Data is here, I've been watching this for a couple of weeks now. Scroll down to the graph dashboard and pick 'weekly number of deaths by age', then click update dashboard. You'll get this exact graph and can mouse over the graph to get more detailed breakdowns by week.
We're in week 46, all the orange lines look so low at the end because CDC only gets ~60% of the data after two weeks. They depend on local entities to report dead people to them. Death totals should be nearly accurate by 8 weeks.
The area for the past few months in orange vs the red line of covid from this time last year; that aint covid, boys. Some of it is overdoses, and some of it is suicide, but its mostly adverse reactions. The area under the orange and above the red constitutes approximately 120k working age Americans that died above and beyond what Covid took out last year. And for some reason it isn't newsworthy. That hump in 45-64? The peak there is 16k dead when the norm is 10k. Hardly worth mentioning, really.
Anyway, I've been bidding on estate sales, lots more of those for previous owners who obviously weren't ancient. I've scored a badass arcade control panel made of steel for $40, a trio of 1440p gaming monitors for $6, a huge box of physical copies of PC games from the 90s and early 00s for $21. I bid on a gaming laptop but didn't win that one.
Keep your eyes open folks, there's some quality shit going up with this spike. Don't feel bad about vulturing the vaxmaxxed, they literally chose this. Also, it's clown world. There's nothing else you can do but put on a red nose and play video games. Anything more violates rule 2.
Data is here, I've been watching this for a couple of weeks now. Scroll down to the graph dashboard and pick 'weekly number of deaths by age', then click update dashboard. You'll get this exact graph and can mouse over the graph to get more detailed breakdowns by week.
We're in week 46, all the orange lines look so low at the end because CDC only gets ~60% of the data after two weeks. They depend on local entities to report dead people to them. Death totals should be nearly accurate by 8 weeks.
The area for the past few months in orange vs the red line of covid from this time last year; that aint covid, boys. Some of it is overdoses, and some of it is suicide, but its mostly adverse reactions. The area under the orange and above the red constitutes approximately 120k working age Americans that died above and beyond what Covid took out last year. And for some reason it isn't newsworthy. That hump in 45-64? The peak there is 16k dead when the norm is 10k. Hardly worth mentioning, really.
Anyway, I've been bidding on estate sales, lots more of those for previous owners who obviously weren't ancient. I've scored a badass arcade control panel made of steel for $40, a trio of 1440p gaming monitors for $6, a huge box of physical copies of PC games from the 90s and early 00s for $21. I bid on a gaming laptop but didn't win that one.
Keep your eyes open folks, there's some quality shit going up with this spike. Don't feel bad about vulturing the vaxmaxxed, they literally chose this. Also, it's clown world. There's nothing else you can do but put on a red nose and play video games. Anything more violates rule 2.
Dumb question, but where do you go to find estate sales?
Sometimes nextdoor depending on the neighborhood.