RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just pointing out how it's realistic because that's how Grand Theft Auto has always been. It's always been a mirror to specific decades of American culture magnified.

Grand Theft Auto V is a perfect time capsule of American/California culture circe early '10s just as IV was a perfect encapsulation of '00s culture.

Is it appealing to me personally? Not really but I do gotta hand it to them for capturing '20s culture.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's funny you mention anime because this isn't the first time they fallen into the same kind of slump where every anime is the same spam. You go back 10-20 years and every anime was a fighting series of some sort even if they didn't originally start as one. Like Bleach, Shaman King, Yu Yu Hakasho, even Yugioh were supernatural stories until they became fighting shows with ever increasing villains. Go further then that and every show was inserting giant robots to chase the Gundam fanbase.

It just seems to be once a concept really does well and catch's the public's attention everyone tries to jump on the bandwagon with their spin.

RipleywasRightLV426 13 points ago +14 / -1

That is Miami though. Like as from someone from down south none of the diversity it is really woke, it's really that diverse down there.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly, this will further break the dating market and push more women into cats and winedom.

Why bother with a girl who's talking to multiple men, when you can take her picture and have an ai girlfriend who never misses messaging you good morning everyday and sends you ai generated nudes?

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's actually quite a big modding community outside the Nexus hive mind but it's incredibly fragmented among Discord servers, obscure web forums and non-english websites. You kind of have to know where to look or just be there at the right time because mod creators do disappear frequently taking down all their work.

Bethesda games have the biggest footprint because of its ease to mod (If you can mod Morrowind, you can mod Fallout 4, it's the same engine) but there are pretty big scenes for anything Command & Conquer and anything Bioware/CD Projeckt.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really hope they try especially if people start looking into the reason this is happening. From the research I've dug into this isn't something novel like Covid, it's just something hitching on the weakened immune systems post covid and most likely post vaccine).

They've learned more and more that Covid is actually an autoimmune disease (Shoutout to the Airborne Aids guy before the Wuhan flu subreddit was quarantined in January '20). So we'll probably see more things like this and their failed attempts to try to explain it.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

This. I got into a debate with Lethn a couple months ago on this subject and they kept trying to tell me to "just make my own games" when I'm completely happy just modding. I don't want to do game design, development, management and anything else involved in a project. I just want to do a little bit coding and scripting for a game that's already finished to improve my own experience. It is easier than ever nowadays but it is a commitment of time and that's the most finite resource any of us have.

RipleywasRightLV426 0 points ago +1 / -1

But Rick doesn't sit in therapy talking about his feelings though? The whole episode was him turning himself into a pickle to avoid that and the hijinks that insued. And what lore did they remove? I mean I'll absolutely shit on the rest of the show after S3 because it did go to complete dogshit but female writers or not they did execute a consistent theme to that season at least.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now with current situation I see an eventual disavowing of them and probably a push for them to eventually agree to Russia's terms. This middle eastern conflict about to kick off has already started a transfer of arms and bodies to Israel instead of Ukraine. The Ukrainians of course are complaining but israel is far more important to politicians than them.

The Russians seek to be steamrolling Avdiivka and from what information is coming out there's not the defense the Ukies put up at Bakhmut.

RipleywasRightLV426 13 points ago +13 / -0

"If only Africa had more mosquito nets then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of aids"

RipleywasRightLV426 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're getting involved because the Israeli's are getting their asses handed to them. Sure they could glass Gaza, but they're not just in Gaza they're running roughshod over the while country. They've hit fuel depots, radar sites, military and naval bases and I've seen they've even been hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem today. Hezbollah will probably be involved as well from the North as soon as the Gaza ground operation starts.

I don't see this as an overreaction, the Israeli's were completely caught with their pants down yesterday.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah and I have to say he at least posts some fantastic spicy memes. We're probably all fucked in the coming generation but it does make me smile the richest man in the world posts the most peak autism 4chan memes for fun.

RipleywasRightLV426 16 points ago +16 / -0

Yeah they are running into a serious manpower problem and no matter how many arms are give that doesn't change that. I fear eventually this will result in NATO ground forces being thrown into the fray because once the manpower runs out this proxy war can't continue at that point.

RipleywasRightLV426 11 points ago +11 / -0

This. I don't see a dmz style agreement being possible at this point. The Minsk agreements were publicly revealed to be a fake out to buy time to arm Ukraine so I don't blame them for possibly seeing any similar agreement not being trustworthy. I think the Russians will probably have to go all the way at this point because any agreement will just be a way for the west to funnel arms in and attack the breakaway regions. It might of been possible before NATO made this a full proxy war but not anymore.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funnily enough I've seen some 4channers suggest something similar to this especially during covid especially since the drugs being demonized could be used as anti-parasiticals. It's an interesting idea even for the 4chan autists because there are things like Toxoplasmosis that could affect behavior.

RipleywasRightLV426 24 points ago +24 / -0

I disagree, I don't think the mod suppression has any effect and I say that as a modder that's been cranking away mods since Oblivion. Most people actually prefer or at least play that generic, bland rpg. There was some information and stats from Bethesda a while back that the modding community was the outlier, most people actually played the games vanilla and were okay with that. The console versions of Skyrim for example didn't have any modding capability for 7 years and they still sold millions of copies of it. Ditto with the other games that were released console wise.

Secondly while the Nexus is the default place for mods, there's a lot of community and mod sources outside that. I mean the sex mod community alone is spread over multiple websites and repositories and they've never tamped down on that. The mod suppression might be news worthy to us, but I guarantee anyone off the street looking to purchase Starfield has no clue about it and/or gives zero fucks.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

She's worth way more than that now, She's made upwards of 50 million or so from her Onlyfans. And that's without even showing her tits or doing any nudity.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think a global clampdown would even be physically possible at this point. The armed forces are tapped, there's been rumblings among the military media that they may have to bring back the draft in the US because a major war will sap manpower to a degree they just don't have. Recruiting is fucked and the reserve forces are dwindling to point it'd be infeasible to use them. Armaments are in the same boat, for example a recent report revealed that Germany only had about ~20k artillery shells in the whole country while Russia will use that amount in like 2-3 days. Extrapolate all the other weapons that disappear in the Ukie blackhole and I don't see how there's a force there that'd help them.

The west is looking down the barrel of some deep shit and I feel like this stuff is more chickens running around with their heads cut off than than any master psychological plan.

RipleywasRightLV426 10 points ago +10 / -0

I honestly wonder if this level of degeneracy was the exact kind in the 30's that caused the average German to say "Boy that Hitler fella is seems alright".

RipleywasRightLV426 26 points ago +26 / -0

Absolutely. I do find it hilarious that one of the most influential and the richest person in the world posts like a peak 4chan autist. This post is a standout but quite a few of his others are fantastic as well in this way.

RipleywasRightLV426 18 points ago +18 / -0

They've already have had big investors say to invest in cat food and box wine because it's coming.

Anecdotely I went to a major college a few years back and even in the 100s of people I know and still follow, I can count the number of relationships on one hand. The girls I know are reaching 30 and they have no long term relationships, no kids, and literally the most interesting thing in their lives is going to a Taylor Swift concert.

What's interesting is I went to college older, so my older friends like the ones I went to high school with are all married, have kids, etc. It's only a 4-5 year difference but it's a stark to see the difference.

RipleywasRightLV426 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's pretty impressive some of the work they can pull off sometimes. Not just fixing botched or terrible movies, but even things like combining two movies together. The Paradise edit for example actually made the dogshit Prometheus and Aliens Covenant movies work, and that's pretty impressive.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I saw that in college a couple years back. I was a couple years older from the military and some of those girls were SALTY I was dating their 20-something friends. Funnily enough those girls still don't have any relationships years later.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a incredibly interesting subject because it throws alot of traditional ideas out the window and really puts the universe in your hands. It's fascinating too because the idea seeps into popular culture and rears itself in unexpected ways. My favorite use was in the Assassins Creed videogame, where to stop a disaster the ancient aliens were gonna use some thingabob to make every person on the planet think "We are safe" and reality would rewrite itself to make it happen. Consensus and belief in something can be very powerful and when there isn't things start falling apart.

And what you say about outcomes is on the money as well. There's definitely something to the Law of Attraction and similar things. You can't magically turn your car into another by thinking it, but you can nudge the outcome of getting a new one into your favor.

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