Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel the same way and put Wheel of Time on my reading list but it's December and it's the time of the year where I have more time to play video games so it's gonna have to wait.

I also thought about looking into buying "lots" of 80s-90s comics at the lowest price I can find. Doesn't matter the quality, condition, if I never heard of the titles even better. And just have fun reading comics.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I have no issue with black characters, I just don't like raceswap casting and quotabased "token" characters.

But black ex-buffalo soldiers venturing out west is more or less a classic trope now so I have no issues with it.

I'ma keep watching woke rot / diminishing returns catches up to the show.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched the first episode, not bad, it's a fun little gritty western with lots of pew pews.

I wonder if the battleaxe aunt is gonna knock boots with the black sidekick before season 2.

Edit: oh...

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Vijay Chokal-Ingam's story pretty much told me everything I need to know about privilege within the university system.

The data suggested that an Indian-American with my grades (3.1 GPA) and test scores (31 MCAT) was unlikely to gain admission to medical school, but an African-American with the same grades and test scores had a high probability of admission. While I wasn’t able to pin down the exact number, I reasonably calculated that African-American or Hispanic applicants had as much as a 30 to 40 percent better chance of acceptance than I.

So he applied twice, once as himself and once as Jojo the blackman. Same resume except the race. He got waitlisted while Jojo was accepted.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

That segment where Brock says he doesn't watch the show even when he's on the show. (First 15 seconds) confirms Brock's 1000 IQ

Jack 33 points ago +33 / -0

alt tech is the way. But I believe you should always sit at the counter in any establishment that hangs the sign that reads "no conservatives allowed"

Even if all you're doing is waste their bandwidth. (and use adblock!)

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wouldn't that be Parsons? Smith's neighbor who was glad his kid denounced him for (presumably) saying negative things about the party in his sleep.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't watch TV and use ad block, I know I shouldn't care but did they make a commercial where the green and brown M&M are in a romantic relationship?

Is that really a thing?

edit: It was a thing. 2017 M&M posted that on Twitter.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if this could work as bait, black guy taunts white people calling them traditionally racist comments against blacks. White person gets hot and uses those same slurs back or even say something benign but now offensive in 2021 like "no, this is my country!"

Black guy then reveals someone was recording their interactions and if they don't want the heavily edited footage to get on the web they'll have to offer some "reparations"

Not saying that's what's happening here I'm just saying I'm hitting up an old buddy of mine and see what he's up to next weekend.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

I had a nice chuckle out of that as well. I wish he made more of these and have side by side comparisons.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to give Wheel of Time a try. Do I just start with the first book? Or is there a better starting point? (i.e. better arc or a later released prequel?)

Also is the older tv series worth checking out?

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

These are the same people who made a rick roll video about 5 years after the meme died and even added an overlay stating that it's a rick roll and explains what it was.

Yeah, they didn't clickbait and link to the video. They made their own video with overlays to explain the "joke"

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

A facebook construction site?

Not facebook but there was a headline from about a week ago "Construction worker says she’s ‘too good-looking’ to be taken seriously"

Not a bad looking broad tbh but seriously, talk about first world problems.

edit: I just looked up the article and looked up her profile. NVM she's a total chub, the pics in the articles are deceiving.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

I was around something awful back during the early years and it provided me with so many hours of entertainment. I remember back in early 2003 stationed in South Korea and finding a fellow "goon" in my unit and becoming instant friends over shitty memes. And what was it? Washer and Dishwasher Maintenance Association? (a cover for Where Da Movies At). And them shitting on MDickie lead me to discover one of my favorite game maker of all time. Anyways, I stepped away around 2008ish and only found out much later how much worse it had gotten.

Fuck something awful for what it has become, but thanks for the memories. If Lowtax is dead I'ma pour one out for him tonight.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

We kid about President Trump being the GEOTUS. But ironically, it's President Biden who's getting the God Emperor treatment.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

My guess is the mission where you kill OG Loc's... "prison boyfiend" is gonna need some revision.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blonde has a mannish face. She along with the Asian and brown girl could've dressed better but she was the worst dressed, borderline frumpy.

Brown girl is cute but would be a better if she was maybe 10-15 pounds lighter or workout and get toned.

Black girl is also cute but not a fan of the Wario nose.

Asian girl isn't my type. I'm sure some white dude would be all over that girl, dollars to doughnuts if I go to her social media page she's dated nothing but white boys. I like Asian girls, skinny Korean or Taiwanese for me.

Jack 19 points ago +20 / -1

It must be a real culture shock coming from a place where nothing happens when you rape someone to a country where you could get your ass thrown in prison because a girl regrets her decisions. All I can say is:

Welcome to America pal.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ferengi: the threshold for thottery has never been this low!

Also, my condolences.

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