MrMorden -19 points ago +5 / -24

This just shows you how retarded Americans are. Why is it bad we know who has been given the keys to the kingdom? Suddenly the right is orgasmic about secretive government agencies that are given access to everyone’s data but it’s ok because “own the libs” and “drain the swamp”. It’s proof you dangle the right keys in someone’s face and the little monkey brain takes over and they will dance as commanded. If the left did the same thing people on the right would be demanding these kids get arrested immediately. Yeah it’s great Elon is finding all this waste and fraud but I’d be my next paycheck there will be any politically inconvenient fraud for this administration found. Added that corporations people here hate like Amazon and Google are already cozying up to this administration. Elon wants to install Googles AI to run the government. So everyone’s suddenly fine with that? The swamp isn’t being drained they are just changing to a new zip code. But hey keep celebrating because the left handing is finding all this bad stuff.. just don’t look at the what the right hand is doing.

MrMorden 8 points ago +8 / -0

My squadron had around 30 helicopters. It was said that 1 hr of flight was 10 hrs of maintenance and was ideal conditions not Vietnam era machines. Thats also just scheduled maintenance. Which we had specials which were 7/14/28/56/91/364 day, you had phase inspections which were done after a certain number of flight hours. Those usually required to break the helicopters down and replace a lot of components. Added to that you had unscheduled maintenance which was the bulk of our work and could range from something simple like a component stopped working to intermittent in flight after 30 flying which is hard to duplicate on the ground. Also all aircraft need to fly at least once every 30 days or it requires more work and a functional check flight before it can be flown again. One last thing is that every down aircraft counts against our unit readiness which then is a negative against the CO who is looking to make full bird. In Iraq in 03 we flew 3000 hrs in 1 month. It was a lot of work to get those birds back up including a massive customs inspection to make sure there was not biological contaminants. So lots of pulling every panel and cleaning out dirt and debris… on a ship with limited water. All of that adds up given our shop had about 30-35 people.

There is a reason the bulk of the military is logistics and support. It’s not the 1800s where you just need a bunch of bodies to shoot in a line.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m sure he would be far more concerned with how comfortable we have become with the presidents ruling through executive fiat.

MrMorden 11 points ago +13 / -2

There was an interesting article I was reading a bit ago that was talking about Hegseth’s Venmo account which is public and all the defense contractors that he is buddies with that are getting that sweet sweet swamp money. This whole fiasco would be better if it wasn’t for the fact we are all along for the ride. None of these politicians give a shit about you. It’s just another grift except this time it’s the political right playing the part of the useful idiots.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a soldier on Ft Lewis a while back who was active duty in civies rocking a manbun. I am amazed what the standards have become in 2025. We would get our asses chewed in the early 00s for not having creases on our cammies. Now everyone is dressing and acting like they are back on the block.

MrMorden 27 points ago +27 / -0

I laughed when people were celebrating her leaving BioWare as a win. Of course he fell upwards what did people think was going to happen? Progressives don’t see Dragon Age’s failure as his fault. They see it as the gamers fault bigot.

MrMorden 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah I got out in 05. Worst we had to deal with was the constant 6 month deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always find in ironic that in the 90s gaming was far more accepting and open. Now that the “representation” crowd is trying to take over gaming has become just like high school. Games used to have a diverse range of genres. Now everything is moving towards conglomerated slop like what Ubisoft and EA put out yearly. It’s a “cinematic” experience that’s why the boss battle is a QTE. Not because the influx of mouth breathers who can’t grasp the complexities of multiple buttons. An attractive female “gamer” is literally easy mode in life. Turn on webcam, wear a bikini, do some yoga before you start, 🤑🤑🤑.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

I will give Jon Stewart credit for one thing. Guy has been fighting hard for NYFD who worked 9/11 and ground zero.

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’d put money on him falling upwards though. Remember DA didn’t fail because he inserted all his degen troonery it failed because video gamers are loser incels

MrMorden 18 points ago +18 / -0

Take a game like DoA Xtreme. Fat ugly women hate it because they can’t look like that. Trannys hate it because they look like a temu version of Sloth from the Goonies to begin with and despite what the internet told them putting lipstick and a lingerie on doesn’t suddenly make them desirable with their male pattern baldness, Adam’s apple, and 5 o’clock shadow. Last the pasty fat white progressive beta males hate it because all the attractive girls they know friend zoned them and would rather be getting railed by Chad and Tyrone. It’s just another flavor from the variety pack that brought you daddy issues and I hate all men.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

As someone who lives in a neighboring state to Oregon every time someone talks shit about a state like Alabama, Mississippi, or West Virginia my response is… have you been to Oregon?

But yeah that was written by some soy Marxist revolutionary with flags and pronouns in their bio.

But hey at least you can pump your own gas there now much to panic of residents.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

It’s amazing how creatively bankrupt these people are. There are more 00 agents besides Bond. If people were creative enough they could make a story about 00whatever and make it a black woman and let her have her own story. Instead they can only use an existing franchise like a skin suit then complain when no one wants to watch their bullshit. This is the result of the toxic positivity culture in schools and workplaces. Where nothing can be challenged only praised. You write some weak ass self insert fan fiction and you will just be lauded for how bold your writing is.

MrMorden 14 points ago +14 / -0

The police have better things to do like hunt down pet squirrels. They don’t have time for this trivial nonsense.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck all game urinalists. They hate us anyway. I hope they all get fired and the publications get closed down because we don’t need them anymore. Most AAA slop is all the same chasing whatever trend is popular two years too late. Meanwhile these soy goblins perform fellatio on any company that puts in DIE main characters no one wants while shitting on games they don’t like. Have fun working at Amazon packaging up copies of Stellar Blade while you seethe asshole.

MrMorden 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just looking at his dead soulless eyes and expression tells me that guy has more skeletons than the Paris catacombs.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you know her love interest is going to look exactly like the protagonist from that new Naughty Dog game Intergalactic.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am going to bet that these idiots would be shocked to find out that Muhammad’s version of a drag show involves a shitty old Toyota Hilux with a machine gun mounted on the back.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

$20 says she was getting her guts smashed in and the part after she finds out he is a Trump supporter is all fantasy. She knew it from the start and has been back since.

MrMorden 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anyone else ever watch the anime The Big O? This reminds me of episode #13 - R.D. If only the killer had worn red.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another useful idiot that doesn’t realize that when the communist revolution (tRuE cOmMuNiSm hAsNt BeEn tRiEd) comes they always line up the academics and intelligencia like him in first round of purges.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always love how these progressive never give up their place to the minorities they fetishize. There was a bookstore down in Olympia I went in and they had all the BLM signs up yet every person working there was white. They supported BLM but not enough to actually hire one.

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