RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't seen numbers but I'd believe it.

Alot of the AOS secondary community (Store owners, Youtubers, etc) have said AOS sales have been decreasing year over year and are losing players at a steady rate.

You can pick up the 3rd Edition AOS big box set for 50% off right now, and that's been on the market for 3-4 years. GW a couple years ago ran an honest to god sale on their official store just to get rid of them.

Even the new 4th edition set has only been out for about a month and is already 30% off and has unlimited copies available direct from GW.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree there was bloat, squatting the 1st edition models and then immediately just replacing them with the exact same units was dumb.

I'd of led 4th edition with a different faction. Stormcasts have never caught on and they should of realized it when Dominion box sets still can be found at 50% off mrsp 3-4 years later. Maybe give Cities of Sigmar the spotlight or the Malerion Elf models that have been rumored for years.

Skaventide can be found for over 30% off and it's been only one month since release.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

The rules haven't been revealed yet but I doubt it. While they've done that alot in the past, they have focused alot on this edition of the game to be balanced and welcoming to new players. Mostly because AoS is doing terrible sales wise and they need new blood and cash.

They did delete huge parts of the Stormcast Army to get people to buy the newer models but from what I've seen that hasn't worked at all and all the new sets are already being incredibly discounted.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is just not enough Age of Sigmar fans to gatekeep something like this. Age of Sigmar is currently Games Workshop's worst selling product and at current rate will probably follow Warhammer Fantasy in being squatted.

The starter sets sit on the shelves at 50% off MRSP for 4+ years and every independent retailer and game store I've seen given input on it has said there is less and less players and engagement yearly.

Former employees have revealed there are serious management and inter-team issues in the company so it's weird they're doubling down on this stuff.

RipleywasRightLV426 35 points ago +36 / -1

Yes, I haven't played in over a decade but it is a game that requires clear quick communication between players because every card can have multiple paragraphs of text that contain special rules that effect you and your opponent. There's also over 12,000 cards so no way you could remember them all especially in another language and trying to use google translate is mind numbingly retarded.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

SOTC was actually really good. They fixed the bugs from the PS3 era remaster, changed it so you could get both sets of the time attack items in one save (They were locked to your difficultly mode on PS2/PS3) and added a new side quest and a couple easter egg locations.

To me that is the gold standard of Remastering/Remaking a game. It's a shame they'll never add in the cut colossi, but there are a few fan projects that are at least covering it.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not to mention today's announcement that Ukraine will be able to use American weapons to strike Russia directly. Following this week's NATO strikes against Russia's early nuclear warning radars, it's probably going over the edge as well.

If you don't have ammo now, I'd buy some asap.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because like Final Fantasy 7 it is one of the most well known and popular parts of the franchise. There's still nostalgia to tap in there.

Metal Gear 1 and 2 on the other hand are close to 40 years old. You'd have to completely build those games from scratch because there's no 3d reference material at all for those games. Compared to the rest of the franchise they're also the most straight laced and you would really need someone with Kojima's touch to being them in line with the other games. They would of been perfect during the PS1/PSP era like the many similar remakes of the time (Final Fantasy, Persona) but the window for them is probably past sadly.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +9 / -0

Metal Gear Solid V. Not only did the series creator leave because of it but the game released completely unfinished and will remain that way forever. It's not only missing the ending and final chapter to the game but has loads of characters, gameplay systems and plot points that were just dropped because of whatever the fuck was going on between Kojima and Konami behind the scenes.

To be fair MGS3 is being remade but I don't see it doing that well when the FF7 remake bombed and it's been out of the popular zeitgeist for so long.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why though? The stuff I have was worked on by people who don't even work at the company and throwing it away won't affect GW's bottom line. They're already crashing it down of their own violation. I can appreciate and use stuff in respective of where it is now.

I might not be happy with the direction of the Aliens or Star Wars franchise but I'm not going home and throwing away my copy of Empire Strikes Back or Aliens.

RipleywasRightLV426 6 points ago +6 / -0

Eh I disagree, again using Warmachine as an example, that franchise is pretty much dead.

Now whether I pick up older models for pennies from secondhand sellers will not change that an iota. They're not seeing any of that money and it's only going to be used with games with my mates. If Warhammer goes the same way, I'm not going to unilaterally throw all my 40k stuff away, there's 40+ years of rulesets and lore there you can interact with and not give GW a dime.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wholeheartedly agree, I'm not big on any of the "red pill" "influencers" but one thing one of them said is exactly that. If a woman wants to fuck you you she will agree to the simplest coffee date because she wants your time, which is the most finite resource any of us have. If she doesn't then move on and do not simp because she's just not that into you.

RipleywasRightLV426 8 points ago +8 / -0

The pendulum has just swung back, their former staff have since revealed they almost completely went out of business the last time they became out of touch in the aughts. It was something like they had weeks of capitol left before they shut the doors. They turned it around in late 10s but they've gone right back to it and with 3d printers and a huge explosion in paints they're in trouble.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

The upside to that is that Warmachine/Hordes models are so cheap it's crazy, I've picked up entire armies worth of units for pennies. Privateer Press themselves were selling their entire legacy warhouse stock for 75-95% a couple months ago.

If the same happens to GW, so be it, there's a few things I'd still like to grab that would just be too much hassle to 3d print.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was it just Warhammer books or the models? GW does run alot of small scale entry products for bookstores and big box stores in the US but if it was the full pitch I'd be very wary. I have a local flgs near me that stocks Warhammer and I feel for the owners everytime I go in because it does not sell. They're running a permanent 30% all the time and the piles of stuff Games Workshops sends them just gets bigger everytime I go in there.

I do think they've hit the upper end of saturation and the CFO dump and a recent leak that Henry Cavill is ready to walk and sink the Amazon show makes me think they're in trouble.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

And then they get abused by their woman partners. Not being hyperbolic but every single person I've met in my entire lifetime that's been a lesbian was being verbally or physically abused by their partner. The domestic violence statistics for that cohort is incredible.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm pretty sure this is legit. I recognize the person posting that from 4chan, they actually posted a bunch of insider information about the current model lines and future releases for all of Games Workshop's games. The leaks for Warhammer stuff has been dead on for years and even former staff who have started Youtube channels have said there is someone on the staff leaking stuff there but they just haven't been able to find the person doing it.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

To add to this there are 1:1 Photogrammetry scans of alot of models but you will have to go on Telegram for that.

There used to be a lot more of direct Warhammer clones on Cults but Games Workshop will shut them down as soon as they find them, so you have to do weird conversions (Primaris Marines = Prime Beef) or just grab them before they're removed.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

1/5th of the price? If you have the right setup it's closer to 1/64 depending on what you print. There are 1:1 Photogrammetry scans for most of the models if you know where to look or proxies that match the rest of the range.

The problem is mostly the 3D printing itself and that's from someone who printed a full 2000pts Lumineth army for Warhammer. The resins are pretty gnarly and you need to have a dedicated exhaust system or a room you don't step in because of the VOCs. The parts are also consumable (FEP films, LCD screens, etc) and you need to take apart the printers to replace them and they're not cheap.

It's a fantastic tool but it's far from threatening Game Workshop's stock, at least in its current stage.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you have friends to play with? It seems silly to shelf them in the attic. Nu-Warhammer might be dumb as shit but that doesn't stop you and mates from playing and ignoring the new stuff.

My mates and I still play 8th edition and drink beers and Games Workshop never sees a dollar from us.

RipleywasRightLV426 17 points ago +17 / -0

I wish but they already replied on the official twitter that "There's always been female Custodes" and one of the writers posted some to the effect of "They always existed but the previous boss wouldn't let us write them because there was no minis"

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah. I've been in the scene for a long time and FitGirl is a biological woman. The tranny accusations were actually started by Empress when both of them got into a catfight over FitGirl taking donations for her repacking. They might be autistic and crazy but they're women.

Pirate lore does run deep.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Depends on what your looking for game playwise and how "modern" it is. Each game really is a snapshot of the decade it's released in. The most recent one does have the most content but it is a reflection of modern times for better or worse. It is very much more Sims 2 like though than it's predecessor so if you like 2 you'll probably like 4.

Sims 3 is a different experience but it is saddled with a creaking engine where you can't use all the dlc at once without setting your computer on fire.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fitgirl doesn't crack anything though, she only repacks scene releases. The only one who had any luck with Denuvo was Empress but she disappeared as far as I know.

A lot of recent Denuvo games haven't been touched.

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