ModsAreAIDS 23 points ago +23 / -0


Suicidal altruism meets the reality of diversity. Hilarity ensues. Now where did I put that tiny violin?

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +5 / -1

Should have played that one straight without the sarcasm tag. I would have, if you didn't beat me to this one.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't know how anyone can listen to her speak for more than ten seconds. She could be reading Shakespeare and it wouldn't matter. Her voice alone is ear bleedingly awful. And then you add in the commie pablum as delivered by a retard, and you get an audio assault that is potent enough to use on prisoners in Gitmo.

This woman is repulsive at the lizard brain level.

ModsAreAIDS 25 points ago +25 / -0

just can't understand how a man that does sewing is considered more desirable then a man fishing

Like everything else, ignore what they say, watch what they do. Women will universally claim that they want caring, sensitive guys who will talk about their feelings, and then immediately ignore them to go chase after Chad Thundercock and Tyrone BigDickerson. Women don't talk to convey information. They only do it to increase their social status. Everything out of their mouths is just manipulative noise.

Women are idiots.

ModsAreAIDS 7 points ago +7 / -0

The government gives Casey the green light to kill Chuck if he has to after they are working together IIRC. In the first couple of episodes too.

ModsAreAIDS 9 points ago +9 / -0

Considering that schools were straight up saying that they were going to just find other ways to do it anyway after the SC ruling, anyone who thinks it isn't still happening is naive.

ModsAreAIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

If people keep buying AAA garbage even after these "features" are added, then they deserve every fucking bit of it. Gamers can start putting their money where their mouth is and stop rewarding this behavior, or they can STFU and enjoy it. I'm tired of all of their bitching, when they are the ones funding it all.

ModsAreAIDS 19 points ago +19 / -0

Harris voters are mostly dead or digital and aren't capable of switching sides. It makes perfect sense that he would steal more actual votes from Trump.

ModsAreAIDS 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think normies can learn, just not from the mistakes of others. They are the kind of people who have to touch the hot stove themselves.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +12 / -0

Try to find a single policy position on her official website. She is complete astroturf.

ModsAreAIDS 42 points ago +44 / -2

Want to know the best way to create white supremacists? Throw a bunch of white people in jail where they will be attacked for their skin color and are forced to group together for protection.

I don't think they have done the math here. This only works when small numbers of "far right" people are made an example of for the others. But as soon as you throw hundreds of them in there all at once, it becomes self-defeating.

But knowing their cops, they probably have a bunch of white prison guards in there ready to crack skulls at the first sign of collaboration by the whites, while they sit back and let the muslim gangs run wild.

ModsAreAIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Attempting to fix Star Wars without fixing Disney is akin to saying that the Cleveland Browns are just a few draft picks away from winning the Super Bowl. They aren't. The "draft picks" don't matter, because the ownership making them doesn't know what the fuck they are doing.

ModsAreAIDS 8 points ago +8 / -0

The very concept of IQ was raycisss to them. But we are now at the "it's happening and it's a good thing" stage of the propaganda.

ModsAreAIDS 5 points ago +7 / -2

My house is the most racist building I have ever seen. I mean, the thing is just shameless. I don't know where it picked up such views. Niggers, rule16s, wetbacks, street shitters, and gooks should probably stay far away, for their own protection.

Oh yeah, and so should the Dutch.

Edit: forgot one

ModsAreAIDS 8 points ago +8 / -0

Fromsoft combat has lock-on, and every attack is telegraphed so the player can react. I don't see why you have such a problem with it.

And I love me some Zelda, but the combat from those games is not at all what makes them great. Zelda games are about exploration and puzzle solving. The combat is almost an afterthought.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dom uses projection.

It's not very effective.

ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +11 / -0

Color grading and lighting is used to set the "mood" of a scene, and there are all sorts of psychological tricks that they will use to make it effective.

I haven't seen that movie in decades, and I'm far from an expert on film making, but I would guess that the color grading they used fell out of style due to Hollywood's more recent tendency to stick with the copy/paste approach of using what "works" until they beat it to death.

ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +12 / -1

Disney has much bigger problems than just LucasFilm. Just turning Star Wars around isn't enough to save them. Lurker is right. Disney's real problem is their board of directors and their executives.

ModsAreAIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

The EU and UK can bitch all they want. As long as Elon isn't stupid enough to set foot within their borders, there is nothing they can do to him. Extradition only applies when both countries have the same law. The US has the first amendment, ergo European politicians and law enforcement can get fucked.

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