MrMorden 7 points ago +7 / -0

First off I want to say Dragon Age Portland looks pretty authentic. Don’t worry though the dev team will be out there soon with their games unrinalist allies claiming that a tiny minority of Trump supporting incel racist bigots are sending them death threats. They will say the vast majority of gamers support this. Then cry when it barely breaks even if lucky when it goes live and can join Concord, Assassins Creed Blackwash, Dustborn, and Saints Row on the monument to hubris.

MrMorden 9 points ago +9 / -0

I got second hand soy poisoning just by seeing his picture.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are there people on the right surprised about this?The media when it comes to candidates on the right is Lucy holding the football for Carlie Brown. Every. Single. Time. Does no one remember JurnoList? The media roaches gladly campaign for the Democrats while the Republican candidates are stupid enough to continually fall for it.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

Might and Magic 4&5 are some of my favorite games.

MrMorden 12 points ago +12 / -0

There was an interesting part in the book Masters of Doom I think applies. It was laying out John Carmack’s sprawling D&D campaign that he had been working on for years with its own encyclopedia. One thing it pointed out was that Carmack was absolute in that his game abided by the established rules of his fantasy world so you accidentally destroy the world it’s destroyed. I think that’s what made older fantasy work better. Current ThingTM trash just invents as it goes and advances the writers and producers own ego. The Acolyte is a perfect example of that. LotR worked because it had real rules and history that grounded the series. Modern writers are just hacks who don’t know anything and their worldview is just their little LA/NYC bubbles and self insert.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

The developers are probably counting more on right wing streamers to be the bulk of the purchases.

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know it’s not old but Midsommer Murders is good. Also if you have never seen Monty Pythons Flying Circus I’d check that out. It’s a million times better than the movies. Look up The Bishop on YouTube. I’d watch that show if it was real.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought the original American Top Gear wasn’t that bad. Was it as good as the original. Not even close. But Adam, Tanner, and Rutledge were pretty good together and their challenges were just one for one copies of the British show.

MrMorden 11 points ago +11 / -0

I just finished listening to Leonard Nimoy’s I Am Spock ready by the man himself. It was interesting listening to him talk about how he approached being a Vulcan and how much he fought to change scripts to keep Spock from becoming… this. But then something else struck me. Nimoy was also into theater and reading a variety of things. A lot of writers for television, movies, or video games today are not creative people. Sure there are plenty of people today that could paint you a perfect replica of The Starry Night. How many of those same people would have the ability to make their own? It’s why everything is derivative self insert fan fiction. When they got their degrees in “journalism through the queer lens” they never had to read anything outside their safe spaces with intellectual training wheels.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the normies and progressives will eat this up. Yet none of them ever stop to think critically. Do you really think the donor class of ultra wealthy is actually going to pay for this? Doesn’t anyone remember when Obama said wealthy was 150k a year. They will tax you out of your suburban homes. You won’t have anywhere to park your mandatory electric car in the inner city concrete slums. Don’t worry though the grift to build a charging network is never going to be completed anyway.

MrMorden 12 points ago +12 / -0

Until those same poor people start to encroach on their neighborhoods. Then the ACAB crowd will gladly wield the power of the state to ensure the safety of their progressive enclaves from anyone with dark skin that isn’t underpaid menial labor.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

The left love to get themselves worked into a frenzy over something like this. Yet every mass shoot was know to police. But no let’s waste effort on this because some danger hair land whale or soy goblin had their feelings hurt.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah but I don’t really feel like driving up to Seattle at the moment.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

As others have said seasons 2-4 are the best. One has a few interesting episodes especially the last few of the season. While season 5 get more interesting at the end. Londo and G’Kar’s arc is probably one of the best in sci fi with an amazing job done by the actors. While it does tackle some social issues I always felt it did so on a higher level than Current YearTM insert politics. Concepts like order vs chaos, revenge, forgiveness, fate. How choices we make now can have a negative impact on the future as we ignore all the warning signs.

MrMorden 26 points ago +26 / -0

Come on now. All of those brutalist concrete monstrosities void of color and life are super inclusive and inviting. The picture above screams oppression and exclusion. I mean there isn’t even a stage for some fat guy in drag to read explicit material to kindergartners.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently there is also this new thing called the “internet” sounds made up but you supposedly can read stuff. On this internet you can get books magically dropped off at your house by a guy named Jeff or something. They even have “e-books” sounds more like an “e-scam”. Amirite.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s the importance of your side picking the battlefield. Who cares why you hate Israel. The fight should be why their side does. There is no need to include yourself into the equation. Make them defend the pro Palestinian violence. Make them defend why they passed up the other guy because he was Jewish.

After the attempted assassination look at all the lolbertarian and freedom of speech types that wanted to be the first and loudest to condemn cancel culture. When the chickens are coming home to roost you don’t need to step in and help stop it. That’s all I’m saying.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why the left always wins. You don’t have to like or support Israel to use it as a weapon against the left. Making them defend their position doesn’t mean you also now have to support Israel. The right should be putting the left on the back foot to make them defend all of the college protests and statements made from their side. If you look at the left it is made up of mutually exclusive groups (gays for Gaza) that are untied only by their hate of the right.

Make them fight each other.

MrMorden 8 points ago +8 / -0

A thousand times this. We need to get back to treating commies like the societal cancer they are.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem for the right is that the left took decades of small steps to get where they are today. They started getting on school boards and being your county water commissioner. They took over pop culture while the right was like “I don’t watch new movies I don’t care.” Now they are just editing those old movies. Popular music was insidious with its messaging that was lost on people because they “just liked their sound”. Now they have managed to take over things like D&D, comics, Star Wars and kick out the people they used to make fun of for liking it. All the while those on the right will be like “who cares go touch grass” until the future when you can’t even do that because public parks are white supremacy.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

I will second this. The right seems to have this idea that any day some article, book, YouTube documentary is going to be a massive Uno reversal card while the left will continue to lie with a straight face. The right has convinced themselves some smoking gun is going to instantly dismantle the left and the public is just going to snap out of the trance it’s in.

MrMorden 15 points ago +15 / -0

I’d argue that’s exactly why the Democrats want her. She will be even more of a rubber stamp than Biden. Her entire position is through the good graces of the Democrat political machine. Contrast that with Hillary who would sell out the Democrats if it meant advancement of her position and power.

MrMorden 13 points ago +13 / -0

At least they seem to have more… passion than the protesters in Canada and her had. Here is hoping they don’t fall for the governments “Ok guys we heard you. You can go home now” as then pick them off one by one.

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