Mischief_Maven 3 points ago +3 / -0

Leftist fret of empathy is thoughtless and inconsiderate kvetching, a preachy performance advertised for the sake of stage, as stable and unswayed as a wacky inflatable tubeman.

Like Narcissus, white leftists are enamored with the shallow reflection of themselves, or better yet expressed as transfixed with the idea of themselves rather than loving themselves; which in there lies an important distinction. One grateful for their own life would never scorn their own kind with such zealotry. Instead, the golems resigned to moral perversion feigned as righteousness. To be a loxist leftist is to be a louse soused within aggrandized delusions, attempting to spare themselves by submerging others in their stead. Their collective narcissism is societal suicide.

Mischief_Maven 2 points ago +2 / -0

Between dogshit DEI narratives, exorbitant development costs, ballooning development cycles, inflating prices, and a mass grave of unfinished live-service slop, Sony cannot see how precarious its position is.

Mischief_Maven 1 point ago +1 / -0

DEI incompetence serves as plausible deniability for the deepstate mafia to gaslight the public. It's a funny distraction for people unable to accept how deep malice has seeped in our institutions like rot.

by Daucus9
Mischief_Maven 2 points ago +2 / -0

At least we can fall back on the animated adaption of the Hobbit and the video game from 2003.

Mischief_Maven 19 points ago +21 / -2

Their atheism is their religion.

Government is their god, and the press are their preachers. They're a thoroughly subverted legion.

Mischief_Maven 9 points ago +9 / -0

You''re okay ceding control over your browser under the false pretense of safety? You're fine with being exposed to malvertising? You want an Internet where you won't be able to block tracking?

Mischief_Maven 11 points ago +11 / -0

You really believe that it's to apply just for that?

Mischief_Maven 9 points ago +9 / -0

Right now we can only speculate what's going on between Waterfox and System1. But what's clear is that the browser is independent again. I suggested it as an option so people won't have their internet experience ruined by extension blocking.

Mischief_Maven 13 points ago +13 / -0

Everybody should be using Waterfox or Pale Moon, if they weren't already.

Mischief_Maven 8 points ago +8 / -0

The phrases you provided are examples of gaslighting as a means to bypass debate. It could be from useful idiots, shills, or bots (Chat gpt is retarded regarding contextual information). Either way, the ones behind it are batshit insane narcissistic types operating in a cult. Nothing drives them over the deep end like mockery and exposure of the truth.

Mischief_Maven 11 points ago +11 / -0

Disney had one job; Bring the old cast back together for one last hurrah. The consumers may have forgiven everything else if they did so. Instead, they made every wrong decision in the Mickey Mouse trilogy. The damage done is permanent. The story is tarnished. No reason to care for any Star Wars media, since it all leads to that trilogy.

I'm glad they distanced themselves from the EU, rather than wrecking that, too. Funnily enough, the worst parts of the EU inspired their franchise killing trilogy. Now they're crawling back to the beloved stories, hoping you lavish gratitude for crumbs while rewriting them for their terrible OCs. I guarantee the mickey mouse version of Heir to the Empire will be dreck.

Mischief_Maven 3 points ago +3 / -0

Collapse is a slow, weathering crumble, before giving way to the sudden demolition. Withering of America by the fabians is near finished. The fiat ponzi and social security are nearing designed demise. Our values are inverted and subverted. Fools plead to government for guidance and support, rewarding depravity and spurning our pioneering spirit which led us thus far. The American republic is already dead and brought full circle; What started as a refuge for Britain's political dissidents has morphed into moral tyranny prosecuting political dissidence as its greatest transgression befitting inordinate retribution.

For thousands of years, western civilization has stood at the pinnacle. To think it could all fail so swift in one generation of useful idiots... Regard all those NPCs we mock as the Woke, as also the foretold legion. I find any existing definition of woke dissatisfying and nowhere near damning enough.

I identify Woke as a state of raving stupor induced by higher indoctrination to betray one's people, to defect one's nation, and to embrace being a quisling, by groveling in smug inevitability that socialist utopia can be marched to by canceling and progressive stacking the bodies high enough.

Mischief_Maven 6 points ago +6 / -0

Imagine being stupid enough to believe deflection is a sound strategy to safeguard groomers. Only leftists are that brain damaged.

Mischief_Maven 2 points ago +2 / -0

Narcissists are voids, hence why they yearn for dominance on a divine scale. Vapid latria drives them like junkies seeking a fix. The slightest dissent leaves them screeching, as they covet paltry praise but make due aiming at a mark with wanton choler. Simplest proof is exposing the anointed image staged in their own being as a false idol. Those who see beyond the brittle mask must be smashed, lest the soulless husks face their true selves. Narcissists use marks as proxies for self-scorn while being engrossed by the ideal idea of themselves. Of course they are to the angelic as what the antichrist is to the messiah. Expecting repent from one is akin to wringing a stone for blood. They are utterly incapable of introspection and should be considered beyond salvation.

Mischief_Maven 1 point ago +1 / -0

The collective narcissism is consumed within the now, unable to conceive an abstract future and too slothful to reflect on recorded past. Fleeting feelings determine their reality. They're incapable of critical thought, let alone scrutinizing the intentions of the man behind the machine. Damned fools, mistaking sophistry as intelligence. And this is what they believe will usher in their delusions of utopia? It'd be hilarious if they weren't hellbent on laying waste to western civilization for centuries to come.

No wonder the globalists deemed there are too many useless eaters. Even funnier is the venn diagram for those consoomers and globohomo bootlickers is almost a perfect overlap.

Mischief_Maven 6 points ago +6 / -0

2008 fundamentally broke society, and Trump's existence whipped the progressive prigs into a permanent psychotic break. Everyone knows the nu-roaring twenties is a splurge party at the expense of a tomorrow prigs and normies no longer consider. The hangover, hopefully, will be the demise of Weimerica and the degenerate vassals.

The rest of the world will flee from the dollar when the printers spin up again. They already have one foot out the door with the death of the petrodollar and gold gathering. Much of the world hates the socialist sophistry, identity cancer, weaponizing of SWIFT, and chutzpah of the baizou. When Weimerica looses global reserve status, hyperinflation comes home to roost.

Mischief_Maven 9 points ago +9 / -0

Writing by committee is already soulless, so no one would notice. That isn't even addressing the frenzied zealotry engorged by the envious wrath of collective narcissism. Hollywoke writers naval gaze far too deeply up each other's derrieres to ever slop together a cohesive narrative, so there's no differing result between AI and Hollywoke. Narcissism and storytelling go together like bleach and vinegar. These writers are hacks, but it wouldn't matter if they possessed talent, since they can't comprehend the reason stories exist.

A rock pigeon could never aspire to the weaving of a penduline tit.

Mischief_Maven 1 point ago +2 / -1

Shingeki no Kyojin. The manga was solid until the ocean scene time skip. Then it started unraveling with Garbage no-scope garbage, devolved further with nonsensical teleporting, and I completely checked out by that pathetic attempt at humor with the pie scene. I expected the zero IQ requiem ending at that point. Somehow the author created a finale so awful, it retroactively ruined the entire story.

Now it belongs in the Macbeth 5:5 club, along with other stellar studies of idiocy like Last of Us Part Deuce and the Disney trilogy.

I'd also like to shout-out the Dark Tower series. Those last three books were pure dreck distilled from the nastiest sewer sludge.

Mischief_Maven 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, you got past the obligatory "Did you know I'm a black lesbian?" pilot episode near the end of the Capaldi run?

Mischief_Maven 4 points ago +4 / -0

Adds new context to the wife's pitbull.

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