MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

For me it’s just that the memory of why I like the game also includes a bunch of intangibles that are very much a time and place. Sure you remember how great the game was but maybe you were also playing that game at your grandmothers house. Or you and your best friend were playing it all summer. Years later you can’t replicate those other emotions and experiences so it always feels hollow and unsatisfying.

MrMorden 30 points ago +30 / -0

The problem is that in 2024 anyone that looks like this guy in a newsroom is a dead giveaway for being an outsider. To work in a modern newsroom Clark needs a man bun and a this is what a male feminist looks like t-shirt and only write things like: “10 reasons why real men pee sitting down” -Clark Kent (they/them) #endthepatriarchy

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s fair. I should have phrased it better. What I was trying to get at was the left loves the spectacle of embarrassing any unapproved messages and messengers. What happened here is like rubbing a dog’s nose in shit. Could they have stopped it before? Sure but can’t get out of context spicy quotes that way. The left wants everyone including their own useful idiots to know they have the power over you. Most people are willing to go to jail or ruin their lives to publicly support events like this. They just need to scrub off that weaker outer layer. Arresting people like this will no doubt make some people more hesitant in the long run to go to these events. Look how fast they were able to identify people at Jan 6 or Charlottesville events.

MrMorden 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s just part of the humiliation ritual. The police can ever step in to stop the current far left protest or event. Yet they march right into the middle of a right wing event because they want to rub it in everyone’s face they can do it. They want to make sure everyone there knows who has the real power. Then back to throwing their hands up because a couple danger hair land whales chained themselves to something to prevent climate racism or some nonsense.

MrMorden 3 points ago +6 / -3

The funny thing about Mein Kampf is that is almost impossible to read to begin with. I can’t imagine what Hitler’s rough draft would have been like before Stempfle edited it. It’s the equivalent of compiling all of a chronic internet users YouTube and Reddit comments into a single rambling book. Even during the Nazis rule it was considered Germany’s best selling book no one actually read.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

This shows the real reason why war is bad. Generally the military wants the best, smartest, strongest, most loyal, and bravest to be troops. Then when they die all that’s left is a majority of cowards, leftists and the dregs. German squandered entire generations of their best men so that communists, antifags, and open border Eurocrats could take over. There will be no “and then one day” when police automatically assume a knife wielding third worlder is automatically the good guy.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Star Wars is a dead brand being run by people that actively hate the old fanbase. They are reaching a point where old fans like me just don’t care anymore. I’m sure Rey will use the strand or whatever they are calling it now like a total Mary Sue while Disney digs up whatever they can from the original movies grave to try and make some money.

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck off. People just wanted to play games and not make everything political you hack. Legacy games media can’t die fast enough.

Don’t worry guys just because his wife’s boyfriend works for Ubislop doesn’t mean his coverage will compromised.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Show me a games journalist and I’ll show you a clown that wasn’t talented enough to make it into politics. That’s what all these clowns dream of being the next host of the Daily Show. However I don’t think they are destroying games. It’s already incestuous between IGN / Gamespot etc. and most developers. They just get super pissy when some studio doesn’t play along but give it time before the revolving door opens at this developer and all the journalists find a job once the next website shutters.

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Azur Lane is one of the only mobile games I’ve regularly played for a few years now. As gacha games go it’s never felt super gross or impossible to get the rarest characters or special event characters.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

Undiscovered Country has always been my favorite of the Star Trek movies. I heard it’s even better in the original Klingon.

MrMorden 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha. Yeah when has the left ever cared about laws, precedent, or the constitution. They will still ban them and the right will just accept it like they always do.

MrMorden 7 points ago +7 / -0

They have always fed us questionable food, bad food, expired food, no food. Whoever signed off of the bean and rice burrito MRE should be tried for war crimes.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just liquidated my Magic the Gathering collection. Funny the only cards worth anything were in the 94-06ish range. But just like all other parts of the old nerd culture it’s turned to absolute shit. “wHitE mEn aRe thE prObLeM!1!1!!” Wait….. why are all our sales cratering……

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Masters of Doom is probably my favorite book ever and I’ve listened to or read it about a dozen times. The passion Romero, Carmack, and Hall had for games is what is missing today. When a 40 year old Apple II game is more fun then your mocaped raytraced multimillion dollar game you are probably doing to wrong. But then again the studios don’t care. The lgbtwhatever took over so now we need to know characters sexual preferences and pronouns. Then it’s just cynical copy and paste efforts. But man does the shop work to sell you some hot skins.

MrMorden 15 points ago +15 / -0

It’s because games today while impressive graphically sacrificed what used to make games great. Fun. Most games today are the equivalent of fast food. They can be somewhat satisfying while you are playing them but become utterly forgettable an hour later. There are more games coming out than ever before but how many of them have the staying power of games from the S/NES? That’s also before we even start talking about modern politics in the story and character design.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny how the #bELiVeaLLwOmEnZ group is silent on the fact the show is being headed by Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant. It’s also the same show where one of the actors said

“I mean the best parts about Star Wars is there is no good or evil. It depends on what side you are standing on, truly.”

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

Game journalists are really the bottom of the barrel. Must really say something when you are such a hack even the Washington Compost won’t hire you.

MrMorden 47 points ago +47 / -0

It was such a hallucination that the entire gaming urinalist community and their minions tried to destroy some regular guy in Brazil that compiled public data into a list. A list that was pretty much unknown until the same retards complaining pointed it out.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

They will just cherry pick more and complain they are overworked when something goes wrong. There was that case in Palmdale, CA a few years ago where after the parents killed their kid it was reported social workers had visited their house dozens of times. They were probably too busy chasing down all those ghost gun pop tarts that were rampant in schools.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

They always assume they are going to be the inner circle too. There was that post months back here where all the little commies were dreaming about what they were going to do after the revolution. Funny none of them said grueling manual labor.

There was a quote Andrew Wilkow said. Something like communism is for the masses not the communists.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

What it doesn’t show is their 6000 sqft mansion. Of course the lefties are both white as is the rest of their gated neighborhood. But hey they hate capitalism and support blm so they are “oN tHe RiGhT SiDe oF HeRsToRy”

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also coming soon from Scholastic: The ABCs of BDSM for elementary schoolers and a book about a nice man in a leather puppy mask that “befriends” a confused pre-teen.

Fucking degenerates all of them. They belong on a rocket shot straight into the Sun.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

For me it was the moment Leia did the Mary Poppins in Space. Only reason I didn’t walk out was I had taken my son to see it. He was 7 and was just having a good time being at the movie theater in general so I didn’t want to ruin his fun.

MrMorden 13 points ago +13 / -0

Supposedly JMS is/was working on this abortion. The original show was great and done right the first time. We don’t need a retelling of Sheridan’s story or the Shadow War. I’m not really worried about it being woke as much as the Marvelification of the story. B5 worked because it was a character driven show and all the characters were complex and showed growth from Season 1 to 5.

In a from-the-ground-up reboot of the original series, John Sheridan, an Earthforce officer with a mysterious background, is assigned to Babylon 5, a five-mile-long space station in neutral space, a port of call for travelers, smugglers, corporate explorers and alien diplomats at a time of uneasy peace and the constant threat of war. His arrival triggers a destiny beyond anything he could have imagined, as an exploratory Earth company accidentally triggers a conflict with a civilization a million years ahead of us, putting Sheridan and the rest of the B5 crew in the line of fire as the last, best hope for the survival of the human race.

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