RoulerBleu 6 points ago +7 / -1

I roll my eyes at ''loli bait'' or over-the-top fanservice and go watch another anime if it's not my cup of tea.

My line is when the story has to take extensive, repeated pauses going nowhere because it's time for a several-minutes-long tits-fondling and tits-debate session. Looking at you, Danmashi ( the first few episodes are the worse, then it largely stops to focus on the story ).

The difference is I say what I don't like and go watch something else. I don't demand stuff gets banned because muh institutional misoginy.

Also, I went watching Redo of a Healer expecting those interesting plot lines started in the first two episodes to go somewhere. Instead it's mostly sexual fetish stuff.

I'd really like an anime to steal the shit out of the content of the first 2 episodes to follow-through with the story. Redo of a Redo of a Healer, but take the focus away from the porn.

And again, I don't want the original censored. I just really like the ''story bait''.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

''President are held to a higher standart.''

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is still sitting in the oval office despite being senile but the media lied about it to get him elected.

RoulerBleu 21 points ago +21 / -0

Anyone with a brain, even the medical examiner, would have ruled ''Fentanyl overdose'' as the cause of death as Floyd had enough of it in his system to kill several people, and was complaining all along ''I can't breathe'' due to opioid overdose causing respiratory arrest.

Yet the medical examiner suddenly changed his opinion at some point.

Now we know he did so after the FBI ''visited'' him.

Reminder that the violent drug addict got a national funeral ceremony and was burried in a golden gasket. It was all an elaborate manipulation orchestrated to push Intersectional Race Marxism / White People Bad.

They made a Saint out of Fentanyl Floyd while gaslighting us.

RoulerBleu 15 points ago +15 / -0

Trudeau is an embarassement for Canada and he was from day one when he used his adoptive father's death as a stepping stone to launch his political career.

No doubt the media will reee about the disrespect while glossing over the fact Trudeau ( and the mainstream Canadian media ) repeatedly denigrated Trump and lamented the way the citizens of the USA voted.

RoulerBleu 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure more berating and shaming people will bring them back to watch your Intersectional diverse brown shit content.

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

And who got rid of the Trump executive order freezing the price of insulin low. ( Hint : Fuck Joe Biden ).

RoulerBleu 19 points ago +19 / -0

You know who did something? Trump freezing the price of insulin low by executive order.

You know what Joe Biden ( well, his handlers ) did when he took office? Struck-down that executive order and price of insulin rose.

Stop trying to push males into women's sport and that stupid argument will be out of the way.

Yet you insist on pushing for this...

Also, Harris and Biden had 4 years to adress this. Obama had 8 years. They didn't want to.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well it's possible more women cheat with a smaller % of men, similar to dating app statistics where women share relatively few men who whore-around alot more.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd like to know the real numbers too.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

In some circumstances, the blood type is also an accidental indication of paternity fraud.

Ex : An 0- mother and an 0+ husband, but the baby is B+. That means the real father has B+ in his blood type. ( Can be AB+ or B+ )

RoulerBleu 6 points ago +6 / -0

Women cheat about as much as men.

A man cannot ''maternity fraud'' a woman into thinking she reproduced, but didn't and instead is rasing a child that isn't hers while her line goes extinct.

RoulerBleu 3 points ago +3 / -0

(T)ime to Virtue Signal in the most pathetic cringe way possible.

Pray-tell. Where is the vast majority of violence comming from?

RoulerBleu 9 points ago +10 / -1

Edit : Filo76 below linked to the justice gov page and comutes + pardons near 1700. So the graph would be wrong.

Also : Obama ~2000. That's alot.

Trump pardonned about 140 and comuted about a hundred ( Including a bunch of evil shitheads, MIGA-style ).

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +12 / -2

A small population of people moving to another country and assimilating

1- Once you open the gates, it never stays ''a small population''.

2- The Japanese have no benefit in race-mixing with foreigners for ''assimilation''.

3- Civic nationalism is a mind poison that led White countries into destruction.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0

Fake and oy gey.

This is beyond overplaying their cards. This is writing shit on their cards and trying to play what they wrote on it.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +11 / -1

I wonder what he thinks of Israel invading, ethnicaly-cleansing and colonizing parts of Syria.

RoulerBleu 15 points ago +15 / -0

Reminder that the UK did a total 180 flip, now heavily discourages socially transitioning minors, and banned chemical castration and cross-sex hormones for kids.

Never let the woke groomers gaslight you that trooning kids is ''life saving standart care''. It isn't.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alot of illegal guns in Canada are smuggled through a Mohawk town that spawns across the border of Québec, the USA and Canada.

The Canadian government dosen't do anything about that because that would be racist. Honk honk.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

The polytechnique shooting, perpetrated by Gamil Gharbi, whitewashed by the media, who had changed his name to Marc Lépine. ( North-African father, European mother )

The abomination in question

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Final Fantasy games were censored outside Japan because some Espers and bosses have the bare minimum to hide nipples and vagina.

Some stuff made it past, however : https://youtu.be/yy4aF3wcFpw?si=IwbDW8u_4B1KZ94Y&t=155

RoulerBleu 21 points ago +21 / -0

''I enjoy playing cool characters with actual life experience''

You had 3 Witcher games with Geralt to enjoy that and Ciri already gained some exprience in the 3rd game.

Also, why would Geralt put Ciri through the trial that is more likely to kill her than not? He dosen't want to kill her. She already has more power than him. This makes no sense.

We know why. Girboss skinsuit Ciri had to be the REAL Witcher now. She just had to. Ciri Sue has to be better than men at everything, not just at her thing. So The Witcher she must be.

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