SendTomBoys 27 points ago +28 / -1

And there's still somehow free food just chillin all canned up and ready to eat

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like it's even less surprising when fatherless, low IQ blacks chimp out and destroy everything around them and have like 50% of the murder rate to their names!

Also, the dirty fucking Jews probably just started WW3. Nice.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Y'all gotta stop hyperventilating about shit so much.

I get it, I love a good REEEE moment.

I watched the damn thing, and besides some minor pretend "journalists are so ballsy and heroic" moments it was... Better than I expected.

It was mostly a "these are the horrors of war and what can happen if we go THERE" type of film. They didn't shy away from violence and gore.

There's a moment in the film where a snipers tells a journalist "oh, you're fucking retarded aren't you? You don't understand a damn thing I'm saying" after the urinalist keeps babbling about "who's giving orders, why are you fighting" the soldier simply said "he's trying to kill me, so I'm trying to kill him".

Overall minus the like, 3 short moments of urinalist circle jerk, it portrayed war ok enough to not feel like some dumbass action movie.

by Lethn
SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ahaha just saw this comment after leaving you a comment on your original. Yeah, hunt is ass.

by Lethn
SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

I love the game Hunt: Showdown but it is so fucking frustrating to play at times.

The dumbass devs at Crytek allow people to just pick any region they want, and the dumbasses also have a huge trading window somewhere between 800-1000ms. You can flat out watch a dude fall over dead and then suddenly die 1 full second after he did because of their shitty systems.

Couple that with their report system requiring you to send video evidence to them directly via email, it's not worth the fucking hassle. Idk why I still play, beyond the fact that it's an amazing game when you're not matched with cheaters of a code or region jumping sort

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd actually be into the Republican Party if it was like this, need me that dommy mommy (I'm mentally ill and need therapy)

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need some form of basedism government.

Stupid bitches can have an abortion, but once you do, we're removing your uterus as you clearly can't be trusted as a parent.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dunno if this guy actually understands Christianity or his God but all the Jews who never converted are burning in hell and they will continue to do so.

It's funny how he's super proud they rejected Christ but unless he's speaking heresy he just know all of his ancestors are screaming in hell at him to stop being a retard and fully accept Christ

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I get a state mandated Chinese baddie I'll be ok

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree wholeheartedly. I've been single for years and besides the occasional pang in the heart wishing that there were actually any good women to be hand, I just jerk it and move on with my day and forget about women.

It's not a hate thing even. I just don't care. I do my job, do the things I want, hang out with friends, jerk it and occasionally bang a girl. I also agree women subsist off of men like parasites, which is why I don't keep any around.

I'd much rather go the traditional route but my autism shakes me like a dog and I think about how the juice isn't worth the squeeze in this relationship economy. I'd have to have a few dozen failed relationships before I find a half decent girl these days, and I just can't be bothered to deal with all that fucking nonsense.

If a good girl ever comes along and plops into my lap, fine, I'll bite. But I'm not searching.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm fairly certain that might elicit an adverse reaction across every Red state in the country, and Texas(?) would be extremely reluctant to comply.

Extradition of citizens to foreign nations to be punished for not bowing and scraping would be a nuclear option. The amount of businessmen who would flee blue areas would decimate those states.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

Jewish niggerfaggot detected

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

Working at fucking McDonald's isn't blue collar

You must be some fuckin desk jockey shitbag if you think blue collar ain't worth any money

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +4 / -1

Bitches who get elective abortions are subhuman rat clawed psychopaths who shouldn't be allowed to have children.

That being said, as long as zero tax dollars go to supporting said subhumans getting abortions, they can go ahead and eliminate themselves from the gene pool.

If there's a God, he'll take the souls of those unborn into his arms and cast those filthy rats into the deepest pits of hell. It's a win-win at the end of things.

SendTomBoys 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's always fucking niggers.

They're the ones assaulting random kids at school and filming it.

They're the ones that created "The Knockout Game".

They're the ones who accidentally created #StopAsianHate because the negroids heard Rona was from Chyna and they started beating the breaks off of random Asians in the streets.

They're the ones beating the fuck out of dumb white women (who probably deserve it, I mean it's NYC) and making a new version of The Knockout Game.

Fucking. Niggys.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm not religious but I also don't prescribe to the idea that a man was given godlike authority on Earth, by God. Sounds like something a power grubbing rat would say.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's actually sad when you think about it. Have YOU ever spent hours daily trolling social media groups or message boards containing people you don't like?

I haven't. You know why? I have a life. I go to work 5-6 days a week. I have friends and family.

These pathetic fucking leftoid worms you see making 40 sock puppets to troll online are sitting in Mommy's house, or leeching government benefits and couch surfing. It's insanely pathetic to think about what actually enables people like this faggot to be faggots on the internet.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd bet cash money only literal psychopaths/sociopaths have done anything of the sort. Just don't be a fat bitch and be nice to me and our kids

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Women have been saying for ages that if men don't like women's standards they should either rise to them or go be a faggot.

Funny how they simply can't handle being held accountable or to the same standards.

Get fit, you fat bitches, or go be lesbians I guess.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0


Aka bitches are retarded and fold like crackers under the slightest pressure so a man telling her she's a dumb bitch for trying to keep the kid was all it took

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Women don't fall for psyops. They're naturally fucking stupid when it comes to any form of peer pressure.

They get compared to chickens all the time and it's for a damn good reason.

Chickens just do whatever every other chicken is doing. If you chunk food in a coop and the nearest don't run for it, the rest will ignore it like idiots. Or if one starts picking at shit that clearly isn't food, the rest will come waddling over to pick at it too regardless of the items function.

Women will see piece of information pushed by psuedo-authority and instantly pretend they like it or understand it.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, one of my dumb bitch exes broke her whole fucking hip in basic.

Imagine that shit in the field because she barely made it thru basic with hairline fractures instead, and then falls apart in the first combat scenario.

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