MrMorden 14 points ago +14 / -0

The police have better things to do like hunt down pet squirrels. They don’t have time for this trivial nonsense.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck all game urinalists. They hate us anyway. I hope they all get fired and the publications get closed down because we don’t need them anymore. Most AAA slop is all the same chasing whatever trend is popular two years too late. Meanwhile these soy goblins perform fellatio on any company that puts in DIE main characters no one wants while shitting on games they don’t like. Have fun working at Amazon packaging up copies of Stellar Blade while you seethe asshole.

MrMorden 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just looking at his dead soulless eyes and expression tells me that guy has more skeletons than the Paris catacombs.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you know her love interest is going to look exactly like the protagonist from that new Naughty Dog game Intergalactic.

MrMorden 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am going to bet that these idiots would be shocked to find out that Muhammad’s version of a drag show involves a shitty old Toyota Hilux with a machine gun mounted on the back.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

$20 says she was getting her guts smashed in and the part after she finds out he is a Trump supporter is all fantasy. She knew it from the start and has been back since.

MrMorden 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anyone else ever watch the anime The Big O? This reminds me of episode #13 - R.D. If only the killer had worn red.

MrMorden 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another useful idiot that doesn’t realize that when the communist revolution (tRuE cOmMuNiSm hAsNt BeEn tRiEd) comes they always line up the academics and intelligencia like him in first round of purges.

MrMorden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always love how these progressive never give up their place to the minorities they fetishize. There was a bookstore down in Olympia I went in and they had all the BLM signs up yet every person working there was white. They supported BLM but not enough to actually hire one.

MrMorden 36 points ago +36 / -0

It won’t work because they are NPCs. Once you back them into a corner they will just make personal attacks. These people are religious zealots. Truth does not matter their faith in leftist politics is all that matters.

MrMorden 19 points ago +19 / -0

I was talking to someone from Europe before that had never been to the U.S. and had no concept of just how big it is. They couldn’t believe it when I said you could start at the bottom of California drive 18 hrs and still be in California.

These idiots live like the French aristocracy and just can’t comprehend why us unwashed masses would load up our families in the minivan and drive to something reachable in a day as opposed to just going to Monaco for a week.

MrMorden 29 points ago +29 / -0

"Americans who don't travel, who 80% don't have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naïveté,"

Fuck this dumb cunt and the other champagne socialists. Most Americans are working two jobs just to not be homeless. Sorry not all of us got to blow Harvey Weinstein to become millionaires. I might actually embrace the Bernie Bro mentality and say we need a 99% tax on actors.

MrMorden 23 points ago +23 / -0

I can see some leftist degenerate bragging how they intentionally switched a Trump supporters transplant to give them HIV.

MrMorden 15 points ago +15 / -0

DEI is the real life equivalent of Magic the Gathering's mechanic cannot be the target of spells or abilities

MrMorden 3 points ago +4 / -1

And you think anyone beyond some congressman’s low level staffer ever gave two shits about any iteration of this place. Yeah I’m sure all the top level Democrats have been getting briefed daily on what is posted on KIA 1/2/.win for years now.

MrMorden 12 points ago +13 / -1

The progressives are playing to win and they don’t care how they get there. If they can get enough of the next generation it won’t matter that you believe in the 1st, 2nd, or 10th Amendments. Your grandkids will happily turn over your guns, cars, or anything else to be good citizens of the state. It reminds me of that old joke about a conservative vs progressive vegan. A conservative vegan doesn’t want to eat meat. A progressive one doesn’t want you to eat meat. You can’t negotiate or compromise with these zealots.

We are in this mess because the right has had this attitude for too long that these far leftists are just going through a phase and that “once people grow up and get a job then they’ll change” but it’s not happening.

MrMorden 43 points ago +45 / -2

More proof why they keep winning. The right needs to stop taking the fucking high road. 13 troons were able to do that. Meanwhile the right is like “well free speech….” These people hate you. Stop trying to find common ground.

MrMorden 8 points ago +8 / -0

I just started watching Side Scrollers not that long ago and I don’t really think it’s a scam. Craig explains why he is doing it. If you pay you can nominate and vote for the games. It’s like other people have said it’s to avoid people coming in and mass voting for something so a game like Dustborn wins GOTY and on the other end prevents having corporate sponsors brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

I personally couldn’t care about the entire concept of award shows. I play games when I get around to them and I don’t care about what’s the current thing to play. However, there is enough wrong with Keighley’s show that at least it’s something. Like apparently this year they hid who is actually the nominating and voting for the games. Now if you believe this other show is a scam or not is up to you but I think Craig is trying in good faith whether it succeeds or not.

MrMorden 9 points ago +9 / -0

Also urinalists: “bUt BuT bUt bLaCK mYtH iS tHe LoWeSt rAtEd GaMe EvEr nOmiNaTeD fOr GoTy reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair Jaguar doesn’t even make cars anymore. They have a few SUVs. Also if I’m not mistaken they said they just weren’t going to sell a 2025 model year as they try to figure things out.

Jag did a good job reinventing themselves back in 2009. I got a XF after I saw it on Top Gear. The problem was as the market shifted what was contemporary luxury in ‘09 was in ‘19. Now Jag is on the back foot again much like Maserati or Lincoln where it’s always chasing what was. This ad was stupid but at least they didn’t do what Cadillac did which was just try to be Mercedes and BMW. Because no one wanted a tarted up Chevy with a name thats just letters and numbers with no meaning behind them.

MrMorden 10 points ago +10 / -0

It’s because the people ruining it are disingenuous. They don’t care about comics, video games, anime, etc. It just that it’s popular now so they are moving in. Having grown up in the 90s I always find it funny when they make the claim girls were unwelcome in these spaces. Girls avoided those spaces. The reality is if group of girls came up and said he we want to hang out and play video games or watch anime with you guys I doubt they would be turned away unless it was because it was an obvious set up. What’s even more amazing is these invaders managed to turn Star Wars from a billion dollar franchise to one that rivals the sci fi Shylock featured on MST3K.

MrMorden 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I need a laugh I always go back to that Golden Globes where Ricky Gervais was the host and called them out on Weinstein.

It’s amazing though how many people come out and say after the fact “oh yeah X being a massive sexual predator was an open secret.” But like you said they were happy to whore themselves out for their 15 mins. Or in some cases their parents were happy to do it for them.

MrMorden 5 points ago +5 / -0

No you don’t understand. That abomination is trying to “help” all those confused minors. The Gaystapo would never groom and prey on kids.

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