Just curious. I get the feeling the majority of the users on this sub are either outright atheist, or 'support Christianity as a bedrock of Western Civilization, but don't really believe it' agnostic/atheist. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to reveal that about yourself, just a thought I had.
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Statistically speaking, we will continue to develop technology at SOME level of pacing.
That technology will eventually reach reality-simulation level, to simulate some war game or long-term planning project.
That simulation technology will reach eventual perfect complexity: Imagine a Minecraft map using redstone to run Minecraft. Perfectly technically possible. Just, grander scale.
We can thus logically deduce that in a simulation meant to pass the simulation point, there is/was/will-be an infinite amount of simulations both up and downstream of us.
We can reasonably assume we're in an entirely pre-scripted simulation, but likewise, there exists a chance we aren't and we can reasonably act as if we aren't, because if we aren't that is correct, but if we are, it's all pre-scripted anyways so that action of assuming it wasn't pre-scripted was already presupposed and taken into calculation, and could be an important part of the simulation's process.
The only problem with the simulation hypothesis is that it's unlikely that we're aliens wearing a TentacleVR hat and when our human character dies we take it off and go about our alien day.
It's very likely that the simulators don't even know we exist, or even that life exists, in their simulation. They're simulating universes with different constants or something like that.
That's why I don't like these attempts to do insane computations with quantum. If they can actually do classical computations that would take longer than the universe then maybe we crash the simulator or they restart it to fix the glitch.