xenophobic. If they can bring up the defense "but it was gaijin!" alongside the chain of blame up, it might get laughed off as gaijin gonna gaijin, and the smack going back down would be only nominal and on the wrist, probably with a "we really should put a No Gaijin's Allowed sign up, like the maid cafe next door did". (Some businesses, especially maid cafes and the saucier semi-sexual stuff, do just blanket-ban gaijin from the premises).

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +9 / -1

"When the creature" and "when a creature" will almost always blend together through google translate a couple times, but in a TCG, that differential is one of the most core concepts of the game. It astonishes me that people who play the game, and want to be in a tournament, wouldn't get that!

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

These last two story archs, Sinfest has been on an... oddly based loop.

Shill4Hire -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can like the franchise, but a story is only surely good when it is over. Don't hope it continues ad infinitum, with these sorts at the helm, they'll only ruin it.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

If someone goes up on stage waving a swastika flag in the modern day and age, asking to be their country's leader, there's a statistically high chance they're actually Indian, and it's an "innocent" flag representing their religion and spirituality.

That's not going to stop you from noting your own inherent knowledge and stereotypes about such a flag flying behind a political candidate. If I were to use a clear political symbol (and it IS a clear political signal, nowadays), I shouldn't expect the general audience to NOT see it as a clear political signal. They MADE this DEI shit into a political symbol, not us, they made their bed, now... "get fucked in it", I believe is the term that game journo used about GG?

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

Liars, like fools, have no sense of scale.

There could be "hundreds" of green-skinned aliens in New York, and statistically speaking, they wouldn't even exist, let alone be "wide-spread".

Shill4Hire -1 points ago +1 / -2

Megaman is ultimately just a Metroidvania game, expand your horizons, other sci-fi aesthetic metroidvanias exist.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can translate woke into English, one second:

This is what we feared: The pale-face is a demon! The only thing they feel at all is greed. Beneath their milky hide, there's emptiness inside. I wonder if they even bleed?

Shill4Hire 20 points ago +20 / -0

The Germans were notorious for their precision and accuracy and bureaucracy. They entered a Jewish ghetto, and said "Vait, Hans, shisza! Ve can only abduct 7 more people, ozzerwise ve go over ze 6.000.000 limit!"

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