posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +25 / -13

I just had a horrific thought, if AAA studios are retarded enough to go with 24/7 transcript monitoring of voice chat and kernel level access to people's PCs for anti-cheat, they are going to be retarded enough to start charging people money for the privilege of accessing moderated servers. One thing that's getting very noticeable with the discussion around matchmaking is the understandable complaining about cheating because of all the damn script kiddies running around that are in the matches every 5 seconds.

Will they do the intelligent thing of making private matches and servers more configurable and allow people to police their own content online freely? No, that's not how developers think silly, they're going to charge a monthly fee for multiplayer servers or alternatively and here's something far worse than that I'm thinking of. They're going to have different tiers of pricing where you'll have the standard free servers, maybe moderated servers depending on how much and then for the 'pros' they'll really talk this up too as part of their marketing to sucker in all the try hards into paying for it who will inevitably be paying for the staff of blue hairs and Indians who will check reports 24/7.

I'm fucking calling it, yes this is a fever dream but I'm convinced they will do this and they will milk normie gamers who will praise it. The reason I think this is because loads of normies already try to convince people to go onto the FaceIt third party app for Counter-Strike. Oh and as an added bonus they're probably going to make you link your real identity among other things to the more premium servers they will offer as an 'option'.

Multiplayer gaming solved you guys, enjoy your dystopian surveillance state :)