Remember when they burned down a Wendy’s and people were forced to behave like it was some kind of serious act
I think the real answer is because there’s no money in it.
Damn. I remember this dude having some pretty good takes
4 years of “you’re a queen” vs 4 years of “you’re the problem”
Fellas, is it gay to find the gay lisp comforting in a service setting?
I think she’s legit, but she’s also a boomer and a US Congressman. We’re at a point where we gotta accept that folks in real positions of institutional power aren’t in on the larp
Rebuild was sick, but I personally couldn’t see past the robots fighting for most of it. There’s some good YouTube videos out there that explain the themes and it’s kinda amazing how well it was done imo
The city stated that the program is only for individuals who meet a poverty threshold.
LA tried a similar program a while back and the grift is that the super poor targeted by these things aren’t likely to be the types to wait in line and do a bunch of complicated paperwork. They’re too busy bussing tables and taking public transit to and from work for this to be on their radar. Either that or they’re mentally ill transients.
Oligarchs?! Those are only in Russia, right?
Same. I think he escaped the spotlight right before race politics got as crazy as they are now, and in the interim we let John Stewart nostalgia kinda run crazy like the fake woke types do with George Bush.
Moms. This is all to attract the attention of middle class moms that spend all their time in gay places online, or corporate places but that’s become the same thing.
The moms do the buying.
Literally the plot of all Ayn Rand’s books
Netflix always cheaps out and their shows are always animated at like 5fps. I’d hope that legit anime talent wouldn’t want to be associated if they could help it but I don’t really follow the va scene
Someone help me with this. I feel like normal cars were in the $20-$27K range and normie luxury cars were $30-$37K pretty much all my life. There’s a steady upward trend but it’s been fairly stable for like 20+ years. Am I wrong?
POV: you’re a low ranking Scientologist and you accidentally made eye contact with will smith during the Thorpe ceremony or whatever
Based Dr. Knows this is a white woman thing
He might get elected and once again nothing of note will be accomplished as just enough Republicans will have cultivated an acceptable reason to fight with him.
Dumb people love an obnoxious word salad. Makes them feel smart by association
I dunno. My understanding is Disney pay is shit in general and you’ve got to be something of a fan for it to be worth it.
Blame it all on global warming and then step in to save the day and feed everyone bugs
Horrific, but an improvement on the US News’ Black/Not-black hierarchy
What does this woman have on these people?
DOOM the movie but it’s a halo tv show. Sad
“And you will shall be left behind…”
Unironically peak storytelling
Pigs’ll be white and all the other animals will be black, queer and female.