I enjoy seeing woke and left wing media financially fail. Some people erroneous claim that the left is successfully taking over pop culture. Those people are idiots, they are not. The left is swiftly failing in all culture wars and the proof is in the constant financial collapse of everything they attempt to put forth. You also see events like SBI detected gaining instant popularity. They left isn't wining anything, they are notngsining ground and they have not taken over pop culture. All that has happened is their failures are extremely transparent and obvious. We need big media companies to fail so that new, smaller entities can rise. If anything the death spiral of the left is accelerating.
Grand strats are alright but I feel like we need more 4X, endless space 2 was the last great 4x and before that it was master of Orion 2 and before that it was space empires 4 gold. There really isn't a lot here in that untapped market. I'll always praise 4x over grand strategy.
They can all die, From Soft included, every major studio, every single IP. Destroy them all, let no major studio survive. Only independent devs can survive such a collapse because they have no investment and no overhead. That can pick up and go at any time, anywhere. I don't care how many of your favourite games and good studios die. Only the nuclear solution remains. Innocent and guilty alike must be destroyed. I just wish gamers weren't such fucking pussies and cling to their triple A games and spout bullshit like "except this game or this studio" no, all or nothing. Stop being weak.
I'm 100% down for destroying all video game companies everywhere, and with total impunity and no discriminating. Let in my the Indies survive. Indies only can stand on the merit of their games, so the weak will be automatically culled.
Die nintendont, you dont belong in this world,